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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему: Мои буквы (2 класс)


AaA is for Apples.One apple for me,and one for you,One for himAnd for her, too.
My Letters! AaA is for Apples.One apple for me,and one for you,One for himAnd for her, too. BbB is for Bird.Birds like to sing.They start to singWhen it is a spring. Cc C is for Cat. My cat is grey. He likes to Dd D is for Dog and for Doggy. I have a dog, not a doggy. EeE is for English. At school we learn Russian and English, too. Ff F is for Flowers: Red and blue, White and yellow And rosy too. Gg G is for Girl, and also for Garden. I see a Hh H is for Hat. Ann has a hat. I’m a boy Ii I is for ice cream. That’s what I like! Jj J is for Jam. This is apple jam. Jimmy likes it, And so does Sam. KkK is for Kite. Kate has a kite.Kate can read andshe likes to write. LlL is for Letters.Do you know themall?Yes, we do. We can recall. MmM is for Mouse.Little mouse,Little mouse,Where’s yourhouse? Nn N is for Nine, Ninety and Ninety-nine.  How much is  Ninety and nine? OoO is for Orange.It’s my favouritefruit! PpP is for a Penciland for a Pen.Have you got any?Yes, I’ve got bothof them. QqQ is for Questions:How old?How tall?How strong?And How are you? RrR is for Red.Many things arered.What can be red?Do you knowFred? SsS is for Spring andfor Summer, too,When the sun is brightAnd the sky is blue TtT is for Ten andfor Tom.Tom is a pupil ofthe tenth form. UuU is for Uncle, forUs and in a bus.Let us go with myuncle by bus. VvV is for a Vase.There’re a lot offlowers in the vase. WwW is for Where?When? and What?Where is Willy?What has he got? XxX is in Six. Let’scount up to six.One, two, three,four, five, six. YyY is for Yard where children play.They play in theyard every day. ZzZ is for Zoo.I’d like to go to theZoo with you. Впиши недостающие буквыAaB__gHh_nT__yZ_I_OoUuJj_pV__wQ_Xx_r_kL_Cc_dEeF__sMm Попробуй написать английский алфавит в обратном порядкеZz Yy _ _ _ _ Какая буква лишняя?A E O M I U2) c d h M
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Aa

A is for Apples.
One apple for me,
and one

AaA is for Apples.One apple for me,and one for you,One for himAnd for her, too.

for you,
One for him
And for her, too.

Слайд 3 Bb

B is for Bird.
Birds like to sing.
They start

BbB is for Bird.Birds like to sing.They start to singWhen it is a spring.

to sing
When it is a spring.

Слайд 4 Cc

C is for Cat.
My cat is

Cc C is for Cat. My cat is grey. He likes

He likes to run,
and He likes to


Слайд 5 Dd

D is for Dog and
for Doggy.

Dd D is for Dog and for Doggy. I have a dog, not a doggy.

I have a dog, not
a doggy.

Слайд 6 Ee
E is for English.
At school we learn

EeE is for English. At school we learn Russian and English,

Russian and English, too.
Do you like English?

I do.

Слайд 7 Ff

F is for Flowers:
Red and blue,

Ff F is for Flowers: Red and blue, White and yellow And rosy too.

White and yellow
And rosy too.

Слайд 8 Gg

G is for Girl, and
also for

Gg G is for Girl, and also for Garden. I see

I see a girl going to the garden.

Слайд 9 Hh

H is for Hat.
Ann has a

Hh H is for Hat. Ann has a hat. I’m a

I’m a boy and I have a cap.

Слайд 10 Ii

I is for ice cream.
That’s what

Ii I is for ice cream. That’s what I like!

I like!

Слайд 11 Jj

J is for Jam.
This is apple

Jj J is for Jam. This is apple jam. Jimmy likes it, And so does Sam.

Jimmy likes it,
And so does Sam.

Слайд 12 Kk

K is for Kite.
Kate has a kite.

KkK is for Kite. Kate has a kite.Kate can read andshe likes to write.

can read and
she likes to write.

Слайд 13 Ll
L is for Letters.
Do you know them
Yes, we

LlL is for Letters.Do you know themall?Yes, we do. We can recall.

We can recall.

Слайд 14 Mm

M is for Mouse.
Little mouse,
Little mouse,
Where’s your

MmM is for Mouse.Little mouse,Little mouse,Where’s yourhouse?

Слайд 15 Nn

N is for Nine, Ninety and Ninety-nine.

Nn N is for Nine, Ninety and Ninety-nine. How much is Ninety and nine?

How much is
Ninety and nine?

Слайд 16 Oo

O is for Orange.
It’s my favourite

OoO is for Orange.It’s my favouritefruit!

Слайд 17 Pp

P is for a Pencil
and for a Pen.

PpP is for a Penciland for a Pen.Have you got any?Yes, I’ve got bothof them.

you got any?
Yes, I’ve got both
of them.

Слайд 18 Qq
Q is for Questions:
How old?
How tall?
How strong?
And How

QqQ is for Questions:How old?How tall?How strong?And How are you?

are you?

Слайд 19 Rr
R is for Red.
Many things are
What can be

RrR is for Red.Many things arered.What can be red?Do you knowFred?

Do you know

Слайд 20 Ss
S is for Spring and
for Summer, too,
When the

SsS is for Spring andfor Summer, too,When the sun is brightAnd the sky is blue

sun is
And the sky is blue

Слайд 21 Tt

T is for Ten and
for Tom.
Tom is a

TtT is for Ten andfor Tom.Tom is a pupil ofthe tenth form.

pupil of
the tenth form.

Слайд 22 Uu

U is for Uncle, for
Us and in a

UuU is for Uncle, forUs and in a bus.Let us go with myuncle by bus.

Let us go with my
uncle by bus.

Слайд 23 Vv
V is for a Vase.
There’re a lot of

VvV is for a Vase.There’re a lot offlowers in the vase.

in the

Слайд 24 Ww

W is for Where?
When? and What?
Where is Willy?

WwW is for Where?When? and What?Where is Willy?What has he got?

has he got?

Слайд 25 Xx

X is in Six. Let’s
count up to six.

XxX is in Six. Let’scount up to six.One, two, three,four, five, six.

two, three,
four, five, six.

Слайд 26 Yy

Y is for Yard
where children play.
They play

YyY is for Yard where children play.They play in theyard every day.

in the
yard every day.

Слайд 27 Zz

Z is for Zoo.
I’d like to go to

ZzZ is for Zoo.I’d like to go to theZoo with you.

Zoo with you.

Слайд 28 Впиши недостающие буквы

Впиши недостающие буквыAaB__gHh_nT__yZ_I_OoUuJj_pV__wQ_Xx_r_kL_Cc_dEeF__sMm

Слайд 29 Попробуй написать английский алфавит в обратном порядке
Zz Yy

Попробуй написать английский алфавит в обратном порядкеZz Yy _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-moi-bukvy-2-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 139
  • Количество скачиваний: 0