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Презентация на тему Ukraine

Stereotypes:Yes I`m from Ukraine.NO it`s not part of RussiaYes I`m from Ukraine.NO it`s not in AsiaYes I`m from Ukraine.NO I`m neither cheapYes I`m from Ukraine.NO not all my software is stolenYes I`m from Ukraine.NO we don`t
Ukraine Stereotypes:Yes I`m from Ukraine.NO it`s not part of RussiaYes I`m from Ukraine.NO Old architecture is a part of our culture! What Ukrainians do for fun in the winter Traditional Ukrainian food Traditional clothes January 2014 Nowadays!!!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 3 Stereotypes:
Yes I`m from Ukraine.NO it`s not part of

Stereotypes:Yes I`m from Ukraine.NO it`s not part of RussiaYes I`m from

Yes I`m from Ukraine.NO it`s not in Asia
Yes I`m

from Ukraine.NO I`m neither cheap
Yes I`m from Ukraine.NO not all my software is stolen
Yes I`m from Ukraine.NO we don`t have snow the whole year
Yes I`m from Ukraine.NO my bones are not full of radiation
Yes I`m from Ukraine.NO Russian is not my language
Yes I`m from Ukraine.YES we wear same clothes and eat same food
Yes I`m from Ukraine.YES we have our own universities
Yes I`m from Ukraine.YES we have cellphones and internet

Слайд 4 Old architecture is a part of our culture!

Old architecture is a part of our culture!

Слайд 6 What Ukrainians do for fun in the winter

What Ukrainians do for fun in the winter

Слайд 7 Traditional Ukrainian food

Traditional Ukrainian food

Слайд 8 Traditional clothes

Traditional clothes

Слайд 10 January 2014

January 2014

Слайд 12 Nowadays!!!


  • Имя файла: ukraine.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 256
  • Количество скачиваний: 0