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Презентация на тему викторина по английскому языку Знаешь ли ты Великобританию?


Round 1Do you know Great Britain well?
A TOUR OF GREAT BRITAIN Round 1Do you know Great Britain well? 1. What is the official name of the country? The United Kingdom of 2.Name four parts of the UK 3. What are the main colours of the Union Flag? 4. What is the capital of England? 5. What river is London situated on?The Thames 6. What is the symbol of England? 7. What is the main square in London? Trafalgar Square 8. What is the name of the famous clock in London? 9. Where can you see ravens in London? Tower of London 10. Who is the Head of State in Great Britain? Queen Elizabeth II 11. How old is the queen Elizabeth II? She`s 91 12. Where does the Queen live? The Buckingham Palace 13. Name the place where the Parliament works. 14. What is St. Paul’s Cathedral?   a) Church  b) 15. Who lived in Sherwood Forest? 16. What are the largest and the oldest universities in Britain? Oxford 17. What is the famous airport in London? Heathrow airport 18. What is the most famous bridge of London? The Tower Bridge 19. What is the favourite hot drink in Britain? 20. What is soccer? Round 2Famous people What people in these pictures do you know? What people in these pictures do you know? What people in these pictures do you know? Round 3Countries Put these letters in a correct order so to receive names of What countries symbolize these pictures? Round 4Flags of Great Britain Find parts of the Great Britain for these flags EnglandScotlandNothern IrelandWales Round 5Countries and cities Find names of cities in England and AmericaDetroit Atlanta  Memphis Houston Find names of cities in England and AmericaAmerican: Madison Atlanta  Memphis Round 6Landmarks Find the names for these pictures  Trafalgar SquareWestminster Palace Piccadilly Circus Round 7Making words Make of these letters new words. One letter can be used only Round 8Sayings Find Russian variant of these sayings 1. Money has no smell.2. God Round 9Complete the sentence Answer the questions:1.Double-decker is a …2.The colour of traditional London taxi is Рефлексия1. Что нового узнали?2. Самое интересное задание – это…..3.Я ухожу с …….настроением.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Round 1
Do you know Great Britain well?

Round 1Do you know Great Britain well?

Слайд 3 1. What is the official name of the

1. What is the official name of the country? The United Kingdom

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Слайд 4 2.Name four parts of the UK

2.Name four parts of the UK

Слайд 5 3. What are the main colours of the

3. What are the main colours of the Union Flag?

Union Flag?

Слайд 6 4. What is the capital of England?

4. What is the capital of England?

Слайд 7 5. What river is London situated on?
The Thames

5. What river is London situated on?The Thames

Слайд 8 6. What is the symbol of England?

6. What is the symbol of England?

Слайд 9 7. What is the main square in London?

7. What is the main square in London? Trafalgar Square


Слайд 10 8. What is the name of the famous

8. What is the name of the famous clock in London?

clock in London?

Слайд 11 9. Where can you see ravens in London?

9. Where can you see ravens in London? Tower of London

of London

Слайд 12 10. Who is the Head of State in

10. Who is the Head of State in Great Britain? Queen Elizabeth II

Great Britain?
Queen Elizabeth II

Слайд 13 11. How old is the queen Elizabeth II?

11. How old is the queen Elizabeth II? She`s 91

Слайд 14 12. Where does the Queen live?
The Buckingham Palace

12. Where does the Queen live? The Buckingham Palace

Слайд 15 13. Name the place where the Parliament works.

13. Name the place where the Parliament works.

Слайд 16 14. What is St. Paul’s Cathedral? a)

14. What is St. Paul’s Cathedral?  a) Church b) Tower  c) Bridge

Church b) Tower c) Bridge

Слайд 17 15. Who lived in Sherwood Forest?

15. Who lived in Sherwood Forest?

Слайд 18 16. What are the largest and the oldest

16. What are the largest and the oldest universities in Britain? Oxford

universities in Britain?

Слайд 19 17. What is the famous airport in London?

17. What is the famous airport in London? Heathrow airport


Слайд 20 18. What is the most famous bridge of

18. What is the most famous bridge of London? The Tower Bridge

The Tower Bridge

Слайд 21 19. What is the favourite hot drink in

19. What is the favourite hot drink in Britain?


Слайд 22 20. What is soccer?

20. What is soccer?

Слайд 23 Round 2
Famous people

Round 2Famous people

Слайд 24 What people in these pictures do you know?

What people in these pictures do you know?

Слайд 25 What people in these pictures do you know?

What people in these pictures do you know?

Слайд 26 What people in these pictures do you know?

What people in these pictures do you know?

Слайд 27 Round 3

Round 3Countries

Слайд 28 Put these letters in a correct order so

Put these letters in a correct order so to receive names

to receive names of the countries.



Слайд 29 What countries symbolize these pictures?

What countries symbolize these pictures?

Слайд 30 Round 4
Flags of Great Britain

Round 4Flags of Great Britain

Слайд 31 Find parts of the Great Britain for these

Find parts of the Great Britain for these flags EnglandScotlandNothern IrelandWales



Nothern Ireland


Слайд 32 Round 5
Countries and cities

Round 5Countries and cities

Слайд 33 Find names of cities in England and America

Find names of cities in England and AmericaDetroit Atlanta Memphis Houston

New York


San Diego

Слайд 34 Find names of cities in England and America

Find names of cities in England and AmericaAmerican: Madison Atlanta Memphis

Madison Atlanta Memphis Detroit San Diego

Houston New York

English: Liverpool Belfast  Swansea Stratford-upon-Avon  Chester  Newcastle

Australian: Sydney  Canberra  Melbourne

Слайд 35 Round 6

Round 6Landmarks

Слайд 36 Find the names for these pictures
Trafalgar Square

Find the names for these pictures Trafalgar SquareWestminster Palace Piccadilly Circus

Piccadilly Circus
London Eye
Westminster Abbey
St. Paul’s

Tower Bridge

Слайд 37 Round 7
Making words

Round 7Making words

Слайд 38 Make of these letters new words. One letter

Make of these letters new words. One letter can be used

can be used only once.
A t n o m

c e i l f h u y r s

Слайд 39 Round 8

Round 8Sayings

Слайд 40 Find Russian variant of these sayings
1. Money has

Find Russian variant of these sayings 1. Money has no smell.2.

no smell.
2. God helps those who help themselves.

Better late than never.
4. Never too old to learn.
5. Not all that glitters is gold.
6. The early bird catches the worm.

- Не все то золото, что блестит.
- На бога надейся, а сам не плошай.
- Деньги не пахнут.
- Кто рано встает тому бог подает.
- Учиться никогда не поздно.
- Лучше поздно, чем никогда.

Слайд 41 Round 9
Complete the sentence

Round 9Complete the sentence

Слайд 42 Answer the questions:
1.Double-decker is a …
2.The colour of

Answer the questions:1.Double-decker is a …2.The colour of traditional London taxi

traditional London taxi is …
3.English people celebrate Easter …

most popular lake in Scotland is …
5.The national Scottish costume is called …
6.On the 1st of April English people celebrate ….

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-viktorina-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-znaesh-li-ty-velikobritaniyu.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 170
  • Количество скачиваний: 1