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Презентация на тему по английскому языку 6 класс на тему The tastes are different

Teacher: Good morning, children! Pupils: Good morning, good morning.Good morning to you.Good morning, good morning.We are glad to see you.
a good proverbTastes differ. Teacher: Good morning, children! Pupils: Good morning, good morning.Good morning to you.Good morning, [æ] - A black cat,     Sat on a [h] - Mother, father, sister, brother,     Hand in Possessive Case  (Притяжательный падеж) В английском языке, в отличие от Let’s do exercises. Translate the sentences.It’s Tom’s room.It’s my cat’s box.It’s AppearanceHeight (рост):tall, short, big, small1 metre ['mі׃tә] 20 centimetres ['sentImі׃tәz]Build (телосложение): plump Face:round, ovalHair: Nose:Eyes:Mouth:big, small Extra information:beautiful , attractivehandsome [' hænsәm] красивыйpretty ['prItI] хорошенькаяgood – looking красивый, приятныйugly некрасивый Let’s look at the picturesIs she tall?Is she slim?What is her hair I’m sure you can guess Jane’s photo. Actually you can answer the questions. What does Jane look like?Is What about you? Answer the questions.What is your height now?What colour Homework:  Learn the words by heart and the proverb.Complete the table
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Teacher: Good morning, children!
Pupils: Good morning, good morning.

Teacher: Good morning, children! Pupils: Good morning, good morning.Good morning to you.Good

morning to you.
Good morning, good morning.
We are glad to

see you.

Слайд 3 [æ] - A black cat,

[æ] - A black cat,   Sat on a map,

Sat on a map,

And ate a fat rat.

[ð] - This is my mother,
This is my father,
This is my brother Paul,
How I love than more.

[] - Thanks, third, three, Fourteenth.

Слайд 4 [h] - Mother, father, sister, brother,

[h] - Mother, father, sister, brother,   Hand in hand

Hand in hand with one another.

[n] -

Good morning, good evening, bring me a ring, sing me a song.

[r] - Russian, red, rabbit,
Run a cross a river.

Слайд 5 Possessive Case (Притяжательный падеж)
В английском языке, в отличие

Possessive Case (Притяжательный падеж) В английском языке, в отличие от

от русского языка, существительные имеют притяжательный падеж, который служит

для того, чтобы сказать, кому что принадлежит. Форму притяжательного падежа имеют в основном одушевленные существительные, обозначающие живое существо, которому принадлежит предмет, качество или признак. Например :
the girl’s book – книга девочки
the boys’ dictionary – словарь мальчиков
children’s books – книги детей
Притяжательный падеж существительных в единственном числе образуется путем прибавления окончания – ‘s (т.е. знака апостроф ‘ и буквы s) Tom’s dog
Чтобы образовать притяжательный падеж , к существительному во множественном числе добавляется только апостроф ‘ the girls’ room

Слайд 6 Let’s do exercises.
Translate the sentences.
It’s Tom’s room.
It’s my

Let’s do exercises. Translate the sentences.It’s Tom’s room.It’s my cat’s

cat’s box.
It’s Fred’s tent.
2.Rewrite the sentences.
For example: This is

Pete and his book. – This is Pete’s book.
This is Jim and his dog. – This is …
This is Tom and his jug. – This is …
This is Max and his mug. – This is …
This is Nick and his book. – This is …
3.Translate into English.
Это комната папы.
Это кружка мамы.
Это кровать Пита.

Слайд 7 Appearance
Height (рост):
tall, short, big, small
1 metre ['mі׃tә] 20

AppearanceHeight (рост):tall, short, big, small1 metre ['mі׃tә] 20 centimetres ['sentImі׃tәz]Build (телосложение): plump

centimetres ['sentImі׃tәz]
Build (телосложение):


Слайд 8 Face:
round, oval

Face:round, ovalHair:

Слайд 9 Nose:


big, small

Nose:Eyes:Mouth:big, small

Слайд 10 Extra information:
beautiful , attractive
handsome [' hænsәm] красивый
pretty ['prItI]

Extra information:beautiful , attractivehandsome [' hænsәm] красивыйpretty ['prItI] хорошенькаяgood – looking красивый, приятныйugly некрасивый

good – looking красивый, приятный
ugly некрасивый

Слайд 11 Let’s look at the pictures
Is she tall?
Is she

Let’s look at the picturesIs she tall?Is she slim?What is her

What is her hair like?
What is her face like?

are her eyes?
What is her nose like?
What is her mouth like?
What does she look like?

Слайд 12 I’m sure you can guess Jane’s photo.

I’m sure you can guess Jane’s photo.

Слайд 13 Actually you can answer the questions.
What does Jane

Actually you can answer the questions. What does Jane look

look like?
Is she tall and slim?
What is her hair

What are her eyes like?

Let’s know what you learn about Jane.

Try to describe Jane.

Слайд 14 What about you?
Answer the questions.
What is your height

What about you? Answer the questions.What is your height now?What

What colour are your eyes?
What colour is your hair?

long is your hair?
What is your nose like?
What is your face?

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-6-klass-na-temu-the-tastes-are-different.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 155
  • Количество скачиваний: 0