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Презентация на тему The role of kinship in helping behavior among white-fronted bee-eaters


The aim of the study is to examine the role of kinship in helping decisions made by white fronted bee-eaters.
The Role of Kinship in helping behavior among  white-fronted bee-eatersGroup 3 The aim of the study is to examine the role of Source of the Data:Five year observation of color-marked and genealogically known Background of the Study How often do bee-eaters help each other?Helping-at-the-nest is frequent, with half (50%) How bee-eaters help?When a bee-eater becomes a helper, it attaches itself to Who helps more: male or female bee-eaters?Males and females contribute almost equally How bee-eaters become helpers?White-fronted bee-eater helpers come from the ranks of breeders 3 key research questions  of the study:Whether or not to become Whether or not to become a helper?that is the question Whether or not to become a helper?According to the Hamilton’s equation 3 Testing the Benefit VariableMore individuals should become helpers when the magnitude of Testing the Benefit VariableMore individuals should become helpers when the magnitude of Benefit Variable Analysis ResultsThe relationship between number of helpers and fledging success Testing the Costs VariableMore individuals should become helpers when the cost to Testing the Costs VariableEnergeticcosts for helping If the case of an initial Testing the Costs VariableEnergetic costs for helping Two categories of helpers:Low-EffortHigh-EffortHelpers that Costs Variable Analysis ResultsEnergetic costs for helping Low-effort helpers demonstrated higher conditional Testing the Costs VariableDelayed breeding costsTwo categories of helpers:Low CostHigh CostPaired BirdsSingle Birds Costs Variable Analysis ResultsPaired birds were significantly less likely to become helpers Testing the Kinship VariableEergetic costs for helping If the case of an Kinship Variable Analysis ResultsDecreasing the coefficient of relatedness decrease probability of helping behavior. Less RelatedLess Help Kinship Variable Analysis ResultsThe non-incestuous nature of pair-bonding in bee-eaters clans creates Kinship Variable Analysis ResultsNatal members receive much more helping, than unrelated mates Whom to help? Whom to help? Whom to help?Expected probabilities of helping based on:- Direct proportion of available Whom to help?The average relatedness between helper and nestlings being helped was How much help to provide? How much help to provide?Does kinship predict the amount of aid bee-eaters will provide?? How much help to provide?In bee-eaters, the major contribution of helping is How much help to provide?The model included ten independent variables:WeatherSeason insect availabilityAge How much help to provide?The model explained only 34% of varianceGenetic relatedness Thank you for your attention!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The aim of the study is to

The aim of the study is to examine the role

examine the role of kinship in helping decisions made

by white fronted bee-eaters.

Слайд 3 Source of the Data:
Five year observation of

Source of the Data:Five year observation of color-marked and genealogically

color-marked and genealogically known population of white fronted bee-eaters

in Kenya.

Слайд 5 Background of the Study

Background of the Study

Слайд 6 How often do bee-eaters help each other?
Helping-at-the-nest is

How often do bee-eaters help each other?Helping-at-the-nest is frequent, with half

frequent, with half (50%) of all nesting attempts being

attended by one or more helpers in addition to the breeding pair.
The average number of helpers at nests with helpers is 1.52 (Emlen 1988).


Слайд 7 How bee-eaters help?
When a bee-eater becomes a helper,

How bee-eaters help?When a bee-eater becomes a helper, it attaches itself

it attaches itself to one nesting group and assists

at only that one nest until either the young fledge or the nesting attempt fails.
If young fledge, the helper generally continues to feed the fledglings during their transition to independence.


Слайд 8 Who helps more: male or female bee-eaters?
Males and

Who helps more: male or female bee-eaters?Males and females contribute almost

females contribute almost equally to the pool of helpers,

53 percent being female (Emlen 1988). Further, the likelihood that any given bird becomes a helper is independent of gender. There was no sexual bias in the probability of helping for any category of natal potential helper.


Слайд 9 How bee-eaters become helpers?
White-fronted bee-eater helpers come from

How bee-eaters become helpers?White-fronted bee-eater helpers come from the ranks of

the ranks of breeders as well as non-breeders. When

a nesting attempt fails, it is common for one (and rarely both) breeders to shift and become "redirected helpers" at another nest within the clan (Emlen 1981, 1988).


Слайд 10 3 key research questions of the study:
Whether or

3 key research questions of the study:Whether or not to become

not to become a helper?
Whom to help?
How much help

to provide?

How they decide…

Слайд 11 Whether or not to become a helper?
that is

Whether or not to become a helper?that is the question

the question

Слайд 12 Whether or not to become a helper?
According to

Whether or not to become a helper?According to the Hamilton’s equation

the Hamilton’s equation
3 specific predictions follow:
More individuals

should become helpers when the magnitude of the benefit realized by the recipient is large

More individuals should become helpers when the cost to the donor of providing aid is small

More individuals should become helpers when the coefficient of relatedness between recipient and donor is large

Слайд 13 Testing the Benefit Variable
More individuals should become helpers

Testing the Benefit VariableMore individuals should become helpers when the magnitude

when the magnitude of the benefit realized by the

recipient is large

Cumulated Aid

Benefit of recipient

Слайд 14 Testing the Benefit Variable
More individuals should become helpers

Testing the Benefit VariableMore individuals should become helpers when the magnitude

when the magnitude of the benefit realized by the

recipient is large

Number of helpers

Cumulated Aid received by recipient

Additional benefit from each additional helper





Слайд 15 Benefit Variable Analysis Results
The relationship between number of

Benefit Variable Analysis ResultsThe relationship between number of helpers and fledging

helpers and fledging success was linear:

0.44 off-spring per additional


Nestlings continue to benefit from increasing number of helpers and observed helper number has rarely reached the point of diminishing returns

Prediction of decreasing likelihood of becoming helper cannot be tested with this species

Слайд 16 Testing the Costs Variable
More individuals should become helpers

Testing the Costs VariableMore individuals should become helpers when the cost

when the cost to the donor of providing aid

is small

Two types of costs were examined

Energetic costs for helping

Deferring one’s own reproduction

Слайд 17 Testing the Costs Variable
Energeticcosts for helping
If the

Testing the Costs VariableEnergeticcosts for helping If the case of an

case of an initial nest failure bee-eaters either renest

or become helpers at other ongoing nests.

Also some bee-eaters nest a second time after successful fledging first broods of young.

Слайд 18 Testing the Costs Variable
Energetic costs for helping

Testing the Costs VariableEnergetic costs for helping Two categories of helpers:Low-EffortHigh-EffortHelpers

categories of helpers:
Helpers that had not participated in any

previous nesting attempt that season or that had failed early in their first nesting attempt

Helpers that had involved in any successful nesting attempt that had reached the point of feeding young.

Слайд 19 Costs Variable Analysis Results
Energetic costs for helping

Costs Variable Analysis ResultsEnergetic costs for helping Low-effort helpers demonstrated higher

helpers demonstrated higher conditional probabilities of helping that birds

from the High-Effort category.

This effect is significant for all kin classes (0.5, 0.25, 0.0)

Higher Costs


Слайд 20 Testing the Costs Variable
Delayed breeding costs
Two categories of

Testing the Costs VariableDelayed breeding costsTwo categories of helpers:Low CostHigh CostPaired BirdsSingle Birds

Low Cost
High Cost
Paired Birds
Single Birds

Слайд 21 Costs Variable Analysis Results
Paired birds were significantly less

Costs Variable Analysis ResultsPaired birds were significantly less likely to become

likely to become helpers than were single individuals

a spouse

Help to others

Delayed breeding costs

Слайд 22 Testing the Kinship Variable
Eergetic costs for helping

Testing the Kinship VariableEergetic costs for helping If the case of

the case of an initial nest failure bee-eaters either

renest or become helpers at other ongoing nests.

Also some bee-eaters nest a second time after successful fledging first broods of young.

More individuals should become helpers when the coefficient of relatedness between recipient and donor is large

Слайд 23 Kinship Variable Analysis Results
Decreasing the coefficient of relatedness

Kinship Variable Analysis ResultsDecreasing the coefficient of relatedness decrease probability of helping behavior. Less RelatedLess Help

decrease probability of helping behavior.
Less Related

Слайд 24 Kinship Variable Analysis Results
The non-incestuous nature of pair-bonding

Kinship Variable Analysis ResultsThe non-incestuous nature of pair-bonding in bee-eaters clans

in bee-eaters clans creates the simple kin-nonkin dichotomy within

each clan.

Clan 1

Clan 1

One member of the new pair remains in its natal plan and other (usually female) leaves its natal clan.

Слайд 25 Kinship Variable Analysis Results
Natal members receive much more

Kinship Variable Analysis ResultsNatal members receive much more helping, than unrelated

helping, than unrelated mates due to they social situation.

“Higher Social Status”


The question is that will the new (in-law member) receive the same amount of help from the members of non-natal clan?

Слайд 26 Whom to help?

Whom to help?

Слайд 27 Whom to help?

Whom to help?

Слайд 28 Whom to help?
Expected probabilities of helping based on:


Whom to help?Expected probabilities of helping based on:- Direct proportion of

Direct proportion of available recipients in the clan

Assumption that

helpers choose their recipients randomly

Observation demonstrated that:

Bee eaters are more likely to help the most closely related recipients.

Слайд 29 Whom to help?
The average relatedness between helper and

Whom to help?The average relatedness between helper and nestlings being helped

nestlings being helped was 0.33
Kin recipients were involved in

88% of the cases and the most frequent associations were among the closest kin

There were 10 instances in which helping was directed towards recipients outside of the clan. But, in 8 cases birds temporarily rejoined their natal groups to help their parents or step-parents.

Слайд 30 How much help to provide?

How much help to provide?

Слайд 31 How much help to provide?
Does kinship predict the

How much help to provide?Does kinship predict the amount of aid bee-eaters will provide??

amount of aid bee-eaters will provide?

Слайд 32 How much help to provide?
In bee-eaters, the major

How much help to provide?In bee-eaters, the major contribution of helping

contribution of helping is feeding nestlings.
Will the feeding

rate differ between relative and non-relative recipients?

Слайд 33 How much help to provide?
The model included ten

How much help to provide?The model included ten independent variables:WeatherSeason insect

independent variables:
Season insect availability
Age of young
Number of young
Group size

Helper’s sex
Pair bound status
Prior effort

Feeding Rate

Слайд 34 How much help to provide?
The model explained only

How much help to provide?The model explained only 34% of varianceGenetic

34% of variance
Genetic relatedness explained only 4% of variance

eaters did not vary their amount of help in accordance with their degree of relatedness to the recipients

  • Имя файла: the-role-of-kinship-in-helping-behavior-among-white-fronted-bee-eaters.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 99
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