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Презентация на тему Игра по английскому языку на тему Celebrities


Television $100Maxim Averin and Maria Kulikova are doctors on what soap opera?
JeopardyTelevisionCelebrities SportsCelebrity Couples MusicQ $100Q $200Q $300Q $400Q $500Q $100Q $100Q $100Q Television $100Maxim Averin and Maria Kulikova are doctors on what soap opera? Television Answer $100Sklifosovskiy Television $200Which man was the most recent Bachelor? Television Answer $200 Ilia Glinnikov Television $300What is the most famous TV presenter? Television Answer $300Dmitry Nagiev Television $400Which actor plays Maxim Lavrov in the hit TV show “Kitchen”? Television Answer $400Mark Bogatyrev Television $500Who started his career as a comic and now he is famous TV programmer? Television Answer $500Maxim Galkin Celebrities $100Which actor stars in the movie Titanic and won an Oscar Answer Celebrities $100Leonardo DiCaprio Celeberties $200Who is Prince Williams wife? Answer Celebrities $200Kate Middleton Celeberties $300Who is one of the oldest TV programmer on channel 1? Answer Celebrities $300Leonid Yakubovich Celebrities $400Which comic became a director of new films? Answer Celebrities $400Sergey Svetlakov Celeberties $500Catherine Giudici won the bachelor this year. Where is she from? Answer Celebrities $500Washington Sports $100What sport does LeBron James play? Sports Answer $100Basketball Sports $200Which box player won 270 fights? Sports Answer $200Kostya Dzu Sports $300Who won 7 Championships of Europe? Sports Answer $300Yevgeny Pluschenko Sports $400Who won the 2016 Golden Ball? Sports Answer $400Cristiano Ronaldo Sports $500What country won the Euro-2016? Sports Answer $500Portuguese Celebrity Couples $100Who is Beyonce married to? Celebrity Couples Answer $100Jay-Z Celebrity Couples $200What singer did Selena Gomez most recently break up with? Celebrity Couples Answer $200Justin Bieber Celebrity Couples $300Who is married to David Beckham? Celebrity Couples Answer $300Victoria Bechham Celebrity Couples $400Angelina was married to _________ Celebrity Couples Answer $400Bred Pitt Celebrity Couples $500John Mayer just broke up with a famous singer. Who was she? Celebrity Couples Answer $500Katy Perry Movies $100Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson starred in what movies? (Hint: They Movies Answer $100The Harry Potter Movies Movies $200“Run, Forrest, Run” is a quote from what famous movie? Movies Answer $200Forrest Gump Movies $300Movies such as Finding Nemo, and Toy Story are produced by what company? Movies Answer $300Pixar Movies $400What is the most famous studio of cartoons and movies till 1923? Movies Answer $400 Movies $500Who started his career like a comic and now he is famous comedian actor? Movies Answer $500Mikhail Galustyan Final JeopardyThis character said, Final Jeopardy Answer
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Television $100
Maxim Averin and Maria Kulikova are doctors

Television $100Maxim Averin and Maria Kulikova are doctors on what soap opera?

on what soap opera?

Слайд 3 Television Answer $100

Television Answer $100Sklifosovskiy

Слайд 4 Television $200
Which man was the most recent Bachelor?

Television $200Which man was the most recent Bachelor?

Слайд 5 Television Answer $200
Ilia Glinnikov

Television Answer $200 Ilia Glinnikov

Слайд 6 Television $300
What is the most famous TV presenter?

Television $300What is the most famous TV presenter?

Слайд 7 Television Answer $300
Dmitry Nagiev

Television Answer $300Dmitry Nagiev

Слайд 8 Television $400
Which actor plays Maxim Lavrov in the

Television $400Which actor plays Maxim Lavrov in the hit TV show “Kitchen”?

hit TV show “Kitchen”?

Слайд 9 Television Answer $400
Mark Bogatyrev

Television Answer $400Mark Bogatyrev

Слайд 10 Television $500
Who started his career as a comic

Television $500Who started his career as a comic and now he is famous TV programmer?

and now he is famous TV programmer?

Слайд 11 Television Answer $500
Maxim Galkin

Television Answer $500Maxim Galkin

Слайд 12 Celebrities $100
Which actor stars in the movie Titanic

Celebrities $100Which actor stars in the movie Titanic and won an

and won an Oscar for the movie The Revenant?

Слайд 13 Answer Celebrities $100
Leonardo DiCaprio

Answer Celebrities $100Leonardo DiCaprio

Слайд 14 Celeberties $200
Who is Prince Williams wife?

Celeberties $200Who is Prince Williams wife?

Слайд 15 Answer Celebrities $200
Kate Middleton

Answer Celebrities $200Kate Middleton

Слайд 16 Celeberties $300
Who is one of the oldest TV

Celeberties $300Who is one of the oldest TV programmer on channel 1?

programmer on channel 1?

Слайд 17 Answer Celebrities $300
Leonid Yakubovich

Answer Celebrities $300Leonid Yakubovich

Слайд 18 Celebrities $400
Which comic became a director of new

Celebrities $400Which comic became a director of new films?


Слайд 19 Answer Celebrities $400
Sergey Svetlakov

Answer Celebrities $400Sergey Svetlakov

Слайд 20 Celeberties $500
Catherine Giudici won the bachelor this year.

Celeberties $500Catherine Giudici won the bachelor this year. Where is she from?

Where is she from?

Слайд 21 Answer Celebrities $500

Answer Celebrities $500Washington

Слайд 22 Sports $100
What sport does LeBron James play?

Sports $100What sport does LeBron James play?

Слайд 23 Sports Answer $100

Sports Answer $100Basketball

Слайд 24 Sports $200
Which box player won 270 fights?

Sports $200Which box player won 270 fights?

Слайд 25 Sports Answer $200
Kostya Dzu

Sports Answer $200Kostya Dzu

Слайд 26 Sports $300
Who won 7 Championships of Europe?

Sports $300Who won 7 Championships of Europe?

Слайд 27 Sports Answer $300
Yevgeny Pluschenko

Sports Answer $300Yevgeny Pluschenko

Слайд 28 Sports $400
Who won the 2016 Golden Ball?

Sports $400Who won the 2016 Golden Ball?

Слайд 29 Sports Answer $400
Cristiano Ronaldo

Sports Answer $400Cristiano Ronaldo

Слайд 30 Sports $500
What country won the Euro-2016?

Sports $500What country won the Euro-2016?

Слайд 31 Sports Answer $500

Sports Answer $500Portuguese

Слайд 32 Celebrity Couples $100
Who is Beyonce married to?

Celebrity Couples $100Who is Beyonce married to?

Слайд 33 Celebrity Couples Answer $100

Celebrity Couples Answer $100Jay-Z

Слайд 34 Celebrity Couples $200
What singer did Selena Gomez most

Celebrity Couples $200What singer did Selena Gomez most recently break up with?

recently break up with?

Слайд 35 Celebrity Couples Answer $200
Justin Bieber

Celebrity Couples Answer $200Justin Bieber

Слайд 36 Celebrity Couples $300
Who is married to David Beckham?

Celebrity Couples $300Who is married to David Beckham?

Слайд 37 Celebrity Couples Answer $300
Victoria Bechham

Celebrity Couples Answer $300Victoria Bechham

Слайд 38 Celebrity Couples $400
Angelina was married to _________

Celebrity Couples $400Angelina was married to _________

Слайд 39 Celebrity Couples Answer $400
Bred Pitt

Celebrity Couples Answer $400Bred Pitt

Слайд 40 Celebrity Couples $500
John Mayer just broke up with

Celebrity Couples $500John Mayer just broke up with a famous singer. Who was she?

a famous singer. Who was she?

Слайд 41 Celebrity Couples Answer $500
Katy Perry

Celebrity Couples Answer $500Katy Perry

Слайд 42 Movies $100
Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson starred in

Movies $100Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson starred in what movies? (Hint:

what movies? (Hint: They are based off a popular

book series)

Слайд 43 Movies Answer $100
The Harry Potter Movies

Movies Answer $100The Harry Potter Movies

Слайд 44 Movies $200
“Run, Forrest, Run” is a quote from

Movies $200“Run, Forrest, Run” is a quote from what famous movie?

what famous movie?

Слайд 45 Movies Answer $200
Forrest Gump

Movies Answer $200Forrest Gump

Слайд 46 Movies $300
Movies such as Finding Nemo, and Toy

Movies $300Movies such as Finding Nemo, and Toy Story are produced by what company?

Story are produced by what company?

Слайд 47 Movies Answer $300

Movies Answer $300Pixar

Слайд 48 Movies $400
What is the most famous studio of

Movies $400What is the most famous studio of cartoons and movies till 1923?

cartoons and movies till 1923?

Слайд 49 Movies Answer $400

Movies Answer $400

Слайд 50 Movies $500
Who started his career like a

Movies $500Who started his career like a comic and now he is famous comedian actor?

comic and now he is famous comedian actor?

Слайд 51 Movies Answer $500
Mikhail Galustyan

Movies Answer $500Mikhail Galustyan

Слайд 52 Final Jeopardy
This character said,

Final JeopardyThis character said,

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  • Количество просмотров: 185
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