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Презентация на тему по английскому языку Phrasal verb - take.

in(ушивать одежду)
Phrasal verb TAKE in(ушивать одежду) take after take out    to take up take off take over   to gain control of smth захватить контроль над take in Exercises  1. Fill in 2. Choose the right answer:1. He looks like his mother; he takes 3. Translate into English:1. Снимайте шляпу, когда входите в помещение.2. Я похожа
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 in
(ушивать одежду)

in(ушивать одежду)

Слайд 3

take after

take after

to resemble быть похожим на кого-либо

I take after my dad.

Слайд 4 take out

take out  to invite someone out, pay

to invite someone out, pay for them

приглашать кого-либо куда-то за свой счет

My husband takes me out to dinner every weekend.

Слайд 5 take

take up    to begin

up to begin

a hobby, activity начать заниматься чем-либо

I took up dancing when I was ten.

Слайд 6

take off

take off

to remove clothes снимать одежду

Take off your T-shirt, it’s dirty.

Слайд 7 take over to gain control of smth захватить

take over  to gain control of smth захватить контроль над

контроль над чем-либо, принимать обязанности, вступать в должность, во

владение вместо другого

I’ll take over my father’s company.

Слайд 8

take in    to make

take in to make

clothes a smaller size ушивать одежду

This skirt is too big, you should take it in.

Слайд 9 Exercises

Exercises 1. Fill in the gaps with

1. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition:

I had to take my coat …when the sun came out, it was so warm.
2. He took me … on Friday night to a lovely restaurant.
3. I’ve taken … from Peter. He retired last month.
4. She’s blond with blue eyes. She takes … her father.
5. Since he retired, he’s taken … golf.
6. I have lost weight and I should take … my shirts.

Слайд 10 2. Choose the right answer:
1. He looks like

2. Choose the right answer:1. He looks like his mother; he

his mother; he takes ... her.
1)after 2)

to 3) for
2. He took ... swimming when his doctor told him he needed to take more exercise.
1)after 2) up 3) in
3. They took the company ... when it went bankrupt.
1) in 2) down 3) over
4. I took my hat ... when I entered the building.
1) off 2) on 3) in
5. She took her clothes ... and went to bed.
1) off 2) on 3) down

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-phrasal-verb-take.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 134
  • Количество скачиваний: 0