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Презентация на тему по английскому языку по теме Что едят в Англии? (2 курс СПО)

Киньшина Мария
Food travel book«What do they eat in England?»Киньшина МарияСтудентка 2 курса по Киньшина Мария CURRYthe most popular dish in England today is Indian curryКиньшина Мария Киньшина Мария Indian curry recipe1 tbsp of olive oil  1 medium sized onion In a medium-sized frying pan fry the onion in a vegetable oil Mix the curry paste with chicken pieces and fry until the meat Add tomatoes, coconut milk and water, mix well and cover with a lid.Киньшина Мария Boil and simmer for 20 minutes. Киньшина Мария Serve with Indian basmati rice.Киньшина Мария Features of national English cuisineКиньшина Мария The most typical dishes of British cuisine are:- all kinds of sandwiches Toad in the holeКиньшина Мария Sunday roastКиньшина Мария Thank you for attention!Киньшина Мария
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Киньшина Мария

Киньшина Мария

Слайд 3 CURRY
the most popular dish in England today is

CURRYthe most popular dish in England today is Indian curryКиньшина Мария

Indian curry
Киньшина Мария

Слайд 4 Киньшина Мария

Киньшина Мария

Слайд 5 Indian curry recipe
1 tbsp of olive oil 1 medium

Indian curry recipe1 tbsp of olive oil 1 medium sized onion

sized onion 70 g of pastry curry 250 g chopped chicken

breasts 100 ml of coconut milk or cream 100 g of tomatoes in own juice 50 ml of water 4 cups of boiled rice

Киньшина Мария

Слайд 6 In a medium-sized frying pan fry the onion

In a medium-sized frying pan fry the onion in a vegetable

in a vegetable oil until it will turn golden.


Слайд 7 Mix the curry paste with chicken pieces and

Mix the curry paste with chicken pieces and fry until the

fry until the meat is lightly browned.
Киньшина Мария

Слайд 8 Add tomatoes, coconut milk and water, mix well

Add tomatoes, coconut milk and water, mix well and cover with a lid.Киньшина Мария

and cover with a lid.
Киньшина Мария

Слайд 9 Boil and simmer for 20 minutes.
Киньшина Мария

Boil and simmer for 20 minutes. Киньшина Мария

Слайд 10 Serve with Indian basmati rice.
Киньшина Мария

Serve with Indian basmati rice.Киньшина Мария

Слайд 11 Features of national English cuisine
Киньшина Мария

Features of national English cuisineКиньшина Мария

Слайд 12 The most typical dishes of British cuisine are:

The most typical dishes of British cuisine are:- all kinds of

all kinds of sandwiches - "fish and chips" -

various kinds of pies with stuffing - roast dinners - Yorkshire pudding

Киньшина Мария

Слайд 13 Toad in the hole
Киньшина Мария

Toad in the holeКиньшина Мария

Слайд 14 Sunday roast
Киньшина Мария

Sunday roastКиньшина Мария

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-po-teme-chto-edyat-v-anglii-2-kurs-spo.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 154
  • Количество скачиваний: 0