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Презентация на тему по английскому языку Символы Великобритании

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
British Symbols The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland Each country in Britain has its own patron saint and floral emblem England The Tudor rose is the national floral emblem of England. It Thistle is a prickly-leaved purple flower which was first used in the The national flower of Wales is the daffodil, which is traditionally worn The national flower of Northern Ireland is the shamrock, a three-leaved plant The United Kingdom flag was officially adopted on January 1, 1801. the Union Jack The flag of the UK is a combination of the flags of the Union Jack Dating to the 12th century, the historic cross of St. Andrew was The flag of England - St George’s Cross The flag of Ireland - St Patrick Cross Royal Banner of the King or Queen of the United Kingdom Today. The Royal Banner of England Scottish Royal bannerThe Royal Flag of Scotland, or Rampart Lion, features a The gold harp David's Harp was the National Banner of Ireland for Many Centuries The Welsh flag This flag was officially adopted in 1959, but the UK Royal Coat-of-Arms In The Royal Sealwe see the Lions, and the Unicorn. The Harp Unofficial Coat of Arms The Other British symbols TartanTartans are an internationally recognized symbol of Scotland. Highlanders wore clothes with British souvenirs Resources http://www.enchantedlearning.com/geography/flags/colors/black.shtmlhttp://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/index.htm
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The United Kingdom
of Great Britain
and Northern

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


Слайд 3 England
Northern Ireland

England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland

Слайд 4 Each country in Britain has its own patron

Each country in Britain has its own patron saint and floral emblem

saint and floral emblem

Слайд 5 England
The Tudor rose is the national floral

England The Tudor rose is the national floral emblem of England.

emblem of England. It symbolizes the end of the

Wars of the Roses.

Слайд 6 Thistle is a prickly-leaved purple flower which was

Thistle is a prickly-leaved purple flower which was first used in

first used in the 15th century as a symbol

of defence. The thistle has been a Scottish symbol for more than 500 years. It was found on ancient coins and coats of arms.


The national flower of Scotland is the thistle

Слайд 7 The national flower of Wales is the daffodil,

The national flower of Wales is the daffodil, which is traditionally

which is traditionally worn on St. David’s Day.

Слайд 8 The national flower of Northern Ireland is the

The national flower of Northern Ireland is the shamrock, a three-leaved

shamrock, a three-leaved plant similar to clover. It is

a symbol of trinity

Northern Ireland

Слайд 9 The United Kingdom flag was officially adopted on

The United Kingdom flag was officially adopted on January 1, 1801. the Union Jack

January 1, 1801.
the Union Jack

Слайд 10 The flag of the UK is a combination

The flag of the UK is a combination of the flags

of the flags of England (the cross of St.

George), Scotland (the cross of St. Andrew), and Ireland (the cross of St. Patrick).

Слайд 11 the Union Jack

the Union Jack

Слайд 12 Dating to the 12th century, the historic cross

Dating to the 12th century, the historic cross of St. Andrew

of St. Andrew was first hoisted in 1512. Also

known as the Saltire, it is one of the oldest country flags. The Saltire is a flag with a diagonal cross whose arms extend to the corners of the flag

The flag of Scotland - St Andrew’s Cross

Слайд 13 The flag of England - St George’s Cross

The flag of England - St George’s Cross The flag of Ireland - St Patrick Cross

The flag of Ireland - St Patrick Cross

Слайд 14 Royal Banner of the King or Queen of

Royal Banner of the King or Queen of the United Kingdom Today.

the United Kingdom Today.

Слайд 15 The Royal Banner of England

The Royal Banner of England

Слайд 16 Scottish Royal banner
The Royal Flag of Scotland, or

Scottish Royal bannerThe Royal Flag of Scotland, or Rampart Lion, features

Rampart Lion, features a traditional red lion on a

gold field. It is widely used as a second national flag.

Слайд 17 The gold harp
David's Harp was the National

The gold harp David's Harp was the National Banner of Ireland for Many Centuries

Banner of Ireland for Many Centuries

Слайд 18 The Welsh flag
This flag was officially adopted

The Welsh flag This flag was officially adopted in 1959, but

in 1959, but the red dragon (possibly Roman in

origin) has been associated with Wales for many centuries. The green and white background stripes represent the House of Tudor, a Welsh dynasty that once held the English throne.

Слайд 19 UK Royal Coat-of-Arms

UK Royal Coat-of-Arms

Слайд 20 In The Royal Seal
we see the Lions, and

In The Royal Sealwe see the Lions, and the Unicorn. The

the Unicorn. The Harp of David, and the standing

Red Lion.  Lions with royal crowns. The words: "DIEU ET MON DROIT" which are Latin and mean:  "God And My Right"

Слайд 21 Unofficial Coat of Arms
The "Three Lions" is

Unofficial Coat of Arms The

the unofficial crest of England and was first used

by Richard I (Richard the Lionheart) in the late 12th century.

Слайд 22 Other British symbols

Other British symbols

Слайд 23 Tartan
Tartans are an internationally recognized symbol of Scotland.

TartanTartans are an internationally recognized symbol of Scotland. Highlanders wore clothes

Highlanders wore clothes with distinctive striped or checked patterns,

and the growth of clan and family tartans became popular in the mid-18th century

Слайд 24 British souvenirs

British souvenirs

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  • Количество просмотров: 181
  • Количество скачиваний: 1