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Презентация на тему по английскому языку Ковбои

Contents1. Key words.2. Who are the cowboys?3. History.4. Cowboy’s clothes5. Types of cowboys6. Texas cowboys.7. Florida cowboy.8. Hawaiian Paniolo9. Who can become a cowboy?
Cowboys in the USAAlevtina Yakovleva,1272 group Contents1. Key words.2. Who are the cowboys?3. History.4. Key words: Cattle- скотTerrain – местность, окрестность.Fur chaps – меховые штаны.Spur A cowboy is an animal herder is an animal herder who tends cattle is an animal herder who tends cattle on ranches is an animal herder who tends cattle on ranches in North The cowboy has deep historic roots tracing back to SpainThe cowboy has deep Cowboy’s clothes In the modern world, remnants of two major and distinct cowboy traditions The Texas Cowboys are responsible for keeping and maintaining Smokey the CannonThe Texas Florida cowboysThe Florida Hawaiian PanioloPaniolo, like cowboys on the mainland of North America, learned their Whatever their age and upbringing, cowboys, sometimes called Who can become a cowboy?Cowboy life attracted young, unmarried men, most of References: 1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cowboy2. http://first-go.com/ssha/nastoyashhie-amerikanskie-kovboi.html
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Contents
1. Key words.
2. Who

Contents1. Key words.2. Who are the cowboys?3. History.4. Cowboy’s

are the cowboys?
3. History.
4. Cowboy’s clothes
5. Types of cowboys

Texas cowboys.
7. Florida cowboy.
8. Hawaiian Paniolo
9. Who can become a cowboy?

Слайд 3
Key words:
Cattle- скот
Terrain – местность, окрестность.
Fur chaps –

Key words: Cattle- скотTerrain – местность, окрестность.Fur chaps – меховые

меховые штаны.
Spur – шпора
Lassos – лассо, аркан
Bullwhips – кнуты

– носовой платок
brogans. – полусапог

Слайд 4 A cowboy is an animal herder is an animal herder who tends cattle is an animal herder who

A cowboy is an animal herder is an animal herder who tends cattle is an animal herder who tends cattle on ranches is an animal herder who

tends cattle on ranches is an animal herder who tends cattle on ranches in North America, traditionally on horseback, and

often performs a multitude of other ranch-related tasks.

Who are the cowboys?

Слайд 5
The cowboy has deep historic roots tracing back

The cowboy has deep historic roots tracing back to SpainThe cowboy has

to SpainThe cowboy has deep historic roots tracing back to Spain and

the earliest European settlers of the Americas. Over the centuries, differences in terrain, climate and the influence of cattle-handling traditions from multiple cultures created several distinct styles of equipment, clothing and animal handling


Слайд 6 Cowboy’s clothes

Cowboy’s clothes

Слайд 7 In the modern world, remnants of two major

In the modern world, remnants of two major and distinct cowboy

and distinct cowboy traditions remain, known today as the

"TexasIn the modern world, remnants of two major and distinct cowboy traditions remain, known today as the "Texas" tradition and the "Spanish", "Vaquero", or "California" tradition.

Слайд 8 The Texas Cowboys are responsible for keeping and

The Texas Cowboys are responsible for keeping and maintaining Smokey the CannonThe

maintaining Smokey the CannonThe Texas Cowboys are responsible for keeping

and maintaining Smokey the Cannon, which is present at all Texas Longhorns home football games. Smokey is fired off after the Eyes of Texas, at the end of every quarter, and after all Texas touchdowns, field goals, kickoffs, and two-point conversions.

Texas cowboys

Слайд 9 Florida cowboys
The Florida "cowhunter" or "crackerThe Florida "cowhunter"

Florida cowboysThe Florida

or "cracker cowboy" of the 19th and early 20th centuries

was distinct from the Texas and California traditions. Florida cowboys did not use lassosThe Florida "cowhunter" or "cracker cowboy" of the 19th and early 20th centuries was distinct from the Texas and California traditions. Florida cowboys did not use lassos to herd or capture cattle. Their primary tools were bullwhipsThe Florida "cowhunter" or "cracker cowboy" of the 19th and early 20th centuries was distinct from the Texas and California traditions. Florida cowboys did not use lassos to herd or capture cattle. Their primary tools were bullwhips and dogs. Since the Florida cowhunter did not need a saddle horn for anchoring a lariatThe Florida "cowhunter" or "cracker cowboy" of the 19th and early 20th centuries was distinct from the Texas and California traditions. Florida cowboys did not use lassos to herd or capture cattle. Their primary tools were bullwhips and dogs. Since the Florida cowhunter did not need a saddle horn for anchoring a lariat, many did not use Western saddlesThe Florida "cowhunter" or "cracker cowboy" of the 19th and early 20th centuries was distinct from the Texas and California traditions. Florida cowboys did not use lassos to herd or capture cattle. Their primary tools were bullwhips and dogs. Since the Florida cowhunter did not need a saddle horn for anchoring a lariat, many did not use Western saddles, instead using a McClellan saddleThe Florida "cowhunter" or "cracker cowboy" of the 19th and early 20th centuries was distinct from the Texas and California traditions. Florida cowboys did not use lassos to herd or capture cattle. Their primary tools were bullwhips and dogs. Since the Florida cowhunter did not need a saddle horn for anchoring a lariat, many did not use Western saddles, instead using a McClellan saddle. While some individuals wore boots that reached above the knees for protection from snakesThe Florida "cowhunter" or "cracker cowboy" of the 19th and early 20th centuries was distinct from the Texas and California traditions. Florida cowboys did not use lassos to herd or capture cattle. Their primary tools were bullwhips and dogs. Since the Florida cowhunter did not need a saddle horn for anchoring a lariat, many did not use Western saddles, instead using a McClellan saddle. While some individuals wore boots that reached above the knees for protection from snakes, others wore brogansThe Florida "cowhunter" or "cracker cowboy" of the 19th and early 20th centuries was distinct from the Texas and California traditions. Florida cowboys did not use lassos to herd or capture cattle. Their primary tools were bullwhips and dogs. Since the Florida cowhunter did not need a saddle horn for anchoring a lariat, many did not use Western saddles, instead using a McClellan saddle. While some individuals wore boots that reached above the knees for protection from snakes, others wore brogans. They usually wore inexpensive wool or straw hats, and used ponchos for protection from rain.

Слайд 10 Hawaiian Paniolo

Paniolo, like cowboys on the mainland of

Hawaiian PanioloPaniolo, like cowboys on the mainland of North America, learned

North America, learned their skills from Mexican vaqueros. Other theories of

word origin suggest Paniolo was derived from panuelo (Spanish for handkerchief) or possibly from a Hawai’ian language word meaning "hold firmly and sway gracefully."

Слайд 11
Whatever their age and upbringing, cowboys, sometimes called

Whatever their age and upbringing, cowboys, sometimes called

"cowhands," "cowpunchers," or "buckaroos," pursued a demanding and sometimes

dangerous occupation that required stamina, athleticism, and a specialized knowledge of horses and cattle.

Слайд 12
Who can become a cowboy?
Cowboy life attracted young,

Who can become a cowboy?Cowboy life attracted young, unmarried men, most

unmarried men, most of them in their late teens

and early twenties, from a variety of social and ethnic backgrounds. Whatever their age and upbringing, cowboys, sometimes called "cowhands," "cowpunchers," or "buckaroos," pursued a demanding and sometimes dangerous occupation that required stamina, athleticism, and a specialized knowledge of horses and cattle.

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