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Презентация на тему по английскому языку The solar system

In the dark sky the stars are shining, The planets are saying hello! They are looking at us and inviting us To leave the Earth and to go Along the Milky Way
In the dark sky the stars are shining,  The planets are Match the names of the planets with their transcription Check yourselves1. - g 2. - I3. - f4. - b5. - .1. Which planet is the furthest to the Earth? 1. This is the best planet where we live Which planet is it about?The Earth 2. This planet is as big as the Earth. It is often 3. This planet is the biggest and the fastest in the Solar systemJupiter 4.This is the second largest planet in the Solar system. It has ringsSaturn Degrees of comparison при сравнении одинаковых понятий используйте структуру: as … as, Thank you for your work!  The lesson is over.  Good bye!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 In the dark sky the stars are shining, The

In the dark sky the stars are shining, The planets are

planets are saying hello! They are looking at us and

inviting us To leave the Earth and to go Along the Milky Way to a world Full of comets and shooting stars, Full of galaxies, big and small, Which are moving away from us. And this wonderful world, of course, Is the universe

Слайд 4 Match the names of the planets with

Match the names of the planets with their transcription

their transcription
1. Pluto

a) [‘mз:kjuri ] 2. Venus b) [з:O ] 3. Neptune c) [‘dЗu:pitэ ] 4. Earth d) [‘s зе tэn] 5. Mars e) [ma:z] 6. Mercury f) [‘neptju:n] 7. Jupiter g) [‘plu:tэu] 8. Saturn h) [‘juэrэnэs] 9. Uranus i) [‘vi:nэs]

Слайд 5 Check yourselves

1. - g
2. - I
3. -

Check yourselves1. - g 2. - I3. - f4. - b5.

4. - b
5. - e
6. - a
7. - c

- d
9. - h

Слайд 7 .
1. Which planet is the furthest to the

.1. Which planet is the furthest to the Earth?


…is the furthest planet to the Earth.
2. Which planet is the closest to the Sun?
… is the closest planet to the Sun.
3. Which planet is the smallest in the Solar System?
… is the smallest planet in the Solar System.
4. Which planet is the biggest in the Solar System?
… is the biggest planet in the Solar System.

Степени сравнения прилагательных





Слайд 8



Mercury Pluto

1. Which planet is closer to the Earth?
… is closer to the Earth than … .
2. Which planet is further to the Earth?

… is further to the Earth than … .
3. Which planet is bigger?
… is bigger than … .
4. Which planet is smaller?
… is smaller than …









Слайд 9 1. This is the best planet where we

1. This is the best planet where we live Which planet is it about?The Earth

Which planet is it about?
The Earth

Слайд 10 2. This planet is as big as the

2. This planet is as big as the Earth. It is

It is often described as the “Red Planet”

Слайд 11 3. This planet is the biggest and the

3. This planet is the biggest and the fastest in the Solar systemJupiter

fastest in the Solar system

Слайд 12 4.This is the second largest planet
in the

4.This is the second largest planet in the Solar system. It has ringsSaturn

Solar system. It has rings

Слайд 13 Degrees of comparison

при сравнении одинаковых понятий используйте

Degrees of comparison при сравнении одинаковых понятий используйте структуру: as …

структуру: as … as, или nearly as… as
cold –

colder – the coldest
as small as/ nearly as hot as
distant – more distant – the most distant

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-the-solar-system.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 175
  • Количество скачиваний: 1