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Презентация на тему Достопримечательности Лондона.

ROUND LONDONSightseeing Tour WELCOME TO LONDON Sights of LondonThe Tower of London The Tower of LondonThe Tower of London is one of the world’s Tower Bridge  Tower Bridge was completed in 1894.  Now, in The Houses of ParliamentHome of the British Government, the building is actually Big  BenPossibly the most famous clock face and chimes in the St. Paul’s CathedralWork on this, the most impressive church in London began Buckingham PalaceBuckingham Palace is the London home of The Queen and Prince Westminster AbbeyAn architectural masterpiece of the thirteenth to sixteenth centuries, Westminster Abbey. British Museum   British Museum - one of the largest and Hyde Park   One of the main entrances to Hyde Park Sherlock Holmes Museum   Baker - Street - the address of Royal MewsThe stables were built by Nash in 1824 you will see London Eye   London Eye - one of the largest Ferris «Harrods»Any your dream will come true in a department store «Harrods» - London Zoo   London Zoo - the oldest scientific zoo in Madame Tussauds The museum Madame Tussauds, the hotel offers a meeting with Museum of tea and coffeeLovers of tea and coffee should definitely visit Tate GalleryTate Gallery - Museum of Art in London, the world's largest Natural History MuseumNatural History Museum - one of the top three museums Cruiser Belfast  Belfast is a cruiser. It was launched in 1938 The End
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Слайд 3 Sights of London
The Tower of London

Sights of LondonThe Tower of London

Tower Bridge London Zoo
The Houses of Parliament Madame Tussauds
St. Paul’s Cathedral Museum of tea and coffee
Big Ben Tate Gallery
Buckingham Palace Natural History Museum
Westminster Abbey Cruiser Belfast
British Museum
Hyde Park
Sherlock Holmes Museum
Royal Mews
London Eye

Слайд 4 The Tower of London
The Tower of London is

The Tower of LondonThe Tower of London is one of the

one of the world’s most famous buildings, and now

welcomes two million visitors each year. It has been a palace, a prison, a royal mint and even a zoo! Today the 18 acre riverside site is home to the Crown Jewels, (sometimes popularly known as Beefeaters, who are the traditional guards at the tower) and the legendary ravens.

Слайд 5 Tower Bridge
Tower Bridge was completed in

Tower Bridge Tower Bridge was completed in 1894. Now, in a

1894. Now, in a most imaginative modern development, visitors

can once again venture inside the bridge to find one of London's most unusual and exciting attractions, video presentations and interactive computers, are used to bring the bridge to life.

Слайд 6 The Houses of Parliament
Home of the British Government,

The Houses of ParliamentHome of the British Government, the building is

the building is actually called the Palace of Westminster,

but is more commonly known as the Houses of Parliament. These are the elected House of Commons and the House of Lords, made up of hereditary and life peers

Слайд 7 Big Ben
Possibly the most famous clock face

Big BenPossibly the most famous clock face and chimes in the

and chimes in the world, Big Ben is actually

the name of the biggest bell (13.5 tons) inside The Clock Tower (320ft) which forms part of the Houses of Parliament. Built in 1858/9 the bell was named after one Sir Benjamin Hall and when it was cast it was Britain’s heaviest bell.

Слайд 8 St. Paul’s Cathedral
Work on this, the most impressive

St. Paul’s CathedralWork on this, the most impressive church in London

church in London began in 1675 to a design

by SIR CHRISTOPHER WREN. It was built to replace old St Paul's which was destroyed by the GREAT FIRE OF LONDON in 1666. The present building has been luckier. It survived the World War II bombings which flattened a great many of the surrounding buildings.

Слайд 9 Buckingham Palace
Buckingham Palace is the London home of

Buckingham PalaceBuckingham Palace is the London home of The Queen and

The Queen and Prince Philip. Queen Victoria was the

first monarch to take up residence here after the architect John Nash transformed it from Buckingham House into a palace

Слайд 10 Westminster Abbey
An architectural masterpiece of the thirteenth to

Westminster AbbeyAn architectural masterpiece of the thirteenth to sixteenth centuries, Westminster

sixteenth centuries, Westminster Abbey. It has been the setting for

every coronation since 1066 and for numerous other royal occasions. Today it is still a church dedicated to regular worship and to the celebration of great events in the life of the nation.

Слайд 11 British Museum
British Museum - one

British Museum  British Museum - one of the largest and

of the largest and most important museums of human

history and culture in the world. The museum was founded in 1753 based on the collection of physician and scientist Sir Hans Sloane. For the first time the museum opened to the public January 15, 1759 in Montague House in Bloomsbury, where now a modern museum.

Слайд 12 Hyde Park
One of the main

Hyde Park  One of the main entrances to Hyde Park

entrances to Hyde Park is located on the southeast

side of the triangular area of Hyde Park Corner - a busy traffic node, where a system of tunnels, constructed in the early 1960's, to avoid permanent locks. Ceremonial gates of Hyde Park Corner screen pointed the way out of the park to Buckingham Palace. To the north-eastern corner of the park in 1851 was transferred to marble arch, which in 1828, Nash built as entry into the main courtyard of Buckingham Palace.

Слайд 13 Sherlock Holmes Museum
Baker - Street

Sherlock Holmes Museum  Baker - Street - the address of

- the address of the hero detective stories, invented

by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, well known to fans of the famous writer in the world. Flat Sherlock Holmes recreated in its description of the works of Conan Doyle. You will feel the atmosphere of the time and remember the stories of many fascinating stories in which protagonists were extraordinary intellect detective Sherlock Holmes and his loyal friend Doctor Watson. Open daily from 09:30 to 18:00.

Слайд 14 Royal Mews
The stables were built by Nash in

Royal MewsThe stables were built by Nash in 1824 you will

1824 you will see horses and carriages, which drives

the Queen and her entourage on ceremonial occasions. Clou - Gold crew in 1762, used during the biggest ceremonies and coronations. Irish crew, bought by Queen Victoria in Dublin, harness during the opening of Parliament, as in a glass carriage driving under the crown prince of Wales and Diana. Here is the royal fleet.

Слайд 15 London Eye
London Eye - one

London Eye  London Eye - one of the largest Ferris

of the largest Ferris wheel in the world, located

in the London borough of Lambeth on the south bank of the Thames. From a height of 135 meters (about 45 floors) overlooking almost the entire city. Ferris wheel - designed by architects David Marks and Julia Barfield, who won the contest project buildings in honor of the new millennium. Implementation of the project in life has taken six years.

Слайд 16 «Harrods»
Any your dream will come true in a

«Harrods»Any your dream will come true in a department store «Harrods»

department store «Harrods» - the same symbol of London

as the Tower or Buckingham Palace. In 1861. Charles Digby Harrod took over a small shop of his father, and appeared in the window sign, "Charles D. Harrod, groceries." Business prospered and in 1880, staff reached 100 people. Today Harrods - one of the most famous stores in the world. He became a symbol of Knightsbridge.

Слайд 17 London Zoo
London Zoo - the

London Zoo  London Zoo - the oldest scientific zoo in

oldest scientific zoo in the world. Founded in London

27 April 1828 as a zoological collection, designed for scientific research. Since 1847 is open for public visits. One of the major zoological collections in the UK.
Administratively subordinated created in 1826 by the Zoological Society of London. Located in the northern part of Regent's Park on the border between the districts of Westminster and Camden.

Слайд 18 Madame Tussauds
The museum Madame Tussauds, the hotel

Madame Tussauds The museum Madame Tussauds, the hotel offers a meeting

offers a meeting with members of the royal family,

with stars of pop music, with the executioners. The founder of the museum, nee Marie Grosholts in his life are often faced with death. In 1884 her grandson, Joseph Randall Tussaud's, put the figure at the Museum near Baker Street, where they now are. Since then, the collection kept pace with the life of society, capturing both good and bad, glorious.

Слайд 19 Museum of tea and coffee
Lovers of tea and

Museum of tea and coffeeLovers of tea and coffee should definitely

coffee should definitely visit the museum of tea and

coffee. Here you can listen to educational lectures, go to showrooms and of course perform the ceremony - tea. The museum is located on the Thames, in the place where once unloaded on 6000 boxes of tea a day; Founder - Mr. E. Bram, a merchant and owner of the coffee and tea plantations. The collection - 1000 different teapots.

Слайд 20 Tate Gallery
Tate Gallery - Museum of Art in

Tate GalleryTate Gallery - Museum of Art in London, the world's

London, the world's largest collection of English art XVI-XX

centuries. Was founded by industrialist Sir Henry Tate. Opened on 21 July 1897. The basis of collection was a private collection of founder. According to the guide to the gallery in 1897, the beginning of the collection of Sir Henry Tate put three pictures, one of which - "Thursday" William D. Sadler.

Слайд 21 Natural History Museum
Natural History Museum - one of

Natural History MuseumNatural History Museum - one of the top three

the top three museums located outside Exhibition Road in

South Kensington. The collection includes more than 70 million exhibits on botany, zoology (including entomology), Mineralogy and paleontology. Museum best known for its collection of dinosaur skeletons in the main hall. In the zoological part is a 30-meter whale. The museum has an interesting collection of meteorites.

Слайд 22 Cruiser Belfast
Belfast is a cruiser. It

Cruiser Belfast Belfast is a cruiser. It was launched in 1938

was launched in 1938 and served in World War

II and the Korean War. This is a survivor of an instance of the great fleets of armored vehicles with giant guns, built for the Royal Navy in the first half of the 20 th century and the first in the UK saved the ship after Nelson's flagship Victory.

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