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Презентация на тему по английскому языку Компания, в которой я хотел бы работать

CONTENTSIntroductionMain partAcquaintance with Magna company.About the company’s headquarters and logo.Stages of the company's developmentWhy do I choose Magna?Sources of information
The State Budget Professional Educational Institution ​«Nizhniy Novgorod Automotive Technical College»​Presentation on the CONTENTSIntroductionMain partAcquaintance with Magna company.About the company’s headquarters and logo.Stages of the IntroductionIn each person’s life a turning point happens and not only one. Acquaintance with Magna company. Magna International is a Canadian company, one of Acquaintance with Magna companyMagna International supplies parts for the assembly of Ford, All about the company headquarters and logo.  Magna Headquarters is situated  Stages of the company's development Magna takes care of the interests of Magna is a friendly team, when colleagues openly share each other's knowledge, Why do I choose Magna?Magna is a worldwide supplier of automotive equipment
Слайды презентации

Main part

Acquaintance with Magna company.
About the company’s headquarters

CONTENTSIntroductionMain partAcquaintance with Magna company.About the company’s headquarters and logo.Stages of

and logo.
Stages of the company's development
Why do I choose

Sources of information

Слайд 3 Introduction

In each person’s life a turning point happens

IntroductionIn each person’s life a turning point happens and not only

and not only one. After school we have

to choose to enter a university or a technical school, to study art or medicine…
I chose learning accounting and economics for myself , but until recently I had no idea where I would apply the acquired knowledge and acquire practical skills.
At the presentation of companies that were looking for employees, the employee of Magna introduced me to their activities.

Слайд 4 Acquaintance with Magna company.
Magna International is a Canadian

Acquaintance with Magna company. Magna International is a Canadian company, one

company, one of the world's largest auto parts manufacturers

and one of the largest companies in Canada. 
It was founded in 1957 under the name "Multimatic". In 1969, was absorbed by the company Magna Electronics, becoming its subsidiary company for the production of auto components; since 1973 has a modern name.

Слайд 5 Acquaintance with Magna company

Magna International supplies parts for

Acquaintance with Magna companyMagna International supplies parts for the assembly of

the assembly of Ford, Toyota, Honda, Volkswagen, Porsche, General

Motors, Mercedes-Benz, Mitsubishi, Hyundai, Great Wall Motors, etc.
In addition, Magna International owns the Austrian company Magna Steyr, which specializes in assembling cars for other automakers (assembles cars of the brands BMW X3, Mercedes E-Class and G-Class, Saab 9-3 Convertible, Jeep Grand Cherokee, Chrysler 300, Chrysler Voyager ).
Magna is the largest automaker in the world without its own brand (in 2005, 230,500 vehicles were produced).

Слайд 6 All about the company headquarters and logo.


All about the company headquarters and logo. Magna Headquarters is situated 

Headquarters is situated  in Aurora, Ontario, Canada.
The company's logo

is understandable and concise, but it may be interpreted in different ways.
From the one side, the logo represents the pipes of the plant.
From the other side, the logo represents the sun rising in the mountains.

Слайд 7 Stages of the company's development
Magna takes care of

Stages of the company's development Magna takes care of the interests

the interests of customers and potential employees.
The company

posted a chronological report of the company's development on its website.

The total number of the company’s employees is 83 thousand people (2007). Revenue in 2008 was $ 23.7 billion (in 2007 - $ 27.07 billion), net profit of $ 71 million

Слайд 8 Magna is a friendly team, when colleagues openly

Magna is a friendly team, when colleagues openly share each other's

share each other's knowledge, skills, especially this is relevant

for the position of trainee. There is a whole department involved in scheduling employee training for the year ahead (at the expense of the company).

Why do I choose Magna?

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-kompaniya-v-kotoroy-ya-hotel-by-rabotat.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 257
  • Количество скачиваний: 2