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Презентация на тему к уроку английского языка Мода

The first impression we make almost fully depends on what we wear and how we wear it. So “present” yourself skillfully is a talent. Teenagers as well as adualts try to keep up-to-date and follow fashion
Fashion show The first impression we make almost fully depends on what we wear Taking into consideration all there aspects I am going to present 3 Casual clothesCasual clothes wish a sporty look are popular. Have a look Party clothesI hope this long party dress made of green patterned silk School clothesI’d like to drow your attention to this comfortable school uniform. Mutalimi Eduard and Sarkisova ArevikI’d be glad if my ideas of fashionable
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The first impression we make almost fully depends

The first impression we make almost fully depends on what we

on what we wear and how we wear it.

So “present” yourself skillfully is a talent. Teenagers as well as adualts try to keep up-to-date and follow fashion so many of them prefer trendy clothes, created by fashion disigners. However some of them dress like everyone else. They are not keen on being in fashion. But all teenagers are found of comfortable clothers that make them fell good.

Слайд 3 Taking into consideration all there aspects I am

Taking into consideration all there aspects I am going to present

going to present 3 pieces of teenagers clothing: casual,

party and school clothes.

Слайд 4 Casual clothes
Casual clothes wish a sporty look are

Casual clothesCasual clothes wish a sporty look are popular. Have a

popular. Have a look at there black trousers and

long-sleeved shirt made of striped grey and white cotton.

Слайд 5 Party clothes
I hope this long party dress made

Party clothesI hope this long party dress made of green patterned

of green patterned silk with a small collar will

be to your liking.

Слайд 6 School clothes
I’d like to drow your attention to

School clothesI’d like to drow your attention to this comfortable school

this comfortable school uniform. It consists of a plain

blue skirt, a white blouse and a plain blue long-sleeved jacket.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-uroku-angliyskogo-yazyka-moda.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 195
  • Количество скачиваний: 7