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Презентация на тему к уроку английского языка в 6 классе по теме My place к учебнику Spotlight 6.

Listen and repeat the words, then match the word and the sound. House [haus] Pantry [ ˈpæntri] Room [ru:m]
armchairsofacookerlampdeskRooms and furniture Listen and repeat the words, then match the word and the sound. 1)	lamp –    a) стол	b) лампа2)	vase – Riddles. Отгадайте слова по дефиниции.We sleep in it.It’s a piece of furniture Fill in some/anyThere are ….. flowers in the garden.There isn’t ….. bread
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Listen and repeat the words, then match the

Listen and repeat the words, then match the word and the

word and the sound.
House [haus]

Pantry [ ˈpæntri]
Room [ru:m] Lamp [læmp]
Bathroom [ba:Өrum] Carpet [ˈkɑːpɪt]
Living room[liviŋru:m] Flat [flæt]
Door [do:] Armchair[ˈɑːmtʃeə(r)]
Kitchen [kitƒәn] Furniture [ˈfəːnɪtʃə] Bath [ba:Ө] Сushion [ ˈkʊʃ(ə)n]
Floor [flo:] Сeiling [ ˈsiːlɪŋ]
Fireplace [ˈfʌɪəpleɪs] Сurtain [ ˈkəːt(ə)n]

Слайд 3 1) lamp – a) стол b) лампа
2) vase

1)	lamp –  a) стол	b) лампа2)	vase –  a) стакан	b) ваза3)	carpet

– a) стакан b) ваза
3) carpet –

a) карта b) ковер
4) armchair – a) стул b) кресло
5) sofa – a) кровать b) диван
6) ceiling - a) подушка b) потолок
7) sink – а) раковина b)подушка
8) curtain – a)ванна b)штора
9) cushion – a)диванная подушка b)кухня
10) fridge - a) раковина b)холодильник

Слайд 4 Riddles. Отгадайте слова по дефиниции.
We sleep in it.

Riddles. Отгадайте слова по дефиниции.We sleep in it.It’s a piece of

a piece of furniture we sit on.
It’s a

place where we keep our cars.
It’s a place where our dogs and cats often sleep.
It’s a room where we watch television.
It’s a piece of furniture where we keep books.
We cook breakfast, dinner in it.

Слайд 5 Fill in some/any
There are ….. flowers in the

Fill in some/anyThere are ….. flowers in the garden.There isn’t …..

There isn’t ….. bread in the cupboard.
There is …..lemonade

in the bottle.
Are there …..eggs on the table?
There isn’t …..meat in the shop.
There are …. apples on the tree.
Are there …..children in the room?
There is …..cheese on the plate.









  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-uroku-angliyskogo-yazyka-v-6-klasse-po-teme-my-place-k-uchebniku-spotlight-6.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 205
  • Количество скачиваний: 5