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Презентация на тему Путешествие в Турцию Абрамова Анна 5 класс творческая работа

This is the beautiful hotel where we lived
My journey to Turkey This is the beautiful hotel where we lived My meeting with an African Every night there was a kids disco Even we had a fire show My mom and I were flying with a parachute In Turkey, there is a very beautiful sea Look! What beautiful fish! And beautiful pools! My favorite hobby was to be on water rides The restaurant was decorated in the form of pumpkin and watermelon Here we are! And this is me! I with my brother I'll try not to forget this trip to Turkey!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 This is the beautiful hotel where we lived

This is the beautiful hotel where we lived

Слайд 3 My meeting with an African

My meeting with an African

Слайд 4 Every night there was a kids disco

Every night there was a kids disco

Слайд 5 Even we had a fire show

Even we had a fire show

Слайд 6 My mom and I were flying with

My mom and I were flying with a parachute

a parachute

Слайд 7 In Turkey, there is a very beautiful sea

In Turkey, there is a very beautiful sea

Слайд 8 Look! What beautiful fish!

Look! What beautiful fish!

Слайд 9 And beautiful pools!

And beautiful pools!

Слайд 10 My favorite hobby was to be on water

My favorite hobby was to be on water rides


Слайд 11 The restaurant was decorated in the form of

The restaurant was decorated in the form of pumpkin and watermelon

pumpkin and watermelon

Слайд 12 Here we are!

Here we are!

Слайд 13 And this is me!

And this is me!

Слайд 14 I with my brother

I with my brother

  • Имя файла: puteshestvie-v-turtsiyu-abramova-anna-5-klass-tvorcheskaya-rabota.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 175
  • Количество скачиваний: 0