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Презентация на тему учащейся 5 класса по теме Достопримечательности Лондона

Big-Ben-the symbol of Great Britain. Big Ben is a bell which strikes every hour. It‘s situated on the bank of the River Thames.
Sights of London.Fedkina Victoriya.Form 5 Big-Ben-the symbol of Great Britain. Big Ben is a bell which strikes Tower Bridges is oneof the most famousbridges across the Thames.It opens and Trafalgar squareis the famous square in the center of London. Westminster Abbeyis a working church and a great monument. Buckingham Palaceis a palace of the royal family. London Eye is on theThames.It is the largest observation wheel in the
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Big-Ben-the symbol of

Great Britain. Big Ben is

Big-Ben-the symbol of Great Britain. Big Ben is a bell which


bell which strikes every

hour. It‘s situated on


bank of the River Thames.

Слайд 3 Tower Bridges is one

of the most famous

bridges across

Tower Bridges is oneof the most famousbridges across the Thames.It opens



It opens and ships go up

and down the


Слайд 4 Trafalgar square

is the famous

square in the


Trafalgar squareis the famous square in the center of London.

of London.

Слайд 5 Westminster Abbey

is a working church

and a great

Westminster Abbeyis a working church and a great monument.


Слайд 6 Buckingham Palace

is a palace of the

royal family.

Buckingham Palaceis a palace of the royal family.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-uchashcheysya-5-klassa-po-teme-dostoprimechatelnosti-londona.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 143
  • Количество скачиваний: 0