Слайд 2
Цель: Развивать речевые умения учащихся в целях использования
его в школьных предметах, а так же в физике
и показать что английский язык является языком интегрирования. Углубить и расширить знания по английскому языку при создании проектов различных приборов связи. Учить работать с научно-техническим словарем
The aim of the project work: To develop language skills of students in order to use it in school subjects, as well as in physics and to show that English is the language of integration. To deepen and expand knowledge of the English language when you create projects of different communication devices. Learn to work with scientific and technical dictionary.
Слайд 3
Үштілдік туралы Қазақстан Республикасының Президенті Н.Ә.Назарбаев білім және
ғылым саласы қызметкерлерінің III съезінде сөйлеген сөзінде: «Ағылшын тілінің
қажеттілігі әлемге тән қажеттілік, бүгінгі күн талабы. Ал орыс тілін жақсы білу – біздің байлығымыз» десе, 2015 жылғы «Жаңа әлемдегі жаңа Қазақстан» атты Жолдауында: «Қазақстан бүкіл әлемде халқы үш тілді пайдаланатын жоғары білімді ел ретінде танылуға тиіс. Бұлар: қазақ тілі-мемлекеттік тіл, орыс тілі-ұлтаралық қатынас тілі және ағылшын тілі-жаһандық экономикаға ойдағыдай кірігу тілі»
Слайд 4
The state language is Kazakh, Russian is an
official language. In his message N.Nazarbaev said: “Kazakhstani future
generation must know three languages: Kazakh, Russian and English as an international language.”
Слайд 5
Интегрированный урок требует особой подготовки. В ходе такого
урока необходимо:
Слайд 6
Michael Faraday
(22 September 1791-25 August 1867)
English physicist,
chemist, founder of electromagnetic field theory
member of the Royal
society of London
Слайд 7
Discoveries and inventions
1833-1834, scientist have established the laws
of electrolysis
experimentally showed that depending on the environment
changes the interaction force between the charges
invented the Dynamo, which was later called DC generator
1846 Faraday found the connection between magnetic and optical phenomena, which later became the confirmation of the electromagnetic theory of light
Слайд 8
"Turn magnetism into electricity"
account in the laboratory
of Faraday's diary
After the discovery in 1820. H. Oersted
magnetic action of an electric current Faraday was fascinated by the problem of the connection between electricity and magnetism
1831. Faraday experimentally discovered the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction
Слайд 9
New words.
Катушка- coil
Виток проволоки- wire
Гальванометр- galvanometer
Выдвигать- extend
Стрелка -pointer
Вставлять- insert
Отклонение – deflection
Противоположная сторона- reverse
Электрическая обмотка- winding
Электромагнитная индукция-
electromagnetic induction
Наводить, индуцировать- induce
Индукционный –inductive
Слайд 10
"The discovery of electromagnetic induction"
During the ten yeas
or so before his great discovery, many investigators took
a great interest in the connection between electricity and magnetism. It had been definitely established by Oersted’s experiment that magnetism could be produced from the electric current.
The phenomenon of electric current in the conductor when changing magnetic flux penetrating the circuit of the conductor, is called electromagnetic induction. Induction current occurs only when changing the magnetic flux penetrating the loop.
Слайд 11
Into the coil from the turns of wire
connected to the galvanometer, slide the magnet, the galvanometer
needle is deflected, which indicates the occurrence of induction current. When removing the magnet from the coil is again observed deflection, but in opposite direction.
Слайд 12
Thus in this lesson we studied the phenomenon
of electromagnetic induction which was discovered by Faraday, and
we got acquainted with new scientific and technical terms and concepts, saw the possibility of expanding physical knowledge, having a deep knowledge of a foreign language.