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Презентация на тему к уроку Домашние любимцы

My kittens have got fluffy fur,And the sweetest little purr,And four little furry pawsWith sharp claws.They’ve got blue eyes!And round ears so nice!Three are black and whiteAnd two kittens - striped.They can run and playIn
PETSA VISIT TO THE VET My kittens have got fluffy fur,And the sweetest little purr,And four Our Pets help animalslove kind and friendly fleasbrokentoothacheearache have got / has got Hi, ….. What’s ……?Hello, ….It’s …..Oh, what’s …..? I think, ….Really?...?I don’t…How Is it great to be a vet? Why?
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 4
My kittens have got fluffy fur,
And the sweetest

My kittens have got fluffy fur,And the sweetest little purr,And

little purr,
And four little furry paws
With sharp claws.

They’ve got

blue eyes!
And round ears so nice!
Three are black and white
And two kittens - striped.

They can run and play
In the garden all the day!

Слайд 5 Our Pets

Our Pets

Слайд 10 help animals
kind and friendly

help animalslove kind and friendly

Слайд 11 fleas


Слайд 12 have got / has got

have got / has got

Слайд 13 Hi, ….. What’s ……?
Hello, ….It’s …..
Oh, what’s …..?

Hi, ….. What’s ……?Hello, ….It’s …..Oh, what’s …..? I think, ….Really?...?I

I think, ….
I don’t…
How old …?
Let’s have …..

Boy’s name:

Pet’s name: Fluffy
Pet’s age: 1
Problem: earache

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-uroku-domashnie-lyubimtsy.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 141
  • Количество скачиваний: 0