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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Времена года. Месяца. Повторение (3 класс)

[ʤ-ʤ-ʤ-ʤ] jump, Jack, page, cage [h–h–h–h] He had a hat on his head [θ-θ-θ-θ] three, tealthy, think, everything [ð-ð-ð-ð] this, brother, with, them, the
[ǝ–ǝ–ǝ–ǝ]  sister, father,  Peter was afraid of the river [ʤ-ʤ-ʤ-ʤ] 		jump, Jack, page, cage I COUNT [´ʤænjʊǝrı] –		[sep'tembǝ] – [meı] –			[ʤu:n] – [mɑ:tʃ] –			[dı'sembǝ] – ['ɔ:ɡǝst] –			['febrʊǝrı] – 12MONT HS – Name the spring monthsMarch April May– Name the winter months.December January The game SEASONSI’m Winter. I’m cold and snowy. My months are December, Порядковые числительныеПродолжи считать по- английски:21st,22d, …13th,14th,…SB p.70 ex.7 Complete the sentences:… is the third month of spring.… is the second Соедините вопросы и ответыDo you go to school on Saturdays?When are your A holiday- праздникHolidays - каникулыBirthday – день рожденияParty - вечеринкаGet – получатьLetter Кому адресовано письмо и от кого оно?Dear Miss Chatter,Thank you for your Скажи, когда твой день рожденияToday is the 15th of September.My birthday is HomeworkWB p. 43 ex. 3WB p. 44 ex. 4WB p. 45 ex. 3
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 [ʤ-ʤ-ʤ-ʤ]
jump, Jack, page,

[ʤ-ʤ-ʤ-ʤ] 		jump, Jack, page, cage    [h–h–h–h]


He had a hat on his head
three, tealthy, think, everything
this, brother, with, them, the

Слайд 3 I COUNT


Слайд 4 [´ʤænjʊǝrı] – [sep'tembǝ] – [meı] – [ʤu:n] –
[mɑ:tʃ] – [dı'sembǝ]

[´ʤænjʊǝrı] –		[sep'tembǝ] – [meı] –			[ʤu:n] – [mɑ:tʃ] –			[dı'sembǝ] – ['ɔ:ɡǝst] –			['febrʊǝrı]

– ['ɔ:ɡǝst] – ['febrʊǝrı] – [ɒk'tǝʊbǝ] – [nǝʊ'vembǝ] ['eıprǝl]

– [ʤʊ'laı] –

Слайд 5



Слайд 6 – Name the spring months
March April May
– Name

– Name the spring monthsMarch April May– Name the winter months.December

the winter months.
December January February
– Name the autumn months.

October November
– Name the summer months.
June July August

Слайд 7 The game SEASONS
I’m Winter. I’m cold and snowy.

The game SEASONSI’m Winter. I’m cold and snowy. My months are

My months are December, January, February. And who are

I’m Spring. I’m warm and sunny. Go away, Winter! It’s my turn. My months are March, April, May. And who are you?
I’m Autumn. I’m cool and rainy. Go away, Summer! It’s my turn. My months are September, October, November. And who are you?
I’m Summer. I’m hot and bright. Go away, Spring! It’s my turn. My months are June, July, August. And who are you?

Слайд 8 Порядковые числительные
Продолжи считать по- английски:
21st,22d, …
SB p.70 ex.7

Порядковые числительныеПродолжи считать по- английски:21st,22d, …13th,14th,…SB p.70 ex.7

Слайд 9 Complete the sentences:
… is the third month of

Complete the sentences:… is the third month of spring.… is the

… is the second month of summer.
… is the

first month of autumn.
… is the eighth month of the year.
… is the eleventh month of the year.
… is the twelf month of the year.

Слайд 10 Соедините вопросы и ответы
Do you go to school

Соедините вопросы и ответыDo you go to school on Saturdays?When are

on Saturdays?
When are your summer holidays?
Can you draw Tiny?

do You visit your granny?
Where do you like to walk in autumn?
What season do you like?

Yes, I think I can


On Sundays
In the forest

No, I don`t
In June, July and August

Слайд 11
A holiday- праздник
Holidays - каникулы
Birthday – день рождения

A holiday- праздникHolidays - каникулыBirthday – день рожденияParty - вечеринкаGet –

- вечеринка
Get – получать
Letter – письмо
Postcard – открытка
Month -

Year - год

Слайд 12 Кому адресовано письмо и от кого оно?
Dear Miss

Кому адресовано письмо и от кого оно?Dear Miss Chatter,Thank you for

Thank you for your letter. I would like
to see

you and your pupils. Would you
like to visit us? My son Jim has got a
birthday on the 10th of February.
Please come and see us.
Best wishes,
Jim`s mum

Слайд 13 Скажи, когда твой день рождения
Today is the 15th

Скажи, когда твой день рожденияToday is the 15th of September.My birthday

of September.
My birthday is on 17th of December.
When is

your birthday?

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-vremena-goda-mesyatsa-povtorenie-3-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 156
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