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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему: Healthy Food

Introduction The aim of our work is to consider what food should we have to be healthy.   Studying this topic we: Learnt what a healthy
Project by the students 5 classGaliullina Azaliya, Aglyamova Alina, Arzamasova Arina Introduction      The aim of our work What is a healthy food?     A healthy You are what you eat    Healthy food Rainbow of food       Food of Food of different colors Red – moveOrange – brainYellow – optimism Green – Healthy food in our class  26  classmates 17 Recommendations1. Making healthy food choices2. Eating the right amount3. Building healthy ideas about food Сonclusion  Remember!!!“ An apple a day keep the doctor away” Thank you for your attention!!!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Introduction
The aim

Introduction   The aim of our work is to

of our work is to consider what food should

we have to be healthy.
Studying this topic we:

Learnt what a healthy food is
Tried to divide the food according to the “rainbow” principle
Made a survey about healthy eating habits
Work out some recommendations how to eat properly

Слайд 3 What is a healthy food?

What is a healthy food?   A healthy food

A healthy food is one of the things that

maintain or improve overall health.

Слайд 4 You are what you eat

You are what you eat  Healthy food


Fast food

Слайд 5 Rainbow of food

Rainbow of food    Food of different colors

Food of different colors responsible for

different functions in the body

Слайд 6 Food of different colors 
Red – move
Orange – brain


Food of different colors Red – moveOrange – brainYellow – optimism Green

– optimism
Green – relaxation

Blue – night`s rest

Purple –


Слайд 7 Healthy food in our class
26 classmates

Healthy food in our class 26 classmates 17 of them

17 of them prefer fast food

of them prefer healthy food

It shows that only 35 % of our
classmates eat properly!!!

Слайд 8 Recommendations
1. Making healthy food choices
2. Eating the right

Recommendations1. Making healthy food choices2. Eating the right amount3. Building healthy ideas about food

3. Building healthy ideas about food

Слайд 9 Сonclusion
“ An apple a day keep

Сonclusion Remember!!!“ An apple a day keep the doctor away”

the doctor away”

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-healthy-food.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 143
  • Количество скачиваний: 0