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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему My hobby! (7 класс)

Презентация «Моё хобби»
Презентация Gadgets and devices   Are you keen on can get a lot of informationIt`s convenientmakes life enjoyablehelps in everyday lifecan get a lot of informationIt`s convenientmakes life enjoyablehelps in everyday lifecan get слушать музыку общаться смотреть видеоделать фотовыкладывать в интернетвсегда быть convenient  compactto listen to musicto watch videoto communicate withto chat in My favourite gadget is a mobile phone.I use it to get information, Act out dialogue Act out dialogue Unusual devices
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Презентация «Моё хобби»

Презентация «Моё хобби»

Кутлугузина Маргарита Фанильевна
МБОУ СОШ №45 г.Уфа

Слайд 3 Gadgets and devices

Gadgets and devices  Are you keen on technology?

Are you keen on technology?
What kind of

gadgets do you own?
What do you use it for?

Слайд 4
can get a lot of information
It`s convenient
makes life

can get a lot of informationIt`s convenientmakes life enjoyablehelps in everyday


helps in everyday life
can communicate with someone who is

can get new skill
It`s available
to be always connected
it`s easy to use

Слайд 5 get a lot of information
It`s convenient
makes life enjoyable


get a lot of informationIt`s convenientmakes life enjoyablehelps in everyday lifecan

in everyday life
can get new skill
It`s available
to be

always connected
it`s easy to use

to listen to music
to watch video
to communicate with
to chat in facebook
to post photos in instagram
to make photos

Слайд 6

слушать музыку
смотреть видео

слушать музыку общаться смотреть видеоделать фотовыкладывать в интернетвсегда быть

выкладывать в интернет
всегда быть на связи
незаменимый в повседневной жизни

лёгкий в использовании

Слайд 8 convenient compact
to listen to music
to watch video

convenient compactto listen to musicto watch videoto communicate withto chat in

communicate with
to chat in facebook
to post photos in instagram

make photos

Слайд 9 My favourite gadget is a mobile phone.
I use

My favourite gadget is a mobile phone.I use it to get

it to get information, make calls,
chat in facebook,post photos.

convenient and compact.
It can help me in different situation.
I can`t do without it.

Слайд 10 Act out

Act out dialogue   Hi, Ann! It`s


Hi, Ann! It`s me.

Just calling to say I`m back from ………. .
Hi! ……….. . How was your holiday?
It……….. ! I made lots of photos and video. Didn`t you see? I posted them.
Sorry. My battery is ……….. .
I`ll call you back later.

Слайд 11 Act out

Act out dialogue   Hi, Ann! It`s


Hi, Ann! It`s me.

Just calling to say I`m back from my holiday.
Hi! Nice to hear you! How was your holiday?
It was fantastic! I made lots of photos and video. Didn`t you see? I posted them.
Sorry. My battery is about to run out.
I`ll call you back later.

Слайд 12 Unusual devices

Unusual devices

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-my-hobby-7-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 170
  • Количество скачиваний: 0