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Презентация на тему по английскому языку Kazakhstan is my Motherland

Kazakhstan is my Motherland
Kazakhstan is my Motherland This information may help youArea : 2, 724, 900 square km. Capital: Read and translate the text.Kazakhstan is my motherlandKazakhstan was established as the Word dictationShare – ортақтасуDesert – құмды далаMineral resources – жерасты байлығыUranium – Comprehension check Read the following proverbs East or West – home is bestMy home is my castle. Thank you
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 3 Kazakhstan is my Motherland

Kazakhstan is my Motherland

Слайд 5 This information may help you
Area : 2, 724,

This information may help youArea : 2, 724, 900 square km.

900 square km.
Capital: Astana
Population: 17 million
Largest cities: Almaty,

Karaganda, Shymkent

Слайд 6 Read and translate the text.
Kazakhstan is my motherland

Read and translate the text.Kazakhstan is my motherlandKazakhstan was established as

was established as the Republic if Kazakhstan in December

1991. The country is the second largest of the former Soviet republics with a total land area of over 2.724 million square kilometers. This coutry shares its border with the Russian Federation to the north and north-west; to the east with China and to the south with the central Asian republics of Kyrgystan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan.
The Ural River flows through the western portion of Kazakhstan to the Caspian Sea. The central region of the country includes the Kazakh Steppe to the north and deserts of central Asia in the south-west.
The country is rich with mineral resources such as cooper, gold, iron, lead, nickel, silver, tin, uranium and zink with depositsof oil and natural gas.
Kazakhstan’s largest city is Almaty which lies to the south-east of the country near the border with Kyrgystan and China. Almaty was the capital until December 1997 when it was moved to Akmola, 850 kilometres to the north-west. In may 1998 Akmola was renamed Astana, the Kazakh word for capital. Astana’s population stands currently at…
Peaceful and generous, the land of the Kazakhs has always been famous for its hospitality. And it is not by accident, located on the crossroads of two ancient cultures - Europe and Asia.
Today, residents are happy to share their famous hospitality and to show the visitors the Alatau mountains with famous Medeu; the singing sands of the Altyn Emel National Park; Kapchagai – reservoir on the Ili river, the lakes and pine forests of Kokshetau; and Akhmed Yassaui Mausoleum in Turkestan, a lot of places of interest in Astana. Kazakhstan with the world’s ninth largest area has many such beautiful places and a rich culture. The official language is Kazakh and Russian is the language of international communication.

Слайд 7 Word dictation
Share – ортақтасу
Desert – құмды дала
Mineral resources

Word dictationShare – ортақтасуDesert – құмды далаMineral resources – жерасты байлығыUranium

– жерасты байлығы
Uranium – уран
Deposit – жерасты қоры
Gas –

Rename – жаңа ат беру
Reservoir – қор

Слайд 8 Comprehension check

Comprehension check

Слайд 9 Read the following proverbs
East or West –

Read the following proverbs East or West – home is bestMy home is my castle.

home is best
My home is my castle.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-kazakhstan-is-my-motherland.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 150
  • Количество скачиваний: 0