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Презентация на тему Подготовка к устной части ЕГЭ. Описание фотографии.

In your talk remember to speak about:when you took the photowhat/who is in the photowhat is happeningwhy you took the photowhy you decided to show the picture to your friend
Описание картинки In your talk remember to speak about:when you took the photowhat/who is when you took the photo I took this photo last summer when what/who is in the photo 1 1. In the photo you can what/who is in the photo 2. 2. Where in the picture? The What is happening? He/she is …- ing They are …- ing Why did you take the photo? 1 Я сделал это фото:Чтоб запомнить Why did you take the photo? 2I took this photo because…- I Why did you decide to show the photo to your friend? I Поместите здесь ваш текстОпишите одну из картинок
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 In your talk remember to speak about:
when you

In your talk remember to speak about:when you took the photowhat/who

took the photo
what/who is in the photo
what is happening

you took the photo
why you decided to show the picture to your friend

Слайд 3 when you took the photo
I took this photo

when you took the photo I took this photo last summer

last summer when I was in…

I took this photo

during my … holidays

Я сделал это фото прошлым летом когда я был в….

Я сделал это фото во время моих…. каникул

Слайд 4 what/who is in the photo 1
1. In the

what/who is in the photo 1 1. In the photo you

photo you can see или In the photo there

is/there are …
People (relatives, friends, classmates…)
age / appearance / clothes
size / colour

Слайд 5 what/who is in the photo 2. 2. Where in

what/who is in the photo 2. 2. Where in the picture?

the picture?
The central focus of the picture is…
On the

right/left there is/are...
There is/are ... in the background
The people in the picture are ...
The people in the picture look happy because ...
The people in the picture seem sad  because ...
The general atmosphere in the picture is positive because...
The weather in the picture is...

Слайд 6 What is happening?
He/she is …- ing
They are

What is happening? He/she is …- ing They are …- ing

…- ing

Слайд 7 Why did you take the photo? 1
Я сделал

Why did you take the photo? 1 Я сделал это фото:Чтоб

это фото:
Чтоб запомнить один из самых лучших дней в

моей жизни
Чтоб показать поим родителям, которых не было со мной в этот день

I took this photo
to memorize one of the best days of my holidays

-to show it to my parents who were not with me that day

Слайд 8 Why did you take the photo? 2
I took this

Why did you take the photo? 2I took this photo because…-

photo because…
- I always take photos when I visit

new places.
- I like to shoot everything that interests me.
- I like taking pictures of people who I am travelling with.
- I like to take scenery pictures.
- my friend asked me to photograph his/her in front of…

Я сделал это фото потому что…

Я всегда фотографирую, когда посещаю новые места
Я люблю фотографировать все, что меня интересует
Я люблю фотографировать людей с которыми путешествую
Мне нравится снимать пейзажи
Мой друг попросил сделать фото на фоне….

Слайд 9 Why did you decide to show the photo

Why did you decide to show the photo to your friend?

to your friend?
I decided to show the photo to

my friend because…

it is one of the best I took during my trip
• It shows one of the most exciting moments of my trip
• unfortunately he/she couldn’t be with us on that day.

Я решил показать это фото другу, потому что….

Это самое лучшее фото сделанное во время путешествия
Оно показывает самый лучший момент путешествия
К сожалению ее/ его не было с нами в этот день

  • Имя файла: podgotovka-k-ustnoy-chasti-ege-opisanie-fotografii.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 163
  • Количество скачиваний: 2