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Презентация на тему Traditions of England on Christmas

Eve of Christmas or Nativity Fast.Christians begin to prepare for Christmas in 4 weeks prior to the holiday, and in some church faiths – in 40 days prior to him. Many believers observe the Nativity Fast
Traditions of England on Christmas. Eve of Christmas or Nativity Fast.Christians begin to prepare for Christmas in Christmas sweets.One more symbol and tradition of Christmas is cookies which children Who such Santa?Saint Nicholas, a real prototype of Santa Claus, lived in Have for the first time sounded in Europe thousands years ago. But Christmas jewelry of the house and fir-tree.The tradition to hang up a Mistletoe.Mistletoe – a symbol of freedom, the world and friendship. The tribes Candlemas – the termination of a holiday of Christmas.   Many
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Слайд 2 Eve of Christmas or Nativity Fast.
Christians begin to

Eve of Christmas or Nativity Fast.Christians begin to prepare for Christmas

prepare for Christmas in 4 weeks prior to the

holiday, and in some church faiths – in 40 days prior to him. Many believers observe the Nativity Fast – avoid certain types of food. The severity of a post depends on the charter of church faith

Christmas dinner.

The traditional Christmas dinner in Great Britain surely includes a turkey with potatoes and other vegetables . After a dinner the Christmas pudding – the sweet pudding consisting of a large number of dried fruits and which is often watered with the burning brandy follows. Other traditional dish in Great Britain is a Christmas pie. A large number of dried fruits also is its part. Pie is covered with icing.
The raised festive mood reigns in Great Britain about a month. It is really whole holiday season. So on an equal basis with traditional wishes of Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!) and Happy New Year! it is possible to hear Have a Happy Holiday Season often! In cards, SMS or chats often use Xmas – Merry Xmas ‘n Happy New Year!

Слайд 3 Christmas sweets.
One more symbol and tradition of Christmas

Christmas sweets.One more symbol and tradition of Christmas is cookies which

is cookies which children leave for Santa on a

fireplace as a symbol of gratitude (a token of gratitude) for work which he performs every Christmas.

The gingerbread little man– a reminder that God has created Adam (as well as each of us).

Caramel canes have been "invented" in the 17th century especially for disobedient children, it was difficult for them to sit out a long Christmas mass quietly. The exhausted chorus master of one of cathedrals has made for them lollipops that him was what to be engaged during the church service. And the bent form reminding a shepherdly staff has been designed to remind of the shepherds who have visited the Baby Christ on the first Christmas.

Слайд 4 Who such Santa?
Saint Nicholas, a real prototype of

Who such Santa?Saint Nicholas, a real prototype of Santa Claus, lived

Santa Claus, lived in the 4th century of our

era in the city of Mira of the Province of Lycia on the southwest coast of Asia Minor (modern Turkey).In Orthodoxy – Nicholas The Wonderworker (Nikolay Mirlikiysky, Nikola Ugodnik).The name Santa Claus [ˈsant ə ˈkl ɔː z] has resulted from distortion of pronunciation of Saint Nicholas [ˈs (ə) of nt ˈnɪkələs].

Слайд 5 Have for the first time sounded in Europe

Have for the first time sounded in Europe thousands years ago.

thousands years ago. But it were no Christmas Carols

known to us. It were pagan songs (pagan songs) which were sung around stone circles during the celebration of a winter solstice (Winter Solstice). Day of a winter solstice – the shortest day in a year which usually drops out approximately for December 22. The word carol is designated by "dance" or "the song of joy".
Songs of joy have been written and years were executed at all times, but the tradition of their execution was fixed and has remained only for Christmas.
Christmas Carols – special songs which are sung for Christmas. In them it is sung about Jesus Christ and time of his birth.

Christmas carols.

Слайд 6 Christmas jewelry of the house and fir-tree.
The tradition

Christmas jewelry of the house and fir-tree.The tradition to hang up

to hang up a Christmas stocking over a fireplace

has arisen from a legend and also is connected with Saint Nikolay. In one village the poor died, leaving three daughters without piece of bread. Saint Nikolay has heard as villagers interpret the unenviable fate of girls, and has decided to help poor family, having made it secretly. According to one of versions of a legend, Saint Nicholas has thrown into a flue pipe three pieces of gold which have got to the stockings of girls which are hanged out over a fireplace for drying.
Hand bells – an ancient symbol of protection against evil spirits. The form of a bell reminded ancient people a vault of heaven. In Christianity the sound of bells is a sacred herald of presence of Christ on a church service.
Star on a fir-tree top – a reminder on the Star of Bethlehem which has ascended at the time of Jesus's birth.

The tradition to establish an evergreen coniferous tree (a fir-tree, a pine, a fir) for Christmas has arisen in Germany in the 16th century and has gained popularity in England to the middle of the 19th century thanks to prince Albert, the German by origin, to the husband of the Queen Victoria ruling at that time. Evergreen trees symbolize firmness and endurance in the face of danger, and on some beliefs they are capable to drive away evil spirits from the dwelling.
Custom to give presents for Christmas has to remind us of gifts presented by magicians to the Baby Jesus.
Angels, messengers of light, are also one of Christmas symbols as this day we celebrate updating of the world and a celebration Sveta over Darkness.

Слайд 7 Mistletoe.
Mistletoe – a symbol of freedom, the world

Mistletoe.Mistletoe – a symbol of freedom, the world and friendship. The

and friendship. The tribes inhabiting Europe in the ancient

time laid down arms and stopped wars, is noticed it near the place of battle. This "peacekeeping" quality of a plant has also generated tradition to kiss under a mistletoe as a sign of love and friendship.

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