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Презентация на тему Strategies for Classroom Management

Question 1 What strategies create a classroom that promotes student learning?
Strategies for Classroom Management Preseter: Saadat GuliyevaAzETA Shirvan Branch24.01.2015 Question 1 What strategies create a classroom that promotes student learning? Key Idea Your proactive,appreciative classroom management will    affect your Some ideasSet the tone the first week of schoolEstablish routines and rulesOrganize Strategy 1:Create an effective learning environmentWhat to do the first week of Climate settingGreet Ss at the classroom(Cl) door & tell them what to Climate settingClearly communicate learning oblectives,give simple instructions,& structure lessons to accommodate Ss’ Create communityDevelop a set of written behavior expectations with the class that Strategy 2: Establish classroom proceduresClassroom procedures communicate how to do daily activities.Teach Strategy 3: Create a motivational environment The following classroom conditions and Strategy 3: Create a motivational environmentTeach to different learning styles. For example, Help your students learn betterMore than 20000 years ago the Chinese philosopher
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Слайд 2 Question 1
What strategies create a classroom that

Question 1 What strategies create a classroom that promotes student learning?

promotes student learning?

Слайд 3 Key Idea Your proactive,appreciative classroom management will

Key Idea Your proactive,appreciative classroom management will  affect your students’performance,implimenting,the

affect your students’performance,implimenting,the right strategies will make the

difference between a learner-friendly classroom and disorganized classroom.

Слайд 4 Some ideas
Set the tone the first week of

Some ideasSet the tone the first week of schoolEstablish routines and

Establish routines and rules
Organize a learner –friendly classroom
Make every

minite count
Engage students with proactive strategies
Teach life skills of good learning habits and self-reliance
Maximize use of scarce resourses
Use project design and management prosses

Слайд 5 Strategy 1:Create an effective learning environment
What to do

Strategy 1:Create an effective learning environmentWhat to do the first week

the first week of school ?
Arrange the room to

facilitate your proximity to Ss and your mobility.

Be prepared! You do not yet know your Ss’ abilities and behaviors so have alternative and backup activities ready.

Слайд 6 Climate setting
Greet Ss at the classroom(Cl) door &

Climate settingGreet Ss at the classroom(Cl) door & tell them what

tell them what to do when they enter the

Cl.For ex.on day1, introduce yourself ,ask their names,& assign their seats. On day 2,greet Ss by name wheneever possible & indicate they are to do the one –minite assignment you have written on the board as soon as they get to their seats.
Tell Ss about yourself.
Teach subject content from day 1.Keep lessons focused & doable for the length of the class.

Слайд 7 Climate setting
Clearly communicate learning oblectives,give simple instructions,& structure

Climate settingClearly communicate learning oblectives,give simple instructions,& structure lessons to accommodate

lessons to accommodate Ss’ knowledge & skills.
End class with

a routine that summerizes the day’s accomplishments,reminds Ss what they need to do to prepare for the next day,ensures materials are put away,&leaves the room clean.

Слайд 8 Create community
Develop a set of written behavior expectations

Create communityDevelop a set of written behavior expectations with the class

with the class that you can live with and

consistently enforce.
Establish cooperative learning groups, give tips for working as a group,& practice group work by accomplishing needed task.
Make parents your allies when you meet them. Describe your positive S expectations, briefly explain classroom rules, and indicate your willingness to meet with parents.

Develop a set of written behavior expectations with the class that you can live with and consistently enforce.
Establish cooperative learning groups, give tips for working as a group,& practice group work by accomplishing needed task.
Make parents your allies when you meet them. Describe your positive S expectations, briefly explain classroom rules, and indicate your willingness to meet with parents.

Слайд 9 Strategy 2: Establish classroom procedures
Classroom procedures communicate how

Strategy 2: Establish classroom proceduresClassroom procedures communicate how to do daily

to do daily activities.
Teach & model procedures until they

Use a procedure to begin student work
Have students sit at their desks or in their groups.
Have everyone get out the materials needed.
Make sure all eyes are on you-use nonverbal cues.
Point to posted assignment and state instructions.
Test understanding by asking Ss,”What’s the first step?” or “What are you suuposed to do now?”
Work the first few questions or problems as a class & have Ss record the answers.
Walk around the classroom until you are sure all Ss are on task.

Слайд 10 Strategy 3: Create a motivational environment
The following classroom

Strategy 3: Create a motivational environment The following classroom conditions

conditions and strategies will help create a classroom climate

that encourages learning.
Create an attractive, enriched environment. Get Ss involved by asking them to decorate their own classroom. Use S work to decorate when possible , to validate the work & to show examples of good work.
Develop lessons at a level that challenges Ss but is not too difficult or confusing.
Give clear directions. Ask Ss to repeat the directions.
Engage all Ss actively. For example, while one S makes a presentation, other Ss take notes or use a rubric to assess the presentation.
Demonstrate consistently that you believe all Ss will learn. For example,use short positive words to praise good work & behavior (e.g. great idea, fantastic ,good job, sensational, super.)

Слайд 11 Strategy 3: Create a motivational environment
Teach to different

Strategy 3: Create a motivational environmentTeach to different learning styles. For

learning styles. For example, write key words on the

board or use a diagram or visiual,& so on.
Vary lesson presentations to keep teaching from going stale. Limit lectures or presentations to 15 minutes before directing a S activity. Break the class period into two or three different activities(e.g. lecture,group work,report out). Be sure each activity segues smoothly into the next.
Structure learning experiences so Ss feel successful. Develop activities at an appropriate level of difficulty and consider ways they can participate at 2 or 3 levels so all Ss can succeed.
Set clear behavior expectations and consistently rainforce expectations

  • Имя файла: strategies-for-classroom-management.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 228
  • Количество скачиваний: 1