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Презентация на тему - результат проекта исследования по теме An English inventor, to whom I want to say, Thank you

The problem of the study: An English inventor, to whom I want to say, "Thank you."
Неделя английского языка  День 3 Команда:  «Юные исследователи» согбоу «Красноборская The problem of the study: An English inventor, to whom I want to say, The topic of the study: The quality of people`s communication The purpose of the study: to analyze human opportunities and the quality Tasks: to determine the quality of means of communication Hypothesis: the invention of Plan1. Распределение обязанностей между членами команды по реализации проекта исследования и сроки Промежуточные результаты Responsibilities Comparative analysis of the received information Comparative analysis of the received information ConclusionThe hypothesis is not trueThe invention of
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The problem of the study:
An English inventor, to

The problem of the study: An English inventor, to whom I want to say,

whom I want to say, "Thank you."

Слайд 3 The topic of the study:
The quality of

The topic of the study: The quality of people`s communication

people`s communication "before" and "after" the invention of "telephone"

Alexander Graham Bell

Слайд 4 The purpose of the study:
to analyze human opportunities

The purpose of the study: to analyze human opportunities and the

and the quality of people`s means of communication "before"

and "after" the discovery of the invention

Слайд 5 Tasks:
to determine the quality of means of communication

Tasks: to determine the quality of means of communication

"before" the discovery of the invention
to determine the quality

of means of communication "after" the discovery of the invention
to compare the results
to assess the degree of influence of this invention to the quality of means of communication

Слайд 6 Hypothesis:
the invention of "telephone" did not affect

Hypothesis: the invention of

to the improvement of the quality of human life

Слайд 7 Plan
1. Распределение обязанностей между членами команды по реализации

Plan1. Распределение обязанностей между членами команды по реализации проекта исследования и

проекта исследования и сроки выполнения (leader, who is responsible

for information search, analyst, editor, designer)
2. Information search
3. Comparative analysis of the received information
4. Представление полученных результатов в виде презентации
5. Защита презентации

Слайд 8 Промежуточные результаты Responsibilities

Промежуточные результаты Responsibilities

Слайд 9 Comparative analysis of the received information

Comparative analysis of the received information

Слайд 10 Comparative analysis of the received information

Comparative analysis of the received information

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-rezultat-proekta-issledovaniya-po-teme-an-english-inventor-to-whom-i-want-to-say-thank-you.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 118
  • Количество скачиваний: 0