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Презентация на тему Презентации из цикла уроков элективного курса Business English (Unit 3 Telephoning)

Plan of the lesson:Phonetic drill and getting acquainted with the new words.2. Getting acquainted with the ways of making appointments.3. Doing exercises.4. Role-playing activities.
Making  Appointments Plan of the lesson:Phonetic drill and getting acquainted with the Words :To bring an appointment forward to an early date- Read the conversations , then role play them. Complete Martin’ half of the dialog:Lisa: Hello, is that Martin?Martin: ………………..(1)Lisa: Hello, Role – play activities:  Work in pairs. Student A calls to Home task: Make up the dialog: appoint the meeting to the  representative of any firm.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Plan of the lesson:
Phonetic drill and getting acquainted

Plan of the lesson:Phonetic drill and getting acquainted with the

with the
new words.
2. Getting acquainted with

the ways of making
3. Doing exercises.
4. Role-playing activities.

Слайд 3 Words :
To bring an appointment forward to an

Words :To bring an appointment forward to an early date-

early date-
перенести встречу на более

раннее время.

To cancel an appointment – отменить встречу

To postpone an appointment – назначить встречу
на другое время

Слайд 4 Read the conversations , then role play them.

Read the conversations , then role play them.

C: Good morning, Geraldine.
G: Morning, Mr. Harris.
C: Jenny, could you ring up Mr. Sakai’s office in Japan.
We need to set up a meeting. Not this week, but the
meeting must before November 3rd.I’d like Kate , Don
Bardley and Derek to be there.
C: Clive Harris.
D: Clive, it’s Derek.
C: Hello. Derek. What can I do for you?
D: Could you come down to the development workshop
for a second?
C: Derek, I’m busy.
D: Come on. It’ll take ten minutes.
C: All right. I’ve got ten minutes. I’m seeing Kate
McKenna at eleven.

Слайд 5


J: Hello, can I speak to Mr Sakai secretary… My name is
Jenny from Bibury System in the UK. Mr Harris would like
to arrange a meeting with Mr Sakai. I wonder if you
could check Mr Sakai’s European itinerary.
G: Yes… yes… yes… I will sure he’ll get the message…
All right… good bye. Ah, Mr Harris, I’ve just had a call
from Mr Peter’s secretary. I’m afraid he’s going to be
fifteen minutes late for his appointment this morning.
C: OK. That’s no problem.
G: Good morning, Bibury System. Well, Mr Green can see
you at eleven o’clock on Monday. Is that all right? No, I’m
sorry, on Tuesday he has a meeting in the morning.
Is this afternoon possible? All right. Thank you.

Слайд 6 Complete Martin’ half of the dialog:
Lisa: Hello, is

Complete Martin’ half of the dialog:Lisa: Hello, is that Martin?Martin: ………………..(1)Lisa:

that Martin?
Martin: ………………..(1)
Lisa: Hello, Martin, this is Lisa.
Martin: ……………….(2)

I’d like to make an appointment to see you next week.
Martin: ……………….(3)
Lisa: How about Wednesday?
Lisa: No, I’m afraid I’m busy that day.
Martin: …………………(5)
Lisa: Yes, that’s fine. What suits you better- morning or afternoon?
Martin: …………………(6)
Lisa: How about 2.30?
Martin: …………………….(8)
Lisa: OK. See you next Friday at half past two, then.
Martin’s words:
What about Friday? e. Yes, that’s fine.
After lunch is more convenient f. No, I’m afraid I’ll attending a sales
conference. Is Tuesday convenient?
c. Of course. What day suits for you? g. Hi, Lisa. What can I do for you?
d. Yes, speaking. h. Great. I look forward to it.

Слайд 7 Role – play activities:

Work in pairs.

Role – play activities: Work in pairs. Student A calls to

Student A calls to postpone , bring forward,

or cancel an appointment. Student B is a secretary and
answers a phone call.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsii-iz-tsikla-urokov-elektivnogo-kursa-business-english-unit-3-telephoning.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 147
  • Количество скачиваний: 0