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Презентация на тему Фразовый глагол END. Разница в употреблении END/FINISH

What is the difference between END IN and END WITH? We use “END IN” not so often, only in several phrases like:to end in a draw – закончиться вничьюto end in talk – закончиться разговорамиto end
Rainbow English-8Unit 1. Step 8. Phrasal Verb END.Use of END and FINISHШмырина What is the difference between END IN and END WITH? We use We use “END WITH” more often, in different situations:to end with a Give English equivalents for these Russian phrases:закончиться вничьюзакончить обед десертомзакончить путешествие в Read the rule on page 39 and find out the following:Which is Use the verb END instead of FINISH where possible or open the 2. The play (finished) ______ and everybody went home.3. The girls had 4. The football match (finished) ______ with the score 3 to 0.5. Check your answers:finishedendedfinishedendedfinish https://img3.stockfresh.com/files/r/robuart/m/59/7611523_stock-vector-children-in-costumes-performing-theater.jpgSources:https://static7.depositphotos.com/1008749/732/v/950/depositphotos_7322324-stock-illustration-broken-leg.jpghttp://www.zahradnictvi-chladek.cz/images/fotobanka/soutez-vanocni-stromky-pro-zs-2226.jpghttps://365psd.com/images/istock/thumbs/3652/36525206-soccer-banner.jpghttps://yandex.ru/images/search?pos=136&p=4&img_url=https%3A%2F%2Fpng.pngtree.comУчебник: Английский язык 8кл.: в 2-х ч. Ч.1/О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. МихееваЛексико-грамматический практикум 8кл./О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 3 What is the difference between END IN and

What is the difference between END IN and END WITH? We

We use “END IN” not so often,

only in several phrases like:

to end in a draw – закончиться вничью
to end in talk – закончиться разговорами
to end in tears – закончиться слезами
to end in victory – закончиться победой
to end in success – закончиться успехом

So, END IN means привести к чему-либо, закончиться чем-либо

Слайд 4 We use “END WITH” more often, in different

We use “END WITH” more often, in different situations:to end with

to end with a party – закончить(ся) вечеринкой
to end

with “e” – заканчиваться буквой «е»
to end with words – закончить(ся) словами
to end with a bell ring – закончиться звонком
to end with a score– закончиться со счетом

We often use “END WITH” with two objects:

He ended his speech with a wise quotation.

So, END WITH means закончиться чем-либо, закончить что-либо чем-либо

Слайд 5 Give English equivalents for these Russian phrases:
закончиться вничью

Give English equivalents for these Russian phrases:закончиться вничьюзакончить обед десертомзакончить путешествие

обед десертом
закончить путешествие в Москве
закончить письмо добрыми пожеланиями
в конце

концов оказаться в Австралии
закончиться победой

to end in a draw
to end lunch with dessert
to end up in Moscow

to end the letter with good wishes
to end up in Australia

to end in victory

Слайд 6 Read the rule on page 39 and find

Read the rule on page 39 and find out the following:Which

out the following:
Which is correct?
The party finished at nine.

OR: The party ended at nine.

2. Which is correct?
I finished reading the new book.
OR: I ended reading the new book.

Both are correct.
But we use END in written and FINISH in spoken language.

I finished reading is correct.
We don’t use –ing forms after END.

Слайд 7 Use the verb END instead of FINISH where

Use the verb END instead of FINISH where possible or open

possible or open the brackets.
e.g. The meeting on Saturday

(finished)_______quite late.


When did Sarah (finish) ________skating professionally?

When did Sarah finish skating professionally?

Lara broke her leg
and (finished) _______
competing when she was only 19.

Слайд 8 2. The play (finished) ______ and everybody went

2. The play (finished) ______ and everybody went home.3. The girls

3. The girls had (finished) ______ decorating the New

Year tree only by 8 o’clock.

Слайд 9 4. The football match (finished) ______ with the

4. The football match (finished) ______ with the score 3 to

score 3 to 0.
5. Helen didn’t (finished) ______ dancing

when she left school.

Слайд 10 Check your answers:

Check your answers:finishedendedfinishedendedfinish

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-frazovyy-glagol-end-raznitsa-v-upotreblenii-endfinish.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 200
  • Количество скачиваний: 10