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Презентация на тему по английскому языку Ниагарский водопад/Niagara Falls для 8 класса

The Niagara is a fairly young river, only 12,000 years old, just like a microsecond in geological time. It’s not the height that makes Niagara Falls wonderful, but the great quantity of water.
Welcome to Niagara FallsNiagara Falls is the collective name for three waterfalls The Niagara is a fairly young river, only 12,000 years From largest to smallest, the three waterfalls  are:  - the Horseshoe The Horseshoe Falls  drop about 57, while  the height of The thunder  of the waterfall  can be heard  at a distance  of One of the most commonly retold myths of Niagara Falls is the During the 19th century tourism became popular. Tourists from all over the Niagara is glorified in the whole world, every year it is visited by 16 million tourists. Hotels, motels, observation Every evening beginning at dusk, Niagara Falls is transformed into an incredible, On a bright sunny  day, you are  guaranteed a rainbow The fantastic view of the rainbow is reflected in the name of Niagara, like any other  waterfall, looks different, depending not only on time of a day, Niagara Falls as a wonder of the world is represented  in Thank you for your attention!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The Niagara is a fairly young river, only

The Niagara is a fairly young river, only 12,000 years

12,000 years old, just like a microsecond in geological

time. It’s not the height that makes Niagara Falls wonderful, but the great quantity of water. Moreover, Niagara Falls is the second largest falls on the globe next to Victoria Falls in southern Africa

Слайд 3 From largest to smallest, the three waterfalls  are:

From largest to smallest, the three waterfalls  are: - the Horseshoe

- the Horseshoe Falls - the American Falls and

- the Bridal Veil Falls  

Located on the Niagara River, the combined falls form the highest flow rate in the world that has a vertical drop of more than 50 meters.
The Niagara Falls are famed both for their beauty and as a valuable source of hydroelectric power.

Слайд 4 The Horseshoe Falls drop about 57, while the

The Horseshoe Falls drop about 57, while the height of the

height of the American Falls varies between 21 and

30 m. The larger Horseshoe Falls are about 790 m wide while the American Falls are 320 m wide.

Слайд 5 The thunder of the waterfall  can be heard  at a distance  of

The thunder of the waterfall  can be heard  at a distance  of

many miles,  especially  at night, so a person standing  beside the Niagara, hears nothing (hence the name,

because in Indian Niagara - " Great Thunderer of  Waters ")

Слайд 6 One of the most commonly retold myths of

One of the most commonly retold myths of Niagara Falls is

Niagara Falls is the story of Lelawala. According to

the legend, she was an American girl , who travelled by canoe over Niagara Falls because of the death of her husband. But she was challenged and saved by the thunder god. Since that time she lives behind the Falls with the god and his family to this day.

Слайд 7 During the 19th century tourism became popular. Tourists

During the 19th century tourism became popular. Tourists from all over

from all over the world enjoy the most exiting

entertainment: boat trips to the Waterfalls. No doubt, it’s the great attraction for honeymoon visitors of all ages.

Слайд 8 Niagara is glorified in the whole world, every year it is visited

Niagara is glorified in the whole world, every year it is visited by 16 million tourists. Hotels, motels,

by 16 million tourists. Hotels, motels, observation towers, cableway are built around the

Falls, even  two cities have been grown  with the same name - Niagara Falls, but only one of them is in Canada, with 100 thousand inhabitants, and the other - in America, with 50 thousands ones.

Слайд 9 Every evening beginning at dusk, Niagara Falls is

Every evening beginning at dusk, Niagara Falls is transformed into an

transformed into an incredible, multi – coloured water and

light masterpiece. It is indeed a great sight that can never be seen anywhere in the world.

Слайд 10 On a bright sunny day, you are guaranteed

On a bright sunny day, you are guaranteed a rainbow when

a rainbow when you visit Niagara Falls, if you

stand in the right place. The sun shines through the water droplets, reflecting light into the colors of spectrum.

Слайд 11 The fantastic view of the rainbow is reflected

The fantastic view of the rainbow is reflected in the name

in the name of the bridge over the Niagara

– the Rainbow Bridge, which is often called the Gateway between the cities of Niagara Falls. You can cross the bridge by auto, on foot or bicycle. It’s also a great location for viewing the Falls and Friday night fireworks.

Слайд 12 Niagara, like any other  waterfall, looks different, depending not only on

Niagara, like any other  waterfall, looks different, depending not only on time of a

time of a day, but also on the season. In spring

and summer boiling white curtains are set off by  greenery, autumn - crimson colors. In winter  only the edges of  the river freeze. Giant icicles, sparkling diamonds against the backdrop of raging  water – all that is Niagara Falls in winter.

Слайд 13 Niagara Falls as a wonder of the world

Niagara Falls as a wonder of the world is represented in

is represented in all spheres of art and mass

media. Artists, writers, poets, composers, movie and television workers devote their works to the greater glory of the Falls.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-niagarskiy-vodopadniagara-falls-dlya-8-klassa.pptx
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