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Презентация на тему к уроку английского языка для 4 класса. Конструкция There is/are.

There is a bed in the room.There are books on the table.
Конструкция There is /There areСоставила учитель английского языка :Трошина К.П. There is a bed in the room.There are books on the table. RULES  We use ……………in the singular.We use …………….in the plural. RULES Short answers Choose the correct answers. 1)Is there a lamp in Choose the room and describe it. Your work on the lesson.Well done!Good !Try harder HomeworkDescribe you own room. Sources1.http://www.mifasolkiny.ru/dasha2.http://img3.cliparto.com/pic/xl/189493/4323547-house-in-cut.jp3.http://photointeriorpro.ruploads/posts/2015-1 Thank you for your attention.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 There is a bed in the room.
There are

There is a bed in the room.There are books on the table.

on the table.

Слайд 3 RULES

We use ……………in the singular.

We use …………….in

RULES We use ……………in the singular.We use …………….in the plural.

the plural.

Слайд 4 RULES


Слайд 5 Short answers Choose the correct answers.
1)Is there a lamp

Short answers Choose the correct answers. 1)Is there a lamp

in the room?
2)Are there chairs in the bedroom?
3) Are

there windows in the hall?
4)Is there a computer on the wall?

a)No, there aren’t.
b)Yes, there is.
c) No, there isn’t.
d) Yes, there are.

Слайд 6 Choose the room and describe it.

Choose the room and describe it.

Слайд 7 Your work on the lesson.
Well done!
Good !
Try harder

Your work on the lesson.Well done!Good !Try harder

Слайд 8 Homework
Describe you own room.

HomeworkDescribe you own room.

Слайд 9 Sources



  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-uroku-angliyskogo-yazyka-dlya-4-klassa-konstruktsiya-there-isare.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 127
  • Количество скачиваний: 0