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Презентация на тему Independent work

My future profession
Independent workTheme: At the instituteDone by: Embergenov N. SChecked by: Kosbatyrova N. My future profession Plan:1. My future profession is a doctor2.My choice My future profession    There are many interesting MY CHOICE	I know that this job is quite difficult and I must TEST1. Why I did choose this profession? a) my own THANK S A LOT FOR ATTENTION!!!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 My future profession

My future profession

Слайд 3 Plan:
1. My future profession is a doctor
2.My choice

Plan:1. My future profession is a doctor2.My choice

Слайд 4 My future profession

My future profession  There are many interesting and noble

are many interesting and noble professions. I want to

be a doctor. It is an interesting profession.
I understand that it is necessary to study a lot to become a doctor. I also understand that this profession requires great responsibility because it deals with the most precious thing that a person has — with his health.


I know that this job is quite

MY CHOICE	I know that this job is quite difficult and I

difficult and I must know a lot of things.

But I am not afraid of any difficulties. Besides a good doctor should be not only well-educated. He must be careful, polite and attentive. A good doctor should take care of their patients and try always to help them. My parents have no doubt that this is the right decision.

Слайд 6 TEST

1. Why I did choose this

TEST1. Why I did choose this profession? a) my own

a) my own choose; b) my father said;

c) my sister said; d) my mother said
2. What are main qualities of doctor?
a) kind heart; b) bad mind; c) unclear; d) bad
3. What do our profession require?
a) do the good things; b) do the bad things;

  • Имя файла: independent-work.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 104
  • Количество скачиваний: 0