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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему How much & how many

Can you count these things?sandboatwatersugargraperhino
Much or many? Can you count these things?sandboatwatersugargraperhino Do they make sensible plurals?sandsboatswaterssugarsgrapesrhinos If you can count it, use ‘many’Too many flowers I ate so many grapes that I felt sick.If you can count it, use ‘many’ How many boats can you see?If you can count it, use ‘many’ How much sand do you need?If you can’t count it, use ‘much’ If you can’t count it, use ‘much’There is too much water on Much or many?For countable things, use manyFor non-countable things, use much How _________ orange juice do you want?much How _________ cookies do you eat?many There are too _____ people in line.many He put so _____ salt in the soup that it tasted horrible.much The teacher gave us too _____ homework.much I saw _____ toucans in the tree.many Now try theseHow _______ homework do you have?How _______ sugar do you
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Can you count these things?

Can you count these things?sandboatwatersugargraperhino

Слайд 3 Do they make sensible plurals?

Do they make sensible plurals?sandsboatswaterssugarsgrapesrhinos

Слайд 4 If you can count it, use ‘many’
Too many

If you can count it, use ‘many’Too many flowers


Слайд 5 I ate so many grapes that I felt

I ate so many grapes that I felt sick.If you can count it, use ‘many’

If you can count it, use ‘many’

Слайд 6 How many boats can you see?
If you can

How many boats can you see?If you can count it, use ‘many’

count it, use ‘many’

Слайд 7 How much sand do you need?
If you can’t

How much sand do you need?If you can’t count it, use ‘much’

count it, use ‘much’

Слайд 8 If you can’t count it, use ‘much’
There is

If you can’t count it, use ‘much’There is too much water

too much water on the floor!
Clean it up!

Слайд 9 Much or many?
For countable things,
use many

For non-countable

Much or many?For countable things, use manyFor non-countable things, use much

things, use much

Слайд 10 How _________ orange juice do you want?

How _________ orange juice do you want?much

Слайд 11 How _________ cookies do you eat?

How _________ cookies do you eat?many

Слайд 12 There are too _____ people in line.

There are too _____ people in line.many

Слайд 13 He put so _____ salt in the soup

He put so _____ salt in the soup that it tasted horrible.much

that it tasted horrible.

Слайд 14 The teacher gave us too _____ homework.

The teacher gave us too _____ homework.much

Слайд 15 I saw _____ toucans in the tree.

I saw _____ toucans in the tree.many

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-how-much-amp-how-many.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 156
  • Количество скачиваний: 0