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Презентация на тему Simulacra and simulation

What does it means?Simulacrum (plural: simulacra) from Latin: simulacrummeans "likeness, similarity„first recorded in the English language in the 16th century
Simulacra  and Simulation Made by: Artsiom Sidarchuk What does it means?Simulacrum (plural: simulacra)      from Plato - Two kinds of image-making (Sophist)Nietzsche - Distorted copy of reality Jean BaudrillardSimulacres et Simulation  most known for its discussion of symbols, Sign-OrderThe sacramental order Types of simulacra connected with Historical periodsPremodern period  representation is clearly Caused PhenomenaUrbanizationLanguage and ideologyMultinational capitalismContemporary media The Gulf War Did Not Take PlaceWere the events that took place
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 What does it means?
Simulacrum (plural: simulacra)

What does it means?Simulacrum (plural: simulacra)   from Latin: simulacrummeans

from Latin: simulacrum

means "likeness, similarity„

first recorded

in the English language in the 16th century

Слайд 3
Plato - Two kinds of image-making (Sophist)

Nietzsche -

Plato - Two kinds of image-making (Sophist)Nietzsche - Distorted copy of

Distorted copy of reality (The Twilight of the Idols)


Baudrillard - The hyperreal (Simulacres et Simulation)

Gilles Deleuze - System with no prior identity, no internal resemblance ( (Difference and Repetition)

Intellectual Track

Слайд 4 Jean Baudrillard
Simulacres et Simulation
most known for

Jean BaudrillardSimulacres et Simulation most known for its discussion of symbols,

its discussion of symbols, signs, and how they relate

to contemporaneity (simultaneous existences)

copies that depict things that either had no reality to begin with, or that no longer have an original

the imitation of the operation of a real-world process or system over time

Слайд 5 Sign-Order
The sacramental order

Sign-OrderThe sacramental order     - a faithful image/copyThe

- a faithful image/copy

The order

of maleficence
- perversion of reality

The order of sorcery
- absence of a profound reality

Pure simulation
- no relationship to any reality whatsoever

Слайд 6 Types of simulacra connected with Historical periods
Premodern period

Types of simulacra connected with Historical periodsPremodern period representation is clearly

representation is clearly an artificial placemarker for the

real item

Modernity of the Industrial Revolution
distinctions between representation and reality break down

Postmodernity of Late Capitalism
distinction between reality and representation vanishes

Слайд 7 Caused Phenomena
Language and ideology
Multinational capitalism
Contemporary media

Caused PhenomenaUrbanizationLanguage and ideologyMultinational capitalismContemporary media

Слайд 8 The Gulf War Did Not Take Place
Were the

The Gulf War Did Not Take PlaceWere the events that took

events that took place comparable to how they were

presented, and could these events be called a war?

Part 1, "The Gulf War will not take place" was published in Liberation on January 4, 1991
Part 2, "The Gulf War is not really taking place" was published in Liberation on February 6, 1991
Part 3, "The Gulf War did not take place" was published in Liberation on March 29, 1991

  • Имя файла: simulacra-and-simulation.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 122
  • Количество скачиваний: 0