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Презентация на тему по английскому языку AT the ZOO

AT THE ZOO http://learningapps.org/display?v=pb1ucp5q201
Spotlight 4 module 4,lessonmodule 4,lesson 8а AT THE ZOO   http://learningapps.org/display?v=pb1ucp5q201 Tall      monkeySilly Which animal is cleverer?a mousea dolphin Which animal has got a shorter tail? a kangaroo a sheep Which animal is bigger? a whalea hippo Which animal is taller?a giraffean elephant Which animal is thinner?a seala lizard Учимся сравниватьsmall+er=smaller thanмаленький + суффикс = меньше чемbig Comparatives(Сравнительная степень прилагательных) Comparatives(Сравнительная степень прилагательных) Home Work: I am fine I am so – so I am bad It is big. It is not small. It can run, go and It is not small. It is big. It can run and It is big. It lives in the river. It can swim.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 AT THE ZOO http://learningapps.org/display?v=pb1ucp5q201

AT THE ZOO  http://learningapps.org/display?v=pb1ucp5q201

Слайд 3 Tall monkey

Tall   monkeySilly   giraffeClever   whaleLittle


Little lizard
Lazy seal
Big dolphin

Слайд 4 Which animal is cleverer?
a mouse
a dolphin

Which animal is cleverer?a mousea dolphin

Слайд 5 Which animal has got a shorter tail?

Which animal has got a shorter tail? a kangaroo a sheep

a sheep

Слайд 6 Which animal is bigger?
a whale
a hippo

Which animal is bigger? a whalea hippo

Слайд 7 Which animal is taller?
a giraffe
an elephant

Which animal is taller?a giraffean elephant

Слайд 8 Which animal is thinner?
a seal
a lizard

Which animal is thinner?a seala lizard

Слайд 9
Учимся сравнивать
маленький +

Учимся сравниватьsmall+er=smaller thanмаленький + суффикс = меньше чемbig - biggerhappy - happiernice - nicer

суффикс = меньше чем
big - bigger
happy - happier
nice -


Слайд 10 Comparatives
(Сравнительная степень прилагательных)

Comparatives(Сравнительная степень прилагательных)

Слайд 11 Comparatives
(Сравнительная степень прилагательных)

Comparatives(Сравнительная степень прилагательных)

Слайд 14 Home Work:

Home Work:

Слайд 15 I am fine
I am so – so

I am fine I am so – so I am bad

I am bad

Слайд 17 It is big. It is not small. It

It is big. It is not small. It can run, go

can run, go and climb. It lives in the

forest. It is brown.
Who is it?

Слайд 18 It is not small. It is big.

It is not small. It is big. It can run

It can run and go. It can’t jump.  It

can’t fly. It is grey. It has a big nose and big ears. It lives in the jungle. Who is it?

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