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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Special people

Мақсаты:1. Оқушыларға сын есімнің шырайларының жасалуын, түсіндіру. Аймақтық компоненттерді қолдану арқылы жаңа тақырыптa, лексикалық және грамматикалық материалды меңгерту.Жаңа ақпараттық технология арқылы оқушылардың білімін көтеру.2. Оқытудың жаңа технологияларын пайдалану арқылы оқушылардың ағылшын тіліне деген қызығушылығын арттырып, есте
Theme of lesson:  Special people Мақсаты:1. Оқушыларға сын есімнің шырайларының жасалуын, түсіндіру. Аймақтық компоненттерді қолдану арқылы жаңа Phonetic drillGood, better, best.Never, never rest.Till your good is better.And your better best. A      Home task prime minister [ praim’ministә] премьер министрgrocer [grәusә] сатушыuniversity[ju:nivә:siti] университетchemistry [kemistry] химияpolitics [ Answer the questions about M.ThatcherWhere was she born?What did she study at The comparison of adjectivesPositivecleanHot (big, fat, sad, wet)Nice (fine, large, late, safe)busyComparativeClean TransportsThe car is fast.The train is faster than car.The plane is the fastest. The sheep is big.The cow is bigger than sheepThe camel is the biggest all of. Complete the tablePositive  Comparative Superlative1.strong Complete the sentences as in the example.Example: Life in the country is Do you know that ?  Special people 1.The shortest person in the world was called General Tom Thumb. He Ex:2 p: 77   Complete the sentences1) The _______________ name is Omar 1m 65 cm   Victor 1m 75 cm Describe the girlsCarol 1m 70 cm   Asel 1m 65 cm Look at these famous person in the photos and write down short Test My car is __________ than of my friend’s.fastestthe fastestfast2. She is 4. Where was Margaret Thatcher born?A.English townB.American townC.Russian town5. What did she 7. When she resigned?1990199119958. When did she became Prime Minister?In 1979In 1967In 10.The shortest person in the worldTom ThumbTom JackTom Ten The lesson is over  Good bye!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

1. Оқушыларға сын есімнің шырайларының жасалуын, түсіндіру. Аймақтық

Мақсаты:1. Оқушыларға сын есімнің шырайларының жасалуын, түсіндіру. Аймақтық компоненттерді қолдану арқылы

компоненттерді қолдану арқылы жаңа тақырыптa, лексикалық және грамматикалық материалды

меңгерту.Жаңа ақпараттық технология арқылы оқушылардың білімін көтеру.
2. Оқытудың жаңа технологияларын пайдалану арқылы оқушылардың ағылшын тіліне деген қызығушылығын арттырып, есте сақтау, ойлау, сөйлеу қабілеттерін дамыту.
3.Оқушыларды ұжымшылдыққа тәрбиелеу.

Слайд 3
Phonetic drill
Good, better, best.
Never, never rest.
Till your good

Phonetic drillGood, better, best.Never, never rest.Till your good is better.And your better best.

is better.
And your better best.

Слайд 4 A

A   Home task

Home task


Слайд 5
prime minister [ praim’ministә] премьер министр
grocer [grәusә] сатушы

prime minister [ praim’ministә] премьер министрgrocer [grәusә] сатушыuniversity[ju:nivә:siti] университетchemistry [kemistry] химияpolitics

chemistry [kemistry] химия
politics [ palitiks ] саясат
palitician [pali’tiSәn]

afraid [әfreid] үрейлену
resing [rizain] отставкаға кету
businessman [biznismәn] кәсіпкер

Слайд 6

Margaret Thatcher

Margaret Thatcher was the first woman prime minister in Europe. She was born in the small English town in 1925. Неr father was a grocer. He earned very little money. Margaret worked hard and went to Oxford University, where she studied chemistry. In 1951 she married Denis Thatcher. He was a rich businessman. They had twins a girl and a boy. She loved politics and didn’t have any other interests. She needed only four hours’ sleep. She became Prime Minister of Great Britain in 1979. She was a very strong person. A lot of people were afraid of her. She resined in 1990, but she didn’t to resign.

Слайд 7 Answer the questions about M.Thatcher
Where was she born?

Answer the questions about M.ThatcherWhere was she born?What did she study

did she study at Oxford University?
When did she become

Prime Minister
How many children did she has?
When she resigned?

Слайд 8 The comparison of adjectives
Hot (big, fat, sad, wet)

The comparison of adjectivesPositivecleanHot (big, fat, sad, wet)Nice (fine, large, late,

(fine, large, late, safe)
Clean + er=cleaner
Hot + er=hotter
Nice +


Busy i + er=busier


clean + est= the cleanest

hot + est=the hottest

nice + est= the nicest

Busy i+ est=busiest

Слайд 9 Transports
The car is fast.

The train is faster than

TransportsThe car is fast.The train is faster than car.The plane is the fastest.

The plane is the fastest.

Слайд 10 The sheep is big.
The cow is bigger

The sheep is big.The cow is bigger than sheepThe camel is the biggest all of.

The camel is the biggest all of.

Слайд 11 Complete the table
Positive Comparative Superlative

Complete the tablePositive Comparative Superlative1.strong    2.


3.short 3.
4. 4. 4.biggest
5.fast 5. 5.
6. 6.older
7. 7. 7. smallest

Слайд 12 Complete the sentences as in the example.
Example: Life

Complete the sentences as in the example.Example: Life in the country

in the country is slower than city life.

are _____________ ______________ trains. (fast)
b) Almaty is _____________ ______________ Astana. (big)
c) Buildings in Kostanai are ___________ _________ in Arkalyk. (tall)
d) Astana is _________________ ___________ Moscow. (new)
e) London is ____________ ___________ Madrid. (old)

Слайд 13 Do you know that ? Special people

Do you know that ? Special people

Слайд 14
1.The shortest person in the world was called

1.The shortest person in the world was called General Tom Thumb.

General Tom Thumb. He was born in 1838 in

the USA and was only 102 cm tall when he died in 1883.
2.King George IV had the biggest bath. It was 4,88 m long, 3,05 m wide and
1,83 m deep.
3.China has the largest population in the world – about one milliard.
4.The funniest name?
Mr Zzyzzy Zzyryxxy who lives in Chicago and that’s true!
5.The hottest place in the world is Mali in West Africa, which has an average temperature of 28 C all the year round.

Слайд 15 Ex:2 p: 77 Complete the sentences

Ex:2 p: 77  Complete the sentences1) The _______________ name is

The _______________ name is Zzyzzy Zzyryxxy.
2) The ______________ person

in the world was General Tom Thumb.
3) The ______________ place in the world is Mali.
4) The country with the ________________ population is China.
5) The ________________ bath was 4,88 m long.

Слайд 16 Omar 1m 65 cm Victor 1m

Omar 1m 65 cm  Victor 1m 75 cm

75 cm

Dmitry 1m 85 cm
Omar is tall
Victor is taller than Omar.
Dmitry is the tallest.

Victor is shorter than Dmitry.
Omar is shorter than Victor.
Omar is the shortest.

Слайд 17
Describe the girls
Carol 1m 70 cm

Describe the girlsCarol 1m 70 cm  Asel 1m 65 cm

Asel 1m 65 cm Jennifer 1m 75

a) Carol ____________________________________
Asel _____________________________________

b) Asel_____________________________________

Слайд 18 Look at these famous person in the photos

Look at these famous person in the photos and write down

and write down short text



“Akbota” national dance


Слайд 19 Test
My car is __________ than of my

Test My car is __________ than of my friend’s.fastestthe fastestfast2. She

the fastest
2. She is __________ person in class.
more intelligent

the most intelligent
3. My book is ____________ than yours.

Слайд 20 4. Where was Margaret Thatcher born?
A.English town
B.American town

4. Where was Margaret Thatcher born?A.English townB.American townC.Russian town5. What did

5. What did she studied at Oxford University?
6. How

many children did she has?
2 children
3 children
4 children

Слайд 21 7. When she resigned?
8. When did she became

7. When she resigned?1990199119958. When did she became Prime Minister?In 1979In

Prime Minister?
In 1979
In 1967
In 1977
9. Give opposites.
Fast –

Quite –
Low –
Old –

Слайд 22 10.The shortest person in the world
Tom Thumb
Tom Jack

10.The shortest person in the worldTom ThumbTom JackTom Ten


  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-special-people.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 198
  • Количество скачиваний: 0