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Презентация на тему по английскому языку ПРЕДПРОШЕДШЕЕ ВРЕМЯ


Употребление:Описываются действия, которые происходили раньше по сравнению с другими действиями в прошломВремя является предпрошедшим по отношению к другим событиям, происшедшим в прошлом
Free Powerpoint TemplatesPast PerfectФрендак Галина Емельяновна, учитель английского языка Копьёвской средней школы Употребление:Описываются действия, которые происходили раньше по сравнению с другими действиями в прошломВремя She had come before it rainedPast Perfect        Past Simple Схема  had + V 3 before +V 2Dan had played computer Пароли:before   She had cooked dinner before her mum came home.Yesterday Утвердительное предложениеI had washed up before the film started.Подлежащее V3Второстепенные членыbeforehad Подлежащее V2 1Mike had done his work before he watched a film on TV.Майк 5 Sam had packed his backpack before he bought a ticket.Сэм упаковал 8 We had built our house before our granny came back.Мы построили 11 Ted had had many friends before he entered the school.У Теда 1 Отрицательные предложения1Mike hadn’t done his work before he watched a film Отрицательное предложениеI had not washed up before the film started.Подлежащее V3Второстепенные членыbeforehad Подлежащее V2not 6 Linda hadn’t cleaned the window before her friend phoned her.Линда не Вопросительные предложенияОбщие вопросы:Mike had finished his work before his friend came.Had Mike General questionHad Mike finished his work before his friend came?Had Подлежащее V3Второстепенные членыbeforeПодлежащее V2 Make general questionsWhen the police arrived, we had already caught the thief.Jack Разделительные вопросы:1.Peter had arrived home before his mum left.  Peter had Disjunctive questionHe had washed up before the film started,   hadn’t Make disjunctive questionsWhen the police arrived, we had already caught the thief.Jack Альтернативные вопросы:Nick had switched his computer before his friend called.Had Nick switched Alternative questionHad Mike finished his work before his friend came?Had Подлежащее V3Второстепенные членыbeforeПодлежащее V2ororororor Make all alternative questionsWhen she opened the fridge she found that her Специальные вопросы:Mag had read the book before she wrote a composition. Special questions Mag had read the book before she wrote a composition.?Had Подлежащее V3Второстепенные членыbeforeПодлежащее V2 Вопрос к подлежащемуPeter had bought a new car before his brother met Who questionsPeter had bought a new car before his brother met Ann.whoHad Подлежащее V3Второстепенные членыbeforeПодлежащее V2 Если описываются события, происходящие последовательно одно за другим, используем Past SimplePeter had Make special questionsWhen we arrived we realized that the manager had reserved Let’s practiceMike (to know) many boys before he (to come) to a before,andbefore 5.I (intend) to repair the car, but I ran out of time.I 9. This was the third cake you (eat) this morning.This was the 1. When he had finished his work, he called his friend. Когда We had finished our work when he came. Мы уже закончили свою 1.  As I was going to the station, it began to Когда он приехал, мы уже пообедали.When he arrived we had had dinner.2. 6. Когда я проснулся, жена уже отвела дочку в школу.When I woke
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Употребление:
Описываются действия, которые происходили раньше по сравнению с

Употребление:Описываются действия, которые происходили раньше по сравнению с другими действиями в

другими действиями в прошлом
Время является предпрошедшим по отношению к

другим событиям, происшедшим в прошлом

Слайд 3 She had come before it rained
Past Perfect

She had come before it rainedPast Perfect    Past Simple

Past Simple

Слайд 4 Схема
had + V 3 before +V

Схема had + V 3 before +V 2Dan had played computer

Dan had played computer before he went to sleep.

had washed up before the film started.
Lisa had gone to the shop before she cooked dinner.

Слайд 5 Пароли:
She had cooked dinner before

Пароли:before  She had cooked dinner before her mum came home.Yesterday

her mum came home.
Yesterday by 3 o’clock

had cooked dinner yesterday by 3 o’clock.

Слайд 6 Утвердительное предложение
I had washed up before the film

Утвердительное предложениеI had washed up before the film started.Подлежащее V3Второстепенные членыbeforehad Подлежащее V2


Второстепенные члены

Слайд 7 1Mike had done his work before he watched

1Mike had done his work before he watched a film on

a film on TV.
Майк сделал работу до того, как

посмотрел фильм.
2 Mary had copied a test yesterday by 5 o’clock.
Мэри откопировала тест вчера к 5 часам.
3 Dan had washed up before his mum came home.
Дэн помыл посуду до того, как мама пришла домой.
4 Friends had repaired a car yesterday by the film started.
Друзья починили машину вчера до начала фильма.

Утвердительные предложения

Слайд 8 5 Sam had packed his backpack before he

5 Sam had packed his backpack before he bought a ticket.Сэм

bought a ticket.
Сэм упаковал рюкзак до того, как купил

6 Linda had cleaned the window before her friend phoned her.
Линда вымыла окно до того, как ей позвонил ее друг.
7 I had finished reading the novel by Monday morning.
Я закончила чтение романа к утру понедельника

Слайд 9 8 We had built our house before our

8 We had built our house before our granny came back.Мы

granny came back.
Мы построили наш дом до того, как

вернулась бабушка.
9 They had written the composition before they found some mistakes.
Они написали сочинение до того, как нашли несколько ошибок.
10 Nick had arrived home before he knew the news.
Ник вернулся домой до того, как узнал новости.

Слайд 10 11 Ted had had many friends before he

11 Ted had had many friends before he entered the school.У

entered the school.
У Теда было много друзей, до того

как он закончил школу.
12 I had translated the text two days ago by the school year started.
Я перевел текст два дня назад, к началу учебного года.

Слайд 11 1
Отрицательные предложения
1Mike hadn’t done his work before

1 Отрицательные предложения1Mike hadn’t done his work before he watched a

he watched a film on TV.
Майк не сделал работу

до того, как посмотрел фильм.
2 Mary hadn’t copied a test yesterday by 5 o’clock.
Мэри не скопировала тест вчера к 5 часам.
3 Dan hadn’t washed up before his mum came home.
Дэн не помыл посуду до того, как мама пришла домой.
4 Friends hadn’t repaired a car yesterday by the film started.
Друзья не отремонтировали машину до того, как начался фильм.
5 Sam hadn’t packed his backpack before he bought a ticket.
Сэм не упаковал рюкзак до того как купил билет.

Слайд 12 Отрицательное предложение
I had not washed up before the

Отрицательное предложениеI had not washed up before the film started.Подлежащее V3Второстепенные членыbeforehad Подлежащее V2not

film started.

Второстепенные члены


Слайд 13 6 Linda hadn’t cleaned the window before her

6 Linda hadn’t cleaned the window before her friend phoned her.Линда

friend phoned her.
Линда не вымыла окно до того, как

позвонил ее друг.
7 I hadn’t finished reading the novel by Monday morning.
Я не закончила чтение романа к утру понедельника.
8 We hadn’t built our house before our granny came back.
Мы не построили дом к возвращению бабушки.
9 They hadn’t written the composition before they found some mistakes.
Они написали сочинение прежде, чем нашли ошибки.
10 Nick hadn’t arrived home before he knew the news.
Ник не вернулся домой прежде, чем узнал новости.
11 Ted hadn’t had many friends before he entered the school.
У Теда не было много друзей до того, как он пошел в школу.

Слайд 14 Вопросительные предложения
Общие вопросы:
Mike had finished his work before

Вопросительные предложенияОбщие вопросы:Mike had finished his work before his friend came.Had

his friend came.
Had Mike finished his work before his

friend came?

Yes, he had. No, he hadn’t

Linda had cooked dinner before film started.
Had Linda cooked dinner before film started?

Yes, she had. No, she hadn’t.

Слайд 15 General question
Had Mike finished his work before his

General questionHad Mike finished his work before his friend came?Had Подлежащее V3Второстепенные членыbeforeПодлежащее V2

friend came?
Второстепенные члены

Слайд 16 Make general questions
When the police arrived, we had

Make general questionsWhen the police arrived, we had already caught the

already caught the thief.
Jack had finished the test before

the bell rang.
When Anna came to say good-night, her children had already fell asleep.
Scott had already prepared the dinner when her husband got home from work.
When Brad and Susan got married, they had known each other for 3 years.
She had seen the film before she read the book.
Mary had gone skating before she broke her leg.
Larry had finished his job by 7 p.m.

Слайд 17 Разделительные вопросы:
1.Peter had arrived home before his mum

Разделительные вопросы:1.Peter had arrived home before his mum left. Peter had

Peter had arrived home before his mum

hadn’t he?

Yes, he had. No, he hadn’t.

Слайд 18 Disjunctive question
He had washed up before the film

Disjunctive questionHe had washed up before the film started,  hadn’t

hadn’t he?

Второстепенные члены



Слайд 19 Make disjunctive questions
When the police arrived, we had

Make disjunctive questionsWhen the police arrived, we had already caught the

already caught the thief.
Jack had finished the test before

the bell rang.
When Anna came to say good-night, her children had already fell asleep.
Scott had already prepared the dinner when her husband got home from work.
When Brad and Susan got married, they had known each other for 3 years.
She had seen the film before she read the book.
Mary had gone skating before she broke her leg.
Larry had finished his job by 7 p.m.

Слайд 20 Альтернативные вопросы:
Nick had switched his computer before his

Альтернативные вопросы:Nick had switched his computer before his friend called.Had Nick

friend called.
Had Nick switched his computer or TV before

his friend called?

Nick had switched his computer before
his friend called.

Nick had switched his TV before his friend called.

Слайд 21 Alternative question
Had Mike finished his work before his

Alternative questionHad Mike finished his work before his friend came?Had Подлежащее V3Второстепенные членыbeforeПодлежащее V2ororororor

friend came?
Второстепенные члены

Слайд 22 Make all alternative questions
When she opened the fridge

Make all alternative questionsWhen she opened the fridge she found that

she found that her flat mate Lucy had drunk

all the milk.

Alice said to her friend that she had lost her key somewhere in the garden.

Слайд 23 Специальные вопросы:
Mag had read the book before she

Специальные вопросы:Mag had read the book before she wrote a composition.

wrote a composition.

What had

Mag done before she
wrote a composition?

When had Mag read the book?

Слайд 24 Special questions
Mag had read the book before

Special questions Mag had read the book before she wrote a composition.?Had Подлежащее V3Второстепенные членыbeforeПодлежащее V2

she wrote a composition.

Второстепенные члены

Слайд 25 Вопрос к подлежащему
Peter had bought a new car

Вопрос к подлежащемуPeter had bought a new car before his brother

before his brother met Ann.
Who had bought a new

car before his brother met Ann?

Слайд 26 Who questions
Peter had bought a new car before

Who questionsPeter had bought a new car before his brother met Ann.whoHad Подлежащее V3Второстепенные членыbeforeПодлежащее V2

his brother met Ann.

Второстепенные члены

Слайд 27
Если описываются события, происходящие последовательно одно за другим,

Если описываются события, происходящие последовательно одно за другим, используем Past SimplePeter

используем Past Simple
Peter had played football before he went

to walk.

Peter played football, had dinner, did his homework and then he went to walk.

Слайд 28 Make special questions
When we arrived we realized that

Make special questionsWhen we arrived we realized that the manager had

the manager had reserved the wrong room for us. 

I left my friend’s house I realised that I had forgotten the keys. 
We had bought the goods by that time
We hadn’t reached the airport when it began to snow. 
It was the third serious mistake you had made.
We had hardly arrived at the hotel, when it started to rain. 

Слайд 29 Let’s practice
Mike (to know) many boys before he

Let’s practiceMike (to know) many boys before he (to come) to

(to come) to a new school.
Mike had known

many boys before he came to a new school.
2. David (to learn) English before he (to go) to America.
David had learnt English before he went to America.
3. Mary (to get up), (to wash), (to have breakfast) and (to go) to school.
Mary got up, washed, had breakfast and went to school.

Слайд 30 before


Слайд 31

Раскройте скобки и

Раскройте скобки

и поставьте глаголы в Past Simple или Past Perfect.
It was the first time I (see) this film.
It was the first time I had seen this film.
2. It was quite at home when I (get), so I (go) straight home.
It was quite at home when I got, so I went straight home.
3. He was driving along the forest when suddenly he (see) a car which (break) down, so we (stop) to see if we could help.
He was driving along the forest when suddenly he saw a car which had broken down, so we stopped to see if we could help.
4.Mary (lend) Dick some money only after he (promise) to give it back the next day.
Mary lent Dick some money only after he had promised to give it back the next day.

Слайд 32 5.I (intend) to repair the car, but I

5.I (intend) to repair the car, but I ran out of

ran out of time.
I had intended to repair the

car, but I ran out of time.
6. David (eat) Chinese food before so he (know) what to order.
David had eaten Chinese food before so he knew what to order.
7. He (open) the door that he (unlock) before.
He opened the door that he had unlocked before.
8. When she (open) the fridge she (find) that her flat mate Lucy (drink) all the milk.
When she opened the fridge she found that her flat mate Lucy had drunk all the milk.

Слайд 33 9. This was the third cake you (eat)

9. This was the third cake you (eat) this morning.This was

this morning.
This was the third cake you had eaten

this morning.
10. The minister hardly (start) his speech he was interrupted.
The minister had hardly started his speech he was interrupted.

11. That (be) the best time I ever (have) here.
That was the best time I had ever had here.
12. It (be) the third serious mistake you (make) here.
It was the third serious mistake you had made here.

Слайд 34 1. When he had finished his work, he

1. When he had finished his work, he called his friend.

called his friend.
Когда он закончил свою работу, он

позвонил другу.

2. I саmе to the library after Doris had left
Я пришел в библиотеку после того, как Дорис (уже) ушла.

З. The rain had stopped before wе started оur trip to Ваltimorе.
Дождь прекратился до начала нашей поездки в Балтимор.

Перевести на русский

Слайд 35 We had finished our work when he came.

We had finished our work when he came. Мы уже закончили

Мы уже закончили свою работу, когда он пришел.
2. He

told me that he had spoken to the manager about it.
Он сказал мне, что говорил об этом с директором.
3. He bought a new watch yesterday as he had lost his old. Он вчера купил новые часы, так как потерял свои старые.
4. We looked through the catalogues which they had sent us. Мы просмотрели каталоги, которые они нам прислали.
5. As we hadn't received an answer to our letter, we sent them a telegram.
Так как мы не получили ответа на наше письмо, мы послали им телеграмму.

Перевести на русский

Слайд 36 1. As I was going to the

1. As I was going to the station, it began to

station, it began to rain.
Fortunately, I

had taken an umbrella and (had) put on a coat.
Когда я шел на станцию, начался дождь.
К счастью, я взял с собой зонтик и надел пальто.
I received a letter from my brother yesterday. I had not heard from him for a long time.
Я получил вчера письмо от брата. Я долгое время не получал от него известий.

Перевести на русский

Слайд 37 Когда он приехал, мы уже пообедали.
When he arrived

Когда он приехал, мы уже пообедали.When he arrived we had had

we had had dinner.
2. Он предложил перекусить, перед тем

как начнем готовиться к экзамену, так как он ничего не ел с утра.
He offered to have a snack before we begin to prepare for our examination because he hadn’t eaten anything since morning.
3. Она как раз вошла в дом, как только я ей позвонила.
She had just entered the house as I called her.
4. Алиса пожаловалась, что потеряла ключ.
Alice complained that she had lost her key.
5. Впервые она была такой доброй с детьми.

It was the first time when she had been so kind with children.

Перевести на английский

Слайд 38 6. Когда я проснулся, жена уже отвела дочку

6. Когда я проснулся, жена уже отвела дочку в школу.When I

в школу.
When I woke up, the wife had already

taken a daughter to the kindergarten.
7. Он намеревался начать свое дело, но потратил деньги.
He had intended to start a business, but he spent the money.
8. Я обнаружила, что забыла зонтик в автобусе, когда пошел дождь.
I realized that I had forgotten the umbrella in the bus, when it rained.
9. Это был единственный раз, когда я опоздал на работу.
It was the only time when I had been late for a job.

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