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The aim of the project: to analyze the English folk tales and on the basis of the data obtained, to reveal the characteristics of the English.
“In the world of English fairy tales”The project made by: Nesterova Angelina The aim of the project: to analyze the English folk tales and This aim predetermined the following objects:To study the theoretical aspects of England is an amazing and unique country. No less unique are The first books of fairy tales appeared in the 19-th century. Joseph The research of folk tales, their role in the reflection of a Fairy tales are very diverse. Many scientists offer their variants of English folk tales have their own characteristics: 1}English folk tales are Use of means of expressiveness: Heroes of English fairy tales and their characteristics.  In English In the course of the study, we conducted a comparative analysis of Bibliography: 1.Verhoglyad V.А. English folk tales: Kn.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The aim of the project: to analyze the English

The aim of the project: to analyze the English folk tales

folk tales and on the basis of the data

obtained, to reveal the characteristics of the English.

Слайд 3 This aim predetermined the following objects:
To study

This aim predetermined the following objects:To study the theoretical aspects

the theoretical aspects of the research problem.

Read and translate

English folk tales into Russian

Compare English and Russian folk tales and identify compositional, plot and descriptive similarities and differences.

Using the data obtained, determine the sociocultural characteristics of the English people.

Слайд 4
England is an amazing and unique country.

England is an amazing and unique country. No less unique

No less unique are the English themselves. A lot

has been written about the country and its people, beginning with popular articles and ending with serious scientific articles, and documentary films have been shot. But nevertheless the British have always been and remain a mystery to us.

The best way to understand the peculiarities of the character of any people is to try to look at it from within - that is, to find out what the people are saying about themselves and their nation. Ideal from this point of view are works of oral folk art, fairy tales as well.

Слайд 5 The first books of fairy tales appeared in

The first books of fairy tales appeared in the 19-th century.

the 19-th century. Joseph Jacobs collected and published folk

British fairy tales and did not change them.

Слайд 6 The research of folk tales, their role in

The research of folk tales, their role in the reflection of

the reflection of a national character, engaged many scientists:

Veselovsky A.N., Propp V.Ya., Zhirmunsky V.М

Researchers differently define a fairy tale as a special genre of oral folk art. As the initial elements, the oral existence of a fairy tale, the installation of entertainment, the unusualness of the events depicted (Afanasyev A.N., Pomerantseva E.V, Sokolov Y.M.), a special composite stylistic construction (V. Ya. Propp) are most often called the initial elements.

Слайд 7 Fairy tales are very diverse. Many scientists

Fairy tales are very diverse. Many scientists offer their variants

offer their variants of classification of fairy tales. We

will dwell on the classification of V.Ya. Propp. This classification shows a close relationship of all types of fairy tales. The wonderful property of fairy tales is that they attribute the same actions to people, objects and animals. The national traits of the fairy tale are determined by the folklore traditions of the people. The fairy-tale reflects the animal and plant world of the country where these tales have appeared. Tales of animals are the oldest fairy tales. Animals - heroes of fairy tales

Слайд 9 English folk tales have their own characteristics: 1}English

English folk tales have their own characteristics: 1}English folk tales

folk tales are very similar one to another. 2}In

an English fairy tale, a situation is usually described, some information is given, or facts are ascertained. 3}In fairy tales, there are practically no traditional beginnings and endings.

Слайд 10 Use of means of expressiveness:

Use of means of expressiveness:

Слайд 11 Heroes of English fairy tales and their characteristics.

Heroes of English fairy tales and their characteristics. In English

English folk tales, the word "fool (a fool)" is

extremely rare. This is due, first of all, to the fact that it is not customary in English culture to confer negative traits on positive fairy-tale heroes. The main character of the English household fairy tale - Jack (Jack) - is endowed, quite often, with only positive traits of character. "In the reign of the good King Arthur in the county of Cornwall, a peasant lived on the Land Land, and this peasant had only one son named Jack." ("Jack is the winner of giants." Translator: N. V. Shereshevskaya)
In English fairy tales, the main characters are giants, fairies, witches, elves, gnomes, trolls, pixies (stunted creatures with red hair and a snub nose, with a large cap on their heads with sharp tops, pranksters, pranksters), goblins (scary fabulous creatures, living in caves that do not tolerate daylight), the magician Merlin, King Arthur, the knights.
English fairy tales about animals - a special group that goes back to ancient times, its volume is small. And in Russian and English fairy tales about animals there are almost identical characters: a wolf, a fox, symbolizing evil, a bear, a hare. Among pets, the main characters are a cock, a chicken, a mouse, a cat, a dog. The moral of such tales is to empathize with weak and helpless characters, such tales are taught to help them, and there is practically no morality or didactic component here. An important role is played by humor, which softens acute situations - heroes and their qualities are ridiculed and presented in a comic manner. The most striking and well-known example is "The Tale of Three Pigs". Here the typical features typical of this group of fairy tales are concentrated: the presence of the "evil" beginning (wolf), the cunning hero (the third pig), the victory of good and cunning over evil, and, as in many Russian fairy tales, the magic number " three".

Слайд 12 In the course of the study, we conducted

In the course of the study, we conducted a comparative analysis

a comparative analysis of Russian and English folk tales,

revealed their similaprosperity. Russians are often impractical, place spiritual values above material values. For the Russian people, the interests of their familiesrities and differences, and on the basis of the findings, made the following conclusions:

The English are smart entrepreneurs, energetic and tireless in inventing various ways of, respect for parents, the happiness and well-being of children are very important, while the British place the personal interests of a particular person "at the center of the line", neglecting family ties.
Englishmen are practitioners, people who calculate risks and think through solutions to problems. Russian people are often careless, they hope for "maybe", destiny and fate.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-proekta-v-mire-angliyskih-skazok.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 315
  • Количество скачиваний: 3