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Презентация на тему по теме Домашние заботы

to vacuumto do the washing upto do the ironingto do the laundryto wash the windowsto sweep the floorto make the bed
HOUSEHOLD CHORES 7 классучитель – Козак А.М. to vacuumto do the washing upto do the ironingto do the laundryto to dust the furnitureto get dinner readyto lay the tableto wash the floor do the washing up  2. vacuum the carpet 3. wash the 1. do the washing up – C2. vacuum the carpet – D3. Match the combinations for some common chores:Do				a. the bedsDo				b. the dinner readyDust			c. Continue the phrase:I helped my mum to ….. THANK YOU FOR CO-OPERATION!!!Your hometask is to learn new words and expressions.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 to vacuum

to do the washing up
to do the

to vacuumto do the washing upto do the ironingto do the

to do the laundry
to wash the windows
to sweep the


to make the bed

Слайд 3 to dust the furniture
to get dinner ready
to lay

to dust the furnitureto get dinner readyto lay the tableto wash the floor

the table
to wash the floor

Слайд 4 do the washing up

2. vacuum the

do the washing up 2. vacuum the carpet 3. wash the


3. wash the windows

4. dust the


5. do the laundry
6. sweep the floor
7. take out the rubbish

Слайд 5 1. do the washing up – C
2. vacuum

1. do the washing up – C2. vacuum the carpet –

the carpet – D
3. wash the windows – E

dust the furniture - A
5. do the laundry - B
6. sweep the floor - F
7. take out the rubbish - THE ODD WORD

Слайд 6 Match the combinations for some common chores:

Do a. the

Match the combinations for some common chores:Do				a. the bedsDo				b. the dinner

Do b. the dinner ready
Dust c. the floor
Get d. the furniture
Sweep e.

the ironing
Lay f. the table
Make g. the washing-up

Слайд 7 Continue the phrase:
I helped my mum to …..

Continue the phrase:I helped my mum to …..

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-teme-domashnie-zaboty.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 161
  • Количество скачиваний: 0