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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему: Technology

High tech gadgets
“Technology… is a queer thing. It brings you great gifts with one High tech gadgets The aims of our lesson: Revise words we knowLearn new onesRead the takes and stores digital photographsbroadcasts TV programmes with pictures and soundsrecords and What gadgets do people use? Match the pictures and the worlda vacuum Choose the right answerA _________________ is used to cut and collect the Continue please the phrases:Today I have learnt…It was interesting…It was difficult…It was surprised…Now I know… Home task is:to write a report about any gadget you wantDon’t forget
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 High tech gadgets

High tech gadgets

Слайд 3 The aims of our lesson:
Revise words we know

The aims of our lesson: Revise words we knowLearn new onesRead

new ones
Read the specific information
Conduct interviews
Give own opinion

Слайд 4 takes and stores digital photographs
broadcasts TV programmes with

takes and stores digital photographsbroadcasts TV programmes with pictures and soundsrecords

pictures and sounds
records and plays music downloaded from the

plays and records sounds, especially voices
plays music from the radio or cassettes
Organises and stores information such as telephone numbers, addresses and so on
digitally records pictures and sound
makes and receives video phone calls
stores and deals with large amounts of information
plays music through headphones, especially for use when travelling

a digital camera

a TV

an MP3 player

a dictaphone

a radio cassette player


a camcorder

a video mobile phone

a laptop

a Walkman

Слайд 5 What gadgets do people use? Match the pictures and

What gadgets do people use? Match the pictures and the worlda

the world
a vacuum cleaner, a camera, a fax machine,

a sewing machine, a computer, a TV set, a dishwasher, a DVD player, a microwave oven, an alarm clock, a mower, a videophone, a calculator, a mobile phone

Слайд 6 Choose the right answer
A _________________ is used to

Choose the right answerA _________________ is used to cut and collect

cut and collect the grass.

(vacuum cleaner, fax machine, mower)
An _________________ is used to wake up people and to tell the time.
(alarm clock, mower, mobile phone)
A _________________ is used to take photographs.
(dishwasher, computer, camera)
A _________________ is used to wash the dishes.
(calculator, dishwasher, fax machine)
A _________________ is used to perform everyday cleaning.
(vacuum cleaner, mobile phone, mower)
A _________________ is used to send and receive urgent messages.
(fax machine, computer, dishwasher)
A _________________ is used to write programs, play games, find information.
(mobile phone, computer, calculator)
A _________________ is used to receive or make calls.
(camera, TV set, mobile phone)
A _________________ is used to cook and defrost food.
(TV set, videophone, microwave oven)

Слайд 7 Continue please the phrases:
Today I have learnt…
It was

Continue please the phrases:Today I have learnt…It was interesting…It was difficult…It was surprised…Now I know…

It was difficult…
It was surprised…
Now I know…

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-technology.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 169
  • Количество скачиваний: 1