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Презентация на тему River thames

River Thames
LONDON River Thames The CityWestminster LondonWest EndEast End The City The Stock ExchangeBank of London Tower of London The Crown Jewelsarms and armour The BeefeatersThe Ravens St. Paul’s Cathedral Westminster Palace of Westminster London eye The Houses of ParliamentBig Ben Buckingham PalaceQueen Westminster Abbey The West End Trafalgar SquareLord Nelson’s statue the National Gallery The British Museum Library The East End Working class people Please name this place!Big Ben Buckingham Palace the British Museum the House of Parliament the Tower of London The Queen of Britain Elizabeth II RIGHT OR WRONG1. London is one of the largest cities in the -What river is London situated?  -What parts does the UK Do you know these famous people? Thank you for your participation!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 River Thames

River Thames

Слайд 3 The City
West End
East End

The CityWestminster LondonWest EndEast End

Слайд 4 The City

The City

Слайд 5 The Stock Exchange
Bank of London

The Stock ExchangeBank of London

Слайд 6 Tower of London

Tower of London

Слайд 7 The Crown Jewels
arms and armour

The Crown Jewelsarms and armour

Слайд 8 The Beefeaters
The Ravens

The BeefeatersThe Ravens

Слайд 9 St. Paul’s Cathedral

St. Paul’s Cathedral

Слайд 10 Westminster


Слайд 11 Palace of Westminster

Palace of Westminster

Слайд 12 London eye

London eye

Слайд 13 The Houses of Parliament
Big Ben

The Houses of ParliamentBig Ben

Слайд 14 Buckingham Palace

Buckingham PalaceQueen

Слайд 15 Westminster Abbey

Westminster Abbey

Слайд 16 The West End

The West End

Слайд 17 Trafalgar Square
Lord Nelson’s statue

Trafalgar SquareLord Nelson’s statue

Слайд 18 the National Gallery

the National Gallery

Слайд 19 The British

The British Museum Library

Слайд 20 The East End
Working class people

The East End Working class people

Слайд 21 Please name this place!
Big Ben

Please name this place!Big Ben

Слайд 22 Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace

Слайд 23 the British Museum

the British Museum

Слайд 24 the House of Parliament

the House of Parliament

Слайд 25 the Tower of London

the Tower of London

Слайд 26 The Queen of Britain
Elizabeth II

The Queen of Britain Elizabeth II

1. London is one of the

RIGHT OR WRONG1. London is one of the largest cities in

largest cities in the world.

Right Wrong
2. Buckingham Palace is the official London residence of the British monarch.
Right Wrong
3. Big Ben is the largest clock tower in the world.
Right Wrong
4. Without eagles the Tower of London will fall.
Right Wrong

Слайд 28 -What river is London situated? -What parts does

-What river is London situated? -What parts does the UK

the UK consist of ? - What was the

name of a magic school in which Harry Potter studied? - What English poet and writer composed beautiful poems called sonnets ?

Слайд 29 Do you know these famous people?

Do you know these famous people?

  • Имя файла: river-thames.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 166
  • Количество скачиваний: 0