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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему The mystery of Bermuda triangle (9 класс)

The Bermuda Triangle, as the definition was coined by writer Vincent Gaddis in 1964, when he wrote an article-investigation for Argosy magazine about the strange disappearance of Flight 19. This area of ​​ocean is also known
Bermuda Triangle The Bermuda Triangle, as the definition was coined by writer Vincent Gaddis Hypothesis, the Bermuda Triangle - a mythProponents argue that reports of mysterious Gulfstream, almost like a river in the ocean, which originates in the The hypothesis assumes that a plurality of parallel worlds in which we Hypotheses and assumptions about the Bermuda Triangle invited many.According to one hypothesis
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Слайд 2 The Bermuda Triangle, as the definition was coined

The Bermuda Triangle, as the definition was coined by writer Vincent

by writer Vincent Gaddis in 1964, when he wrote

an article-investigation for Argosy magazine about the strange disappearance of Flight 19. This area of ​​ocean is also known as the "Devil's Triangle" or "Devil's Island"
Bermuda Triangle is considered to be the area in the Atlantic Ocean bounded by lines from Florida to Bermuda, then to Puerto Rico and back to Florida through the Bahamas.
The most famous case is mentioned in connection with the Bermuda Triangle, is the disappearance of the five-level torpedo bombers of the "Avenger" flight №19. These aircraft Dec. 5, 1945 took off from the base of the US Navy in Fort Lauderdale and back did not return. These fragments were found.

Слайд 3 Hypothesis, the Bermuda Triangle - a myth
Proponents argue

Hypothesis, the Bermuda Triangle - a mythProponents argue that reports of

that reports of mysterious events in the Bermuda Triangle

are greatly exaggerated. Ships and aircraft are killed in other parts of the world, sometimes without a trace. Faulty radio or sudden disaster can prevent the crew to transmit a distress signal. Search debris in the sea - not an easy task, especially in a storm or when the crash is unknown. Given the very heavy traffic in the area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle, frequent cyclones and storms, a large number of shoals, the number of accidents have happened here that have not received an explanation, not an unusually large. The same opinion is shared by the US and the Lloyd's insurance market is the Coast Guard.

Слайд 4 Gulfstream, almost like a river in the ocean,

Gulfstream, almost like a river in the ocean, which originates in

which originates in the Gulf of Mexico and passes

through the Florida Straits in the North Atlantic. The course covers 40 to 50 miles across the width of the field, and can carry debris on the surface of the ocean with a speed of 5.6 miles per hour, depending on weather conditions. Supporters believe that the Gulf Stream could easily bring down the biggest ship off course, and even sink the ship. Given that Bermuda triangle includes several of the deepest depressions in the world, some approaches depth of 9000 meters, is a high likelihood that the vessel will never found.

The hypothesis of the impact of the Gulf Stream.

Слайд 5 The hypothesis assumes that a plurality of parallel

The hypothesis assumes that a plurality of parallel worlds in which

worlds in which we all exist at the same

courts explain the disappearance of the presence in this place of transitions or the so-called "Gate Time". Transition to the parallel worlds can be attributed to spatial-temporal phenomena and the ultimate disappearance of the objects in the other parallel worlds.

Parallel Worlds

Слайд 6 Hypotheses and assumptions about the Bermuda Triangle invited

Hypotheses and assumptions about the Bermuda Triangle invited many.According to one

According to one hypothesis in the Bermuda Triangle is

a mysterious lost island of Atlantis. Popularized the hypothesis of the American clairvoyant Edgar Cayce, he predicted that in 1968, archeologists will find the entrance to the city, which sank near Bimini in the Bermuda Triangle. According to legend, one of the island was mountainous terrain, with the mountain range Shakkab. The hypothesis suggests that a set of crystals that made up the city and the array continue to send waves of energy that causes the disruption of navigation equipment. Conspiracy theorists believe that this place is under water military base known as Area 51.

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