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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему White Fang Jack London (11 класс) учебник Spotlight11


Jack London (1876-1916) was the most successful American author of the early 20th century. He was born in San Francisco into a very poor family and led an adventurous life before deciding to become a writer.
ObjectivesReading: an extract from White Fang (gapped text)Skills ― reading for confirmation― Jack London (1876-1916) was the most successful American author of the early prompt- подсказкаI think the extract is about a man getting hurt and Growling savagely, White Fang sprang out of the corner, overturning the boy He had stopped his growling and stood, head up, looking into their 1 The dog............... to get attention whenever he wanted something.  2 They whined: made a long, sad, high-pitched soundattention: concentrationremainder: amount left oversharp: sudden efhgjciabd1крякать 2 мяукать 3 шипеть4 хрюкать 5 мычать6 ржать 7 квакать8 выть 9 блеять10 реветь[ɔɪŋk][neɪ][haul][kwæk] послушание, решительность, гнев, нежелание, понимание, верность obedience ― He turned and trotted to gain smb's affection- завоевать чьё-либо расположение/добиться чьего-либо расположенияA: I think White to gain smb's affection- завоевать чьё-либо расположение/добиться чьего-либо расположенияreciprocate [rɪ'sɪprəkeɪt] обмениваться, взаимно attribute- ['ætrɪbjuːt]-относить к (чему-л.)I think the master can rely on White Fang. benefit оказывать благоприятное действиеChildren can benefit from having a pet in many benefit оказывать благоприятное действиеThe pet is very important for children. It can benefit оказывать благоприятное действиеChildren can benefit from having a pet in many ObjectivesReading: an extract from White Fang (gapped text)Skills ― reading for confirmation―
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Jack London (1876-1916)
was the most successful American

Jack London (1876-1916) was the most successful American author of the

author of the early 20th century. He was born

in San Francisco into a very poor family and led an adventurous life before deciding to become a writer. Most of his novels and short stories, such as Call of the Wild (1903 , Love of Life (1905) and To Build a Fire (1908 , are about men and animals in harsh conditions and are based on his real-life experiences. White Fang (1906) is the story of a wild wolf-dog. It begins in the frozen north of Canada where White Fang has a very difficult life. He has to fight for survival every day and he is treated very cruelly. Finally, he is saved from his cruel owner by a kind man called Scott Wheedon, who loves him and tames him. In return, White Fang saves his life when he is in trouble

harsh [hɑːʃ] жёсткий

cruelly ['kruːəlɪ ]lɪ]

tame [teɪm] приручать;

Зов предков

Любовь к жизни

 Разводить огонь

Слайд 3 prompt- подсказка
I think the extract is about a

prompt- подсказкаI think the extract is about a man getting hurt

man getting hurt and his wolf-dog goes to get


Слайд 4 "Home! Go home!" the master commanded when he

had checked his injury. White Fang didn't want to leave

him. The master thought of writing a note, but searched his pockets in vain for pencil and paper.  1
He regarded him sadly, started away, then returned and whined softly. The master talked to him gently but seriously, and he cocked his ears, and listened with painful attention. "That's all right, old fellow, you just run along home," ran the talk. "Go on home and tell them what's happened to me. Home with you, you wolf. Get along home!" White Fang knew the meaning of "home," and though he did not understand the remainder of the master's language, he knew it was his will that he should go home. 2
Then he stopped, undecided, and looked back over his shoulder.

 Again he commanded White Fang to go home.

He turned and trotted reluctantly away

in vain - напрасно

regard [rɪ'gɑːd]-рассматривать

whine [(h)waɪn] жаловаться

cock ears
навострить слух

ran the talk-передать

remainder [rɪ'meɪndə] оставшаяся часть

trott- бежать рысью

reluctantly [rɪ'lʌkt(ə)ntlɪ] неохотно

Слайд 5 "Go home!" came the sharp command, and this

time he obeyed. The family was on the porch, relaxing

in the cool afternoon, when White Fang arrived.

"Weedon's back," Weedon's mother announced. The children welcomed White Fang with glad cries and ran to meet him. He avoided them and passed down the porch, but they cornered him against a rocking-chair and the railing.

Their mother looked apprehensively in their direction. "I confess, he makes me nervous around the children," she said. "I have a fear that he will turn upon them unexpectedly some day."

He came up to them, panting, covered with dust. 

He growled and tried to push by them.

porch [pɔːʧ]веранда, крыльцо

pant [pænt] тяжело дышать

Weedon's back- Уидон вернулся

сorner-загнать в угол

rocking chair ['rɔkɪŋˌʧeə] кресло-качалка

railing ['reɪlɪŋ] обычно ограда, перила

growl [graul] рычать

apprehensively [ˌæprɪ'hen(t)sɪvlɪ]

confess [kən'fes] признавать

Слайд 6 Growling savagely, White Fang sprang out of the

Growling savagely, White Fang sprang out of the corner, overturning the

corner, overturning the boy and the girl. The mother

called them to her and comforted them, telling them not to bother White Fang. "A wolf is a wolf!" commented Judge Scott. "There is no trusting one." "But he is not all wolf," interposed Beth, standing up for her brother in his absence. "You have only Weedon's opinion for that," replied the judge. "He only thinks that there is some breed of dog in White Fang; but as he will tell you himself, he knows nothing about it. As for his appearance — « 5 White Fang stood before him, growling fiercely. "Go away! Lie down, sir!" Judge Scott commanded. White Fang turned to the master's wife. She screamed with fright as he seized her dress in his teeth and dragged on it till the fabric tore.

 He did not finish his sentence. 

By this time he had become the centre of attention. 

sprang out of -бросаться

interpose [ˌɪntə'pəuz] вставлять

breed [briːd] род

drag [dræg] тянуть

Слайд 7 He had stopped his growling and stood, head

He had stopped his growling and stood, head up, looking into

up, looking into their faces. His throat twitched, but

made no sound, while he struggled with all his body, shaking with the effort to rid himself of the unspeakable something that struggled for expression. "I hope he is not going mad," said Weedon's mother. "I told Weedon that I was afraid the warm climate would not agree with an Arctic animal.


"He's trying to speak, I do believe," Beth announced. 

At this moment speech came to White Fang, rushing up in a great burst of barking. "Something has happened to Weedon," his wife said decisively. They were all on their feet now, and White Fang ran down the steps, looking back for them to follow. For the second and last time in his life he had barked and made himself understood. 

witch [twɪʧ] дёргать

rid [rɪd] освобождать

decisively [dɪ'saɪsɪvlɪ] решительно

Слайд 8 1 The dog............... to get attention whenever he

1 The dog............... to get attention whenever he wanted something.  2

wanted something.  2 They ran very fast over the rocky

hill and tried not to.................and fall.  3 The dog would when he got angry to............warn people away.  4 When the man stopped running, he was .............. from exhaustion.  5 When the two strangers were introduced, they ........... hands politely.  6 The woman saw a shadow and suddenly .................. with fear. 

pant [pænt] тяжело дышать

stumble ['stʌmbl]
спотыкаться, оступаться







exhaustion [ɪg'zɔːsʧ(ə)n ]

Слайд 9 whined: made a long, sad, high-pitched sound

attention: concentration


whined: made a long, sad, high-pitched soundattention: concentrationremainder: amount left oversharp:

amount left over

sharp: sudden and strong

turn upon them: change

from being friendly to being aggressive

comforted: made someone feel emotionally better

breed: type of animal

dragged on it: pulled at something

twitched: made an uncontrolled movement

decisively: in a quick, clear manner

Слайд 10 e
2 мяукать
3 шипеть
4 хрюкать
5 мычать

efhgjciabd1крякать 2 мяукать 3 шипеть4 хрюкать 5 мычать6 ржать 7 квакать8 выть 9 блеять10 реветь[ɔɪŋk][neɪ][haul][kwæk]

7 квакать
8 выть
9 блеять
10 реветь

Слайд 11 послушание, решительность, гнев, нежелание, понимание, верность

obedience ― He

послушание, решительность, гнев, нежелание, понимание, верность obedience ― He turned and

turned and trotted reluctantly away; and this time he


determination ― he struggled with all his body, shaking with the effort

anger ― He growled and tried to push by them; Growling savagely/fiercely

unwillingness ― White Fang didn’t want to leave him

understanding ― White Fang knew the meaning of ‘home’ ..., he knew it was his will
that he should go home

faithfulness ― He regarded him sadly, started away, then returned and whined softly

reluctantly [rɪ'lʌkt(ə)ntlɪ]/ с неохотой, неохотно

regard [rɪ'gɑːd]принимать во внимание

whine [waɪn] 1) скулить

Слайд 12 "То, что имело ценность для мастера(хозяина) ценил Белый

Клык, то, что было дорого мастеру, он лелеял и

охранял тщательно." Приведите примеры из текста.

This phrase means that White Fang was ready for everything. He loved his master and respected him. He did everything for his master. Unlike other members of the family, the master of White Fang was gently with his pet, talking to him quietly and calmly. Nobody understood White Fang and he tried to cry: “His throat twitched, but made no sound, while he struggled with all his body, shaking with the effort to rid himself of the unspeakable something that struggled for expression.”

twitch [twɪʧ] дёргать

Слайд 13 to gain smb's affection- завоевать чьё-либо расположение/добиться чьего-либо

to gain smb's affection- завоевать чьё-либо расположение/добиться чьего-либо расположенияA: I think

A: I think White Fang wanted to reciprocate the

kindness of his master.

B: I think, he was trying to be kind with other members of master’s family, he wanted they believe in him

A: And White Fang was very angry, when they didn’t love and support him.

B: Also White Fang loved Weedon because he believed in White Fang as so as his master.

reciprocate [rɪ'sɪprəkeɪt] обмениваться, взаимно делиться

Слайд 14 to gain smb's affection- завоевать чьё-либо расположение/добиться чьего-либо

to gain smb's affection- завоевать чьё-либо расположение/добиться чьего-либо расположенияreciprocate [rɪ'sɪprəkeɪt] обмениваться,

reciprocate [rɪ'sɪprəkeɪt] обмениваться, взаимно делиться
A: I think White Fans

felt very close to his master because they spent a lot of time together.

B: Yes, I agree. I also think he respected his master and felt very grateful for having a good home.

A: I think White Fang felt a lot of affection for Weedon because he understood that Weedon believed in him and trusted him.

Слайд 15 attribute- ['ætrɪbjuːt]-относить к (чему-л.)
I think the master can

attribute- ['ætrɪbjuːt]-относить к (чему-л.)I think the master can rely on White

rely on White Fang. He’s very brave and he’ll

help his master in every difficult situation. He loves his master very much, he cocks his ears and whines gently when his master speaks to him.
But also White Fang is very emotional because he feels everything: good and bad towards him. White Fang loves everybody who loves him.

S1: I think White Fans is reliable. I say this because his master can count on him at all times, like when he was in trouble.

S2: I see White Fang as being sensitive because of the way he cocks his ears and whines gently when his master speaks to him.

reliable [rɪ'laɪəbl] надёжный; верный, испытанный

Слайд 16 benefit оказывать благоприятное действие
Children can benefit from having

benefit оказывать благоприятное действиеChildren can benefit from having a pet in

a pet in many ways. First of all, pets

often don’t let a child be bored. Secondly, animals teach young minds to be sympathetic, caring and responsible, because children look after their small friends. Thirdly, sometimes kids can train pets to do simple actions, which make their life a little better. For example, dogs can bring slippers. And, finally, children can put the blame on pets, when they break something, for instance.

put the blame on sb- возлагать вину на кого-л to

Слайд 17 benefit оказывать благоприятное действие
The pet is very important

benefit оказывать благоприятное действиеThe pet is very important for children. It

for children. It can teach them many right things.

a pet is your friend. The friend has never let you down. It loves you very much, understands you, and supports you when you’re depressed. They soothe you and cheer you up.
Secondly, caring about animal, child becomes more responsible. He’ll be care about alive animal, not about a toy. Your child study to help your parents and care about somebody. Sometimes parents can’t explain how it’s important to be responsible in your life. But caring about pet the child will understand it himself.

soothe [suːð] успокаивать

Слайд 18 benefit оказывать благоприятное действие
Children can benefit from having

benefit оказывать благоприятное действиеChildren can benefit from having a pet in

a pet in many ways. First of all, there

is the responsibility that comes when a child has to look after a pet. They will have to feed it walk it and make sure it is in good health.
Secondly, from this responsibility, the child gets a deeper understanding of what it is like to be a parent in a position of responsibility.
Thirdly, the child has either a playmate or something to occupy their time instead of watching TV.
Lastly, having a pet is an education for any child in which they not only learn about nature but they also learn valuable life-lessons.

playmate ['pleɪmeɪt] друг детства

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