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Презентация на тему урока по теме Who is the cleverest in English


Who’s the cleverest in English?How much do you know about London? Capitals Match the flags and the countries1.England2.Australia3.Scotland4.Wales5.The United Kingdom  of Great Britain6.Canadaafbcde Writers and books1.R. Kipling Find the odd worda)1-coat 2-umbrella 3-jeans 4-skirt 5-suit b)1-Hamlet 2-Macbeth 3-Othello 4-Rembo Find the antonyms1.Big2.Fat3.Happy4.North  5.Tall6.Fasta. Shortb. Southc. Smalld. Thine. Slowf. Unhappy 1. Who gave London its first name? the Egyptiansthe Greeksthe Romans c) the Romans a) the Thames 3.Who founded the Tower of London? Charles IWilliam IHenry VIII 4. Who said “When a man is tired of London he c) Samuel Jonson 5. Which is the oldest part of London? WestminsterThe CityThe West End b) The City 6. How much of London did the Great Fire of London destroy b) three quarters of London 7. Who designed St. Paul’s Cathedral? Christopher WrenBenjamin HallFrancis Drake a) Christopher Wren 8. Where are the British kings and queens crowned? St. Paul’s CathedralWestminster Abbeythe House of Lords b) Westminster Abbey 9. Which birds, according to the legend, protect the Tower of London? pigeonsravensswans b) ravens 10. Which is the most famous shopping street in London?Oxford streetDowning streetBaker street a) Oxford street 11. What is a “double-decker”? a busa lorrya ship a) a bus 12. Where can you make a speech in Hyde Park? Poet’s CornerSpeaker’s CornerRevolutionary Corner b) Speaker’s Corner 13. What is “The Globe” in London? the largest department store in c) a Shakespearean theatre 14. Which is the only London bridge that can be raised? Tower BridgeLondon BridgeWaterloo Bridge a) Tower Bridge 15. Why will 2012 be a special year for London? It’s the b) The city will be hosting the Olympic Games 16. Where are the Crown Jewels kept? Buckingham PalaceThe Tower of LondonThe Bank of England b) The Tower of London 17. If you visited Number One, London, where would you be? c) The Bank of England 18. Which museum is situated at 221B Baker Street? Tate ModernMadam Tussaud’sSherlock Homes Museum c) Sherlock Homes Museum 19. What colour is traditional London taxi? yellowblackgreen b) Black taxi 20. What’s the popular name of the underground system in London? the Tunnelthe Channelthe Tube c) the Tube 21. What is the London Eye? a telescopean observation wheela newspaper b) an observation wheel 22. How much will it cost you to visit the British Museum, c) Nothing. They are free. 23. Which former London resident has been voted “the greatest Briton of a) Sir Winston Churchill 24. Which bridge over the Themes was pulled down in 1970 and a) London Bridge Thank you!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Capitals


Слайд 3 Match the flags and the countries
5.The United Kingdom

Match the flags and the countries1.England2.Australia3.Scotland4.Wales5.The United Kingdom  of Great Britain6.Canadaafbcde

of Great Britain


Слайд 4 Writers and books
1.R. Kipling

Writers and books1.R. Kipling

2.W. Shakespeare
3.J. K. Rowling
4.L. Carroll
5.P. Travers
6.J.R. Tolkien
7.D. Defoe
8.R. Stevenson
9.J. Swift
10.A. Milne

a)“Alice in Wonderland”
b)“Robinson Crusoe”
c)“Gulliver’s Travels”
d)“Treasure Ireland”
e)“The Jungle Book”
f)“Romeo and Juliet”
h)“Mary Poppins”
i)“Harry Potter”
j)“The Lord of the Rings”

Слайд 5 Find the odd word
a)1-coat 2-umbrella 3-jeans 4-skirt 5-suit

Find the odd worda)1-coat 2-umbrella 3-jeans 4-skirt 5-suit b)1-Hamlet 2-Macbeth 3-Othello

b)1-Hamlet 2-Macbeth 3-Othello 4-Rembo
5- Romeo
c)1- baseball

2-football 3-netball 4-volleyball
d)1- apples 2-bananas 3-oranges 4-potatoes

Слайд 6 Find the antonyms

a. Short
b. South
c. Small

Find the antonyms1.Big2.Fat3.Happy4.North 5.Tall6.Fasta. Shortb. Southc. Smalld. Thine. Slowf. Unhappy

e. Slow
f. Unhappy

Слайд 7 1. Who gave London its first name?
the Egyptians


1. Who gave London its first name? the Egyptiansthe Greeksthe Romans


the Romans

Слайд 8 c) the Romans

c) the Romans

Слайд 9 2. Which river runs through London?
the Thames

the Severn



Слайд 10 a) the Thames

a) the Thames

Слайд 11 3.Who founded the Tower of London?
Charles I
William I

3.Who founded the Tower of London? Charles IWilliam IHenry VIII


Слайд 12 b) William I

b) William I

Слайд 13 4. Who said “When a man is tired

4. Who said “When a man is tired of London

of London he is tired of life”?
Charles Dickens

William Shakespeare



Слайд 14 c) Samuel Jonson

c) Samuel Jonson

Слайд 15 5. Which is the oldest part of London?


5. Which is the oldest part of London? WestminsterThe CityThe West End


The West End

Слайд 16 b) The City

b) The City

Слайд 17 6. How much of London did the Great

6. How much of London did the Great Fire of London

Fire of London destroy in 1666?
a quarter of London


three quarters of London

the whole city

Слайд 18 b) three quarters of London

b) three quarters of London

Слайд 19 7. Who designed St. Paul’s Cathedral?
Christopher Wren
Benjamin Hall


7. Who designed St. Paul’s Cathedral? Christopher WrenBenjamin HallFrancis Drake


Слайд 20 a) Christopher Wren

a) Christopher Wren

Слайд 21 8. Where are the British kings and queens

8. Where are the British kings and queens crowned? St. Paul’s CathedralWestminster Abbeythe House of Lords

St. Paul’s Cathedral

Westminster Abbey

the House of Lords

Слайд 22 b) Westminster Abbey

b) Westminster Abbey

Слайд 23 9. Which birds, according to the legend, protect

9. Which birds, according to the legend, protect the Tower of London? pigeonsravensswans

the Tower of London?



Слайд 24 b) ravens

b) ravens

Слайд 25 10. Which is the most famous shopping street

10. Which is the most famous shopping street in London?Oxford streetDowning streetBaker street

in London?
Oxford street

Downing street

Baker street

Слайд 26 a) Oxford street

a) Oxford street

Слайд 27 11. What is a “double-decker”?
a bus

a lorry

a ship

11. What is a “double-decker”? a busa lorrya ship

Слайд 28 a) a bus

a) a bus

Слайд 29 12. Where can you make a speech in

12. Where can you make a speech in Hyde Park? Poet’s CornerSpeaker’s CornerRevolutionary Corner

Hyde Park?
Poet’s Corner

Speaker’s Corner

Revolutionary Corner

Слайд 30 b) Speaker’s Corner

b) Speaker’s Corner

Слайд 31 13. What is “The Globe” in London?
the largest

13. What is “The Globe” in London? the largest department store

department store in Europe

Cockney rhyming slang for “hope”

a Shakespearean


Слайд 32 c) a Shakespearean theatre

c) a Shakespearean theatre

Слайд 33 14. Which is the only London bridge that

14. Which is the only London bridge that can be raised? Tower BridgeLondon BridgeWaterloo Bridge

can be raised?
Tower Bridge

London Bridge

Waterloo Bridge

Слайд 34 a) Tower Bridge

a) Tower Bridge

Слайд 35 15. Why will 2012 be a special year

15. Why will 2012 be a special year for London? It’s

for London?
It’s the city’s 2000th anniversary

The city will

be hosting the Olympic Games

There will be an eclipse of the sun

Слайд 36 b) The city will be hosting the Olympic

b) The city will be hosting the Olympic Games


Слайд 37 16. Where are the Crown Jewels kept?
Buckingham Palace


16. Where are the Crown Jewels kept? Buckingham PalaceThe Tower of LondonThe Bank of England

Tower of London

The Bank of England

Слайд 38 b) The Tower of London

b) The Tower of London

Слайд 39 17. If you visited Number One, London,

17. If you visited Number One, London, where would you

where would you be?
Buckingham Palace

The Tower of London

The Bank

of England

Слайд 40 c) The Bank of England

c) The Bank of England

Слайд 41 18. Which museum is situated at 221B Baker

18. Which museum is situated at 221B Baker Street? Tate ModernMadam Tussaud’sSherlock Homes Museum

Tate Modern

Madam Tussaud’s

Sherlock Homes Museum

Слайд 42 c) Sherlock Homes Museum

c) Sherlock Homes Museum

Слайд 43 19. What colour is traditional London taxi?



19. What colour is traditional London taxi? yellowblackgreen

Слайд 44 b) Black taxi

b) Black taxi

Слайд 45 20. What’s the popular name of the underground

20. What’s the popular name of the underground system in London? the Tunnelthe Channelthe Tube

system in London?
the Tunnel

the Channel

the Tube

Слайд 46 c) the Tube

c) the Tube

Слайд 47 21. What is the London Eye?
a telescope

an observation

21. What is the London Eye? a telescopean observation wheela newspaper


a newspaper

Слайд 48 b) an observation wheel

b) an observation wheel

Слайд 49 22. How much will it cost you to

22. How much will it cost you to visit the British

visit the British Museum, the National Gallery, the Tate

Modern Gallery?

10 pounds

30 pounds

Nothing. They are free.

Слайд 50 c) Nothing. They are free.

c) Nothing. They are free.

Слайд 51 23. Which former London resident has been voted

23. Which former London resident has been voted “the greatest Briton

“the greatest Briton of all times”
Sir Winston Churchill

Charles Darwin



Слайд 52 a) Sir Winston Churchill

a) Sir Winston Churchill

Слайд 53 24. Which bridge over the Themes was pulled

24. Which bridge over the Themes was pulled down in 1970

down in 1970 and transported, piece by piece, to

Arizona in the US?

London Bridge

Tower Bridge

Westminster Bridge

Слайд 54 a) London Bridge

a) London Bridge

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-uroka-po-teme-who-is-the-cleverest-in-english.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 177
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