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Презентация на тему Игра по английскому языку Все люди разные (7 класс)

She is a girlShe is youngShe is tallShe is slimHer hair is darkHer hair is shortHer hair is straightHer eyes are brownShe is smilingShe is positive
Are they different?Read about them and find one incorrect sentence She is a girlShe is youngShe is tallShe is slimHer hair is He is a manHe is middle-agedHe is tallHe is well-builtHis hair is His hair is redHe is youngHe is shortHe is plumpHis face is Her hair isn’t spikyShe isn’t slim Her face is pleasantHer eyes are His hair is spikyHe is cuteHe isn’t naughtyHe is plump His cheeks’re His nose is hooked He is quite tallHe isn’t fatHe is very She is a teenagerShe is prettyShe isn’t rather tallShe is slimShe is Her eyes are blue She is in her 20thShe is slenderHer hair He is thinHe isn’t oldHe is handsomeHe looks smartHe isn’t shortHis face She is a womanShe looks upsetShe looks puzzledShe isn’t fatHer hair is His hair is darkHe is a manHe isn’t youngHis face is squareHis Good for you!Шаблон: English-study-caféАвтор игры: Татьянина О.Н.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 She is a girl
She is young
She is tall

She is a girlShe is youngShe is tallShe is slimHer hair

is slim
Her hair is dark
Her hair is short
Her hair

is straight

Her eyes are brown

She is smiling

She is positive

Слайд 3 He is a man
He is middle-aged
He is tall

He is a manHe is middle-agedHe is tallHe is well-builtHis hair

is well-built
His hair is grey
His hair isn’t short
His eyes

are blue

His nose is big

He looks happy

He is kind

Слайд 4 His hair is red
He is young
He is short

His hair is redHe is youngHe is shortHe is plumpHis face

is plump
His face is round
His hair is curly
His eyes

are small

He looks attentive

He is funny

He is a teenager

Слайд 5 Her hair isn’t spiky
She isn’t slim
Her face

Her hair isn’t spikyShe isn’t slim Her face is pleasantHer eyes

is pleasant
Her eyes are kind
Her hair is long
She’s got


She looks surprised

She is cheerful

She is elderly

She feels tired

Слайд 6 His hair is spiky
He is cute
He isn’t naughty

His hair is spikyHe is cuteHe isn’t naughtyHe is plump His

is plump
His cheeks’re thick
His hair is ginger

eyes are dark

His nose’s turned-up

He is a baby

He looks sleepy

Слайд 7 His nose is hooked
He is quite tall

His nose is hooked He is quite tallHe isn’t fatHe is

isn’t fat
He is very irritable
His face is oval
He is

partly bald

He has white teeth

He looks furious

He is emotional

He is overweight

Слайд 8 She is a teenager
She is pretty
She isn’t rather

She is a teenagerShe is prettyShe isn’t rather tallShe is slimShe

She is slim
She is fair-haired
Her hair is wavy
Her eyes

are grey

Her nose is straight

She is confident

She looks calm

Слайд 9 Her eyes are blue
She is in her

Her eyes are blue She is in her 20thShe is slenderHer

She is slender
Her hair is dyed
Her hair is


Her nose isn’t big

She may be selfish

She looks proud

She may be clever

She isn’t attractive

Слайд 10 He is thin
He isn’t old
He is handsome
He looks

He is thinHe isn’t oldHe is handsomeHe looks smartHe isn’t shortHis

He isn’t short
His face is long
His eyes are narrow

He looks generous

He is a man

His hair is grey

Слайд 11 She is a woman
She looks upset
She looks puzzled

She is a womanShe looks upsetShe looks puzzledShe isn’t fatHer hair

isn’t fat
Her hair is red
She is skinny
Her eyes are


Her lips are full

She’s got freckles

Her eyebrows’re red

Слайд 12 His hair is dark
He is a man
He isn’t

His hair is darkHe is a manHe isn’t youngHis face is

His face is square
His hair is wavy
His eyes are


He may be bored

He’s got protruding ears

He looks annoyed

He is elderly

  • Имя файла: igra-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-vse-lyudi-raznye-7-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 201
  • Количество скачиваний: 0