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Презентация на тему к уроку английского языка по теме Friends

Общеобразовательные: развивать способности к логическим выводам и умозаключениям;
Тема урока: FriendsЦель: Развитие умений монологической устной речи. Общеобразовательные: развивать способности к логическим выводам Этапы урокаI Начало урока   1.Приветствие.    2. стихотворение FriendsFriends are people to share,Friends are people who care.They try to understand,They give a helping hand Each otherThe friends should help  each other.When A does an action Reflexive PronounsReflexive pronouns are used to show that the actions described by SubjectVerbObjectsheher Example She sees herSubjectObject ExampleSubjectObjectShe sees herself Reflexive pronouns  Reflexive pronouns are formed by adding self (singular) or The forms of reflexive pronouns correspond to the forms of the subject Can you fill the gaps?I wash __________.She is looking at ________ Practice1. We don’t argue with _____________.2. She’s selfish. She only thinks of Can you call yourself a true friend? to get on well with smb.to have the same sense of humorto A true friend must be…..He/She should …….We spend much time together …….I Questionnaire  “What sort of friend are you”? Thank you for your attention!Good bye!!!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Общеобразовательные: развивать способности к логическим выводам

Общеобразовательные: развивать способности к логическим выводам

и умозаключениям;
совершенствовать культуру общения друг
с другом
Развивающие: развивать речевую способность учащихся,
развивать мышление и эмоциональную
готовность к общению;
умение адекватно оценивать себя.

Воспитательные: воспитывать потребность к сотрудничеству при
работе в группах;
осознавать необходимости взаимодействия для
достижения совместной цели;
воспитывать чувство уважения;
формировать готовность строить
взаимоотношения с окружающими на
основе сотрудничества и быть толерантной

З а д а ч и :

Слайд 3 Этапы урока
I Начало урока

Этапы урокаI Начало урока  1.Приветствие.  2. стихотворение о друзьях.

2. стихотворение о друзьях. ( формулировка темы


3. Речевая зарядка (questions)

Основная часть урока.
1. Введение нового грамматич.материала.
2. Тренировка.
3. Развитие навыков МУР.
а) оценивают утверждения, выражают свое мнение;
b) Работа в группах. (составление семантической карты)
С) Составление МВ и его представление.
Заполнение анкеты.

III. Заключительный этап урока.
Домашнее задание.
Подведение итогов. Выставление оценок.

Слайд 4 Friends
Friends are people to share,
Friends are people who

FriendsFriends are people to share,Friends are people who care.They try to understand,They give a helping hand

They try to understand,
They give a helping hand

Слайд 5 Each other
The friends should help each other.


Each otherThe friends should help each other.When A does an action

A does an action to B and B does

the same action to A.

Or the friends should solve the problems themselves.

Слайд 6 Reflexive Pronouns
Reflexive pronouns are used to show that

Reflexive PronounsReflexive pronouns are used to show that the actions described

the actions described by a verb act upon the

subject of the verb:
the subject and the object are the same

Возвратные местоимения показывают, что действие в предложении направлено на лицо, которое его выполняет
и на русский язык переводятся с помощью суффикса -ся (-сь) или местоимением "себя", "собой", "себе", "сам".

Слайд 7 Subject


Слайд 8 Example
She sees her

Example She sees herSubjectObject

Слайд 9 Example
She sees herself

ExampleSubjectObjectShe sees herself

Слайд 10 Reflexive pronouns
Reflexive pronouns are formed by adding

Reflexive pronouns Reflexive pronouns are formed by adding self (singular) or

self (singular)
or selves (plural)
to my, your, our

him, her, it, them

Слайд 11 The forms of reflexive pronouns correspond to the

The forms of reflexive pronouns correspond to the forms of the

forms of the subject pronouns:

Слайд 12 Can you fill the gaps?
I wash __________.
She is

Can you fill the gaps?I wash __________.She is looking at ________

looking at ________ in the mirror.
They are teaching

___________ English!




Слайд 13 Practice
1. We don’t argue with _____________.
2. She’s selfish.

Practice1. We don’t argue with _____________.2. She’s selfish. She only thinks

She only thinks of ____________.
3. My brother and his

ex-wife don’t speak to _____________.
4. We had a very good holiday; we enjoyed ______________.
5. It wasn’t Kelly’s fault; she shouldn’t blame ____________.
6. Leo and you did a good job; you should be proud of _____________.
7. Mike didn’t need my help; he finished the work ____________.
8. I was responsible for the accident and I blame _____________
for it.
9. We write to ________________ about once a month.
10. I am not angry with you I am angry with ______________.
11. We got to know _____________ in May.
12. Can you call _______________a true friend?

Слайд 14

Can you call yourself a true friend?

Can you call yourself a true friend?

Слайд 15 to get on well with smb.
to have the

to get on well with smb.to have the same sense of

same sense of humor
to break up
to have a lot

of common
to like and dislike the same people and think
to keep in touch with smb.
to stay friends
to trust
to talk to about anything
argue about smth., with smb.

discuss problems
help in time
put smb. down

Слайд 16 A true friend must be…..
He/She should …….
We spend

A true friend must be…..He/She should …….We spend much time together

much time together …….
I like when he/she …..
We have

the same …..
I appreciate my friend because …..

What is he like?
Why do you like his/her friend?
What do you do together?
What is common with your friend?
What do you appreciate your friend for?

Слайд 17 Questionnaire “What sort of friend are you”?

Questionnaire “What sort of friend are you”?

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-uroku-angliyskogo-yazyka-po-teme-friends.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 145
  • Количество скачиваний: 0