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Презентация на тему по теме Wild animals: born free Разработка урока английского языка в 5 классе

['taɪgə]['pəulə bɛə][raɪ'nɔs(ə)rəs]['ziːbrə]['lepəd]
Born free ['taɪgə]['pəulə bɛə][raɪ'nɔs(ə)rəs]['ziːbrə]['lepəd] elephantgiraffepandabeeB     e    e a zooa circusa cage A zoo – place, types, animals, cages, people. a zoo – a Are zoos and circuses appropriate places for wild animals to live in? Six thinking hats A white hat – facts and only facts 1.The term zoological garden refers to zoology.2.The abbreviation A green hat – creativity and new ideas My dreamI love all kinds of animals,Dogs and cats and rabbits.I love “When I look at animals held captive by people, I think Debate: for and against keeping wild animals in the zoo.ForAgainst A red hat – intuition and emotions A WILD ANIMAL Are zoos and circuses appropriate places for wild animals to live in? Wild animals: born free F R E E D O M«КРУГИ ПО ВОДЕ»REE (свободный) Спасибо за работу
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 ['taɪgə]
['pəulə bɛə]

['taɪgə]['pəulə bɛə][raɪ'nɔs(ə)rəs]['ziːbrə]['lepəd]

Слайд 3 elephantgiraffe
B e

elephantgiraffepandabeeB   e  e

Слайд 4 a zoo
a circus
a cage

a zooa circusa cage

Слайд 5 A zoo – place, types, animals, cages, people.

A zoo – place, types, animals, cages, people. a zoo –

a zoo – a large place where many types

of wild animals are kept, usually in cages, so that people can see them

A circus – group, people, animals, from place to place, people, movements, tricks

A circus – a group of people, and usually animals, that travels from place to place and entertains people by performing skilful or funny movements and tricks

A cage – structure, bares, wires, birds, animals

A cage – a structure of bares and wires in which birds or other animals are confined

Слайд 6 Are zoos and circuses appropriate places for wild

Are zoos and circuses appropriate places for wild animals to live in?

animals to live in?

Слайд 7 Six thinking hats

Six thinking hats

Слайд 8 A white hat – facts and only facts

A white hat – facts and only facts

Слайд 9 1.The term zoological garden refers to zoology.

2.The abbreviation

1.The term zoological garden refers to zoology.2.The abbreviation

"zoo" was first used of the London Zoological Gardens.


number of major animal collections open to the public around the world now exceeds 1,000.



Слайд 10 A green hat – creativity and new ideas

A green hat – creativity and new ideas

Слайд 11 My dream
I love all kinds of animals,
Dogs and

My dreamI love all kinds of animals,Dogs and cats and rabbits.I

cats and rabbits.
I love all kinds of animals,
Despite their

little habits.

If I were a director of the zoo,
I would…

Слайд 12 “When I look at animals held captive by

“When I look at animals held captive by people, I

people, I think of slavery. Wild animals should never

live beside people”

Слайд 13 Debate: for and against keeping wild animals in

Debate: for and against keeping wild animals in the zoo.ForAgainst

the zoo.

Слайд 14 A red hat – intuition and emotions

A red hat – intuition and emotions



Слайд 16 Are zoos and circuses appropriate places for wild

Are zoos and circuses appropriate places for wild animals to live in?

animals to live in?

Слайд 17 Wild animals: born free

Wild animals: born free

Слайд 18 F R E E D O M
REE (свободный)

F R E E D O M«КРУГИ ПО ВОДЕ»REE (свободный)

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-teme-wild-animals-born-free-razrabotka-uroka-angliyskogo-yazyka-v-5-klasse.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 192
  • Количество скачиваний: 0