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Презентация на тему Lesson 2 awesome20/10/2011

Burning the hole in the pocket Want to spend Money as soon as possible =
Lesson 2  AWESOME  20/10/2011 Burning the hole in the pocket Want to spend Money as soon as possible = To Sit on the fenceDelay making a Decision between two options.= Back to square oneWork on a plan from the beginning again= To make a fortuneTo Get (earn) a huge sum of money= Fringe benefitsSmth extra you get in addition to ur pay= To be blown away by SmthIt amazes u cause it is so good = To be on the same wavelengthThink in the same way= No to see eye to eyeTo Disagree= A Cushy numberA very easy job= I slogged my guts outI worked very hard= A golden handshakeA large payment top manager get when he leaves his job= Going great guns Doing smth very successfully= Shot sky-high Rose dramatically= Blue-sky thinking Creative thinking= To think outside the boxTo think in an original way= Apple a day keeps doctors away Thx
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Burning the hole in the pocket
Want to

Burning the hole in the pocket Want to spend Money as soon as possible =

spend Money as soon as possible

Слайд 3 To Sit on the fence
Delay making a Decision

To Sit on the fenceDelay making a Decision between two options.=

between two options.

Слайд 4 Back to square one
Work on a plan from

Back to square oneWork on a plan from the beginning again=

the beginning again

Слайд 5 To make a fortune
To Get (earn) a huge

To make a fortuneTo Get (earn) a huge sum of money=

sum of money

Слайд 6 Fringe benefits
Smth extra you get in addition to

Fringe benefitsSmth extra you get in addition to ur pay=

ur pay

Слайд 7 To be blown away by Smth
It amazes u

To be blown away by SmthIt amazes u cause it is so good =

cause it is so good

Слайд 8 To be on the same wavelength
Think in the

To be on the same wavelengthThink in the same way=

same way

Слайд 9 No to see eye to eye
To Disagree

No to see eye to eyeTo Disagree=

Слайд 10 A Cushy number
A very easy job

A Cushy numberA very easy job=

Слайд 11 I slogged my guts out
I worked very hard

I slogged my guts outI worked very hard=

Слайд 12 A golden handshake
A large payment top manager get

A golden handshakeA large payment top manager get when he leaves his job=

when he leaves his job

Слайд 13 Going great guns
Doing smth very successfully

Going great guns Doing smth very successfully=

Слайд 14 Shot sky-high
Rose dramatically

Shot sky-high Rose dramatically=

Слайд 15 Blue-sky thinking
Creative thinking

Blue-sky thinking Creative thinking=

Слайд 16 To think outside the box
To think in an

To think outside the boxTo think in an original way=

original way

Слайд 17 Apple a day keeps doctors away

Apple a day keeps doctors away

  • Имя файла: lesson-2-awesome20102011.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 126
  • Количество скачиваний: 0
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