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Презентация на тему по английскому языку The History of Britain?


PeriodsCelticRomanAnglo-Saxons and VikingsNormanMedievalTudorsStuartsGeorgianVictorian
The History of Great Britain PeriodsCelticRomanAnglo-Saxons and VikingsNormanMedievalTudorsStuartsGeorgianVictorian The Celts750 BC – 43 AD The Celts were:warriorsfarmers Celts lived in: Celtic priests were called: StonehengeNobody knows what it was built for, perhaps Druid temple or perhaps an astronomical calculator. The Romans43 AD- 410 AD55 BC- Emperor Julius Caesar landed in Britain Roman invasion:In 43 AD EmperorClaudius organized the final and successful Roman invasion of Britain. The biggest battle was fought on the banks of the River The Romans founded the city Londinium, which is now known as London. The Anglo-Saxons410-1066The Anglo-Saxons were the people thatcame from Germany,Denmark and the Netherlands The Anglo Saxons divided England into kingdoms :Northumbria, Mercia, Wessex, Kent and Anglia The Vikings9th c.-1066Vikings were also known as the Norsemen orDanes. Vikings were raiders from Norway and Northern Denmark The Saxon King Alfred fought Vikings in the battle of Maldon in The Norman InvasionEdward the Confessor’s heir?Harold Godwinson Harald Hardrada Edgar the Atheling The battle of Stamford Bridge 25th September 1066 The Battle of Hastings. 14th October 1066 What is the legacy of William the Conqueror? Norman CastlesWarwick Castle The Tower of London Windsor Castle Domesday Book –  the first national census Medieval EnglandCivil warsInternational warOccasional insurrectionPolitical intrigue King Richard John  Magna Carta – a document which stated that king was The Hundred Years War 1337-1453 England vs. FranceEngland lost its French territories. The Black DeathEpidemic of bubonic plague came to England in 1348 and The War of the Roses 1455-1485 The House of Lancaster vs The House of York The Tudors  (1485- 1603)Henry VIIHenry VIIIEdward VIMary IElizabeth I Henry VII The first Tudor kingBecame king after the battle of Bosworth(War of the Roses)Established absolutemonarchy Henry VIII Had 6 wives: Henry VIIIBreak from RomeNationalization of  the English ChurchBeginning of English  Reformation Henry VIIIEdward Mary Elizabeth Mary I- “Bloody Mary”She was a Catholic -> efforts to restore Catholicism Elizabeth IExplorationsColonisationVictory in warFlourishing in artsGrowing world importance War with Spain (1588)Spanish Armada William ShakespeareThe Globe The Stuarts   James I Civil War (1642- 1649)Parliament Vs. MonarchOliver Cromwell won  the battle Naseby Restoration (1660-1688)Charles II could not restore the old state of things1688- the the Georgian Age George IGeorge IIGeorge IIIGeorge IVWilliam IVThey were Germans, couldn’t Seven Years War with France (1756-1763) The first war on a global The US War for Independence  (1775-1776)American colonies declared themselves independent from Britain The war with France  (1803-1815)Battle of Trafalgar (21 October 1805)Battle of Waterloo (18 June 1815) Victorian Age 1873-1901Queen Victoria ruled for 64 years. Industrial RevolutionNew machines invented- >less time to spend work- > no need Housing conditionsShortage of housesNo running water and toilets in houses (outdoor water Public Health Act of 1875 banned open sewers houses were made further Working conditionsLong working hoursSmall salaryWomen and children labourNo holidays Factory Acts of 1840’s reduced working hours for children and women improved workingconditions. Howeverby the late 19th century housing for most people was better than
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Periods
Anglo-Saxons and Vikings

PeriodsCelticRomanAnglo-Saxons and VikingsNormanMedievalTudorsStuartsGeorgianVictorian

Слайд 3 The Celts
750 BC – 43 AD

The Celts750 BC – 43 AD

The word Celt comes
from the Greek word
“Keltoi”, which means

Слайд 4 The Celts were:


The Celts were:warriorsfarmers

Слайд 5 Celts lived in:

Celts lived in:

Слайд 6 Celtic priests were called:

Celtic priests were called:

Слайд 7 Stonehenge
Nobody knows what it was built for, perhaps

StonehengeNobody knows what it was built for, perhaps Druid temple or perhaps an astronomical calculator.

Druid temple or perhaps an astronomical calculator.

Слайд 8 The Romans
43 AD- 410 AD
55 BC- Emperor Julius

The Romans43 AD- 410 AD55 BC- Emperor Julius Caesar landed in

Caesar landed in Britain ,
won several battles and

54 BC – Caesar came
to Britain again.

Слайд 9 Roman invasion:
In 43 AD Emperor
Claudius organized
the final

Roman invasion:In 43 AD EmperorClaudius organized the final and successful Roman invasion of Britain.

Roman invasion
of Britain.

Слайд 10
The biggest battle was fought
on the

The biggest battle was fought on the banks of the

banks of the River
Medway, close to Rochester.

Слайд 11 The Romans founded the city Londinium, which is

The Romans founded the city Londinium, which is now known as London.

now known as London.

Слайд 12 The Anglo-Saxons
The Anglo-Saxons
were the people that
came from

The Anglo-Saxons410-1066The Anglo-Saxons were the people thatcame from Germany,Denmark and the Netherlands

Denmark and
the Netherlands

Слайд 13 The Anglo Saxons
divided England
into kingdoms :

The Anglo Saxons divided England into kingdoms :Northumbria, Mercia, Wessex, Kent and Anglia

Wessex, Kent and

Слайд 14 The Vikings
9th c.-1066

Vikings were also
known as

The Vikings9th c.-1066Vikings were also known as the Norsemen orDanes.

Norsemen or

Слайд 15
Vikings were raiders
from Norway and
Northern Denmark

Vikings were raiders from Norway and Northern Denmark

Слайд 16
The Saxon King Alfred fought
Vikings in the

The Saxon King Alfred fought Vikings in the battle of Maldon

battle of Maldon
in 891, but he lost and

to let them have part of the
country, called Danelaw.

Слайд 17 The Norman Invasion

Edward the Confessor’s heir
Harold Godwinson

The Norman InvasionEdward the Confessor’s heir?Harold Godwinson Harald Hardrada Edgar the

Edgar the Atheling
William, Duke of Normandy

Слайд 18 The battle of Stamford Bridge
25th September 1066

The battle of Stamford Bridge 25th September 1066

Слайд 19 The Battle of Hastings.
14th October 1066

The Battle of Hastings. 14th October 1066

Слайд 20

What is the legacy of William the Conqueror?

What is the legacy of William the Conqueror?

Слайд 21 Norman Castles

Warwick Castle
The Tower of London

Norman CastlesWarwick Castle The Tower of London Windsor Castle


Слайд 22 Domesday Book – the first national census

Domesday Book – the first national census

Слайд 23 Medieval England
Civil wars
International war
Occasional insurrection
Political intrigue

Medieval EnglandCivil warsInternational warOccasional insurrectionPolitical intrigue

Слайд 24 King Richard "the Lion Heart“

King Richard


“the absent king”)

-was preoccupied with foreign wars
-took part in the Third Crusade
-defended his French territories
Philip II
of France.

Слайд 25 John
Magna Carta – a document which

John Magna Carta – a document which stated that king was

stated that king was not above the law, that

he only ruled by the will of the people.

-had a conflict with nobles
-was defeated by the barons
-kept the throne by signing the Magna Carta (1215)

Слайд 26 The Hundred Years War 1337-1453 England vs. France
England lost its

The Hundred Years War 1337-1453 England vs. FranceEngland lost its French territories.

French territories.

Слайд 27 The Black Death
Epidemic of bubonic plague came to

The Black DeathEpidemic of bubonic plague came to England in 1348

England in 1348 and killed as much as 1/3

of the population.

Слайд 28 The War of the Roses 1455-1485 The House of Lancaster

The War of the Roses 1455-1485 The House of Lancaster vs The House of York

vs The House of York

Слайд 29 The Tudors (1485- 1603)
Henry VII
Henry VIII
Edward VI
Mary I

The Tudors (1485- 1603)Henry VIIHenry VIIIEdward VIMary IElizabeth I

Слайд 30 Henry VII
The first Tudor king
Became king after the

Henry VII The first Tudor kingBecame king after the battle of Bosworth(War of the Roses)Established absolutemonarchy

battle of Bosworth
(War of the Roses)
Established absolute

Слайд 31 Henry VIII
Had 6 wives:

Henry VIII Had 6 wives:


of Aragon (divorced)
Anne Boleyn (beheaded)
Jane Seymour (died)
Anne of Cleves (divorced)
Catherine Howard (beheaded)
Catherine Parr (died)

Слайд 32 Henry VIII
Break from Rome
Nationalization of

Henry VIIIBreak from RomeNationalization of  the English ChurchBeginning of English  Reformation

English Church
Beginning of English

Слайд 33 Henry VIII


Henry VIIIEdward Mary Elizabeth

Слайд 34 Mary I- “Bloody Mary”
She was a Catholic ->

Mary I- “Bloody Mary”She was a Catholic -> efforts to restore

efforts to restore Catholicism -> executions of Protestants ->


Слайд 35 Elizabeth I
Victory in war
Flourishing in arts
Growing world

Elizabeth IExplorationsColonisationVictory in warFlourishing in artsGrowing world importance

Слайд 36 War with Spain (1588)

Spanish Armada

War with Spain (1588)Spanish Armada

Слайд 37 William Shakespeare

The Globe

William ShakespeareThe Globe

Слайд 38 The Stuarts
James I

The Stuarts  James I

Charles I

Conflicts with Parliament -> Civil War

Слайд 39 Civil War (1642- 1649)
Parliament Vs. Monarch
Oliver Cromwell won

Civil War (1642- 1649)Parliament Vs. MonarchOliver Cromwell won  the battle

the battle Naseby ->
Charles I

beheaded ->
Republic proclaimed

Слайд 40 Restoration (1660-1688)
Charles II could not
restore the old

Restoration (1660-1688)Charles II could not restore the old state of things1688-

of things

1688- the Bill of Rights


Слайд 41 the Georgian Age
George I
George II
George III
George IV

the Georgian Age George IGeorge IIGeorge IIIGeorge IVWilliam IVThey were Germans,


They were Germans, couldn’t speak English - > let

Prime Ministers rule the country.

Слайд 42 Seven Years War with France (1756-1763)
The first war

Seven Years War with France (1756-1763) The first war on a

a global scale
War for colonies

Britain won !

Слайд 43 The US War for Independence (1775-1776)
American colonies

The US War for Independence (1775-1776)American colonies declared themselves independent from Britain

independent from

Слайд 44 The war with France (1803-1815)
Battle of Trafalgar

The war with France (1803-1815)Battle of Trafalgar (21 October 1805)Battle of Waterloo (18 June 1815)

October 1805)

Battle of Waterloo
(18 June 1815)

Слайд 45 Victorian Age 1873-1901
Queen Victoria ruled for 64 years.

Victorian Age 1873-1901Queen Victoria ruled for 64 years.

Слайд 46 Industrial Revolution
New machines invented- >less time to spend

Industrial RevolutionNew machines invented- >less time to spend work- > no

work- > no need in workers- > unemployment
Rural society

- > urban society ( 20%-> 50% in towns)

Слайд 47 Housing conditions
Shortage of houses
No running water and toilets

Housing conditionsShortage of housesNo running water and toilets in houses (outdoor

in houses (outdoor water pump and outside toilet instead)

Rubbish thrown out into the
Dirty streets and cramped
living – perfect for diseases
(typhus, smallpox and

Слайд 48 Public Health Act of 1875
banned open sewers

Public Health Act of 1875 banned open sewers houses were made

houses were made further
rubbish collection was

health inspectors
had to check that sanitation
and health of the people was

Слайд 49 Working conditions
Long working hours
Small salary
Women and children labour

Working conditionsLong working hoursSmall salaryWomen and children labourNo holidays


Слайд 50 Factory Acts of 1840’s
reduced working hours

Factory Acts of 1840’s reduced working hours for children and women improved workingconditions.

children and women
improved working

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  • Количество просмотров: 159
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