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Презентация на тему по английскому языку 7 класс Английский язык в современном мире

What does it mean “to know English well”?1) Can speak with native speakers 2) To be understood by native speakers3) To speak fluently4) To write grammatically5) To read fast6) To learn easily and
IS IT POSSIBLE TO LIVE IN THE MODERN WORLD WITHOUT KNOWLEDGE OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE? What does it mean  “to know English well”?1) Can English-speaking countriesDark blue: Countries and territories where English is spoken natively by Why do we study the English language? 1) We have to study Where can we study English?1) At a language school in an English-speaking What ways of learning a language are there?To work hard and thoughtfullyTo Learning strategies Studying at a language school
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 What does it mean “to know

What does it mean “to know English well”?1) Can speak

English well”?
1) Can speak with native speakers
2) To

be understood by native speakers
3) To speak fluently
4) To write grammatically
5) To read fast
6) To learn easily and fast
7) To think English
8) To feel confident about learning the language
9 ) can express himself/herself effectively

Слайд 3 English-speaking countries
Dark blue: Countries and territories where English

English-speaking countriesDark blue: Countries and territories where English is spoken natively

is spoken natively by a significant population.

Light blue: Countries

where English is an official language but not native. English is also one of the official languages of the European Union.

Слайд 4 Why do we study the English language?
1) We

Why do we study the English language? 1) We have to

have to study it at school
2) It is useful

when you travel
3) To do business
4) To understand films and songs in English
5) To get a better job
6) It gives a chance to meet new people
7) To live in an English-speaking country
8) I like the language

Слайд 5 Where can we study English?
1) At a language

Where can we study English?1) At a language school in an

school in an English-speaking country
2) At home (using CD,

DVD, Internet etc.)
3) At school
4) At a language school in your country

Слайд 6

What ways of learning a language are there?

What ways of learning a language are there?To work hard and

work hard and thoughtfully
To practise well and a lot

listen attentively
To use a good dictionary
Not to be lazy and not to miss classes
6) To do exercises carefully
7) To read aloud
8) To check for mistakes
9) To take notes
10) To revise often

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-7-klass-angliyskiy-yazyk-v-sovremennom-mire.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 133
  • Количество скачиваний: 1